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Everything posted by TheGermanBastard

  1. I would appreciate thoughts on age and school of this Tsuba. Thank you
  2. Does anybody know what school this set of Fuchi / Kashira belongs to? Made of iron. Thank you
  3. I think the 2nd Tsuba whch I had posted could be a flower wheel theme?
  4. Hello, thank you very much, This is most helpfull. I suppose that the auction house has placed the wrong Tsuba in that box then for sure as the one fitted is signed. Could it be this tsuba that is to go with the box?
  5. Thank you very much. That is interesting. Can you also say what the writing says? Is there a way to legitimate the writing? Thank you
  6. I would very much appreciate help on the inscription on that Tsuba box. Maybe someone also can tell whose seals are those please. Thank you.
  7. Thank you for your thoughts
  8. Thank you for your thoughts. Those Menuki are pretty small 2 cm. Even if solid gold the mere metal value is probably not much. I am very undecided on the quality of the Menuki themselves and feel I'd rather pass on them.
  9. I was looking into buying theme and did not want to overpay.
  10. Thank you for the thoughts, Does anybody have a cheap oppinion on the value? Thank you
  11. I wonder which smithes would only use a bare Aoi Mon as a mean to sign?
  12. TheGermanBastard

    Rat Tsuba

    Well ... http://www.japaneseswordbooksandtsuba.com/store/tsuba-%26-kodogu/t368-published-iron-sukashi-tsuba-rat-%26-daikon
  13. I wonder abou the school of these Menuki and wheter they are Gold or Bronce?
  14. TheGermanBastard

    Rat Tsuba

    I would love to see a snapshot of that mentioned book page please. Don't be shy!
  15. TheGermanBastard

    Rat Tsuba

    Talk is cheap. Post a picture of the publisherd Tsuba instead. Then everybody can compare the one in the book with this one http://www.militaria.co.za/nmb/topic/29008-rat-tsuba/?do=findComment&comment=294149 and be their own judge wheter it is the VERY SAME Tsuba or maybe this is a copy of an original. Until then I stay with my idiotic assumption that it is likely cast, more certain of poor quality and for sure nothing I would buy. Anybody less stupid than me take your chance to buy a published Tsuba with provenance on eBay from a dealer for dirt cheap money. Good luck!
  16. TheGermanBastard

    Rat Tsuba

    Genuine. Late Edo. Likely cast. Poor quality. I would not buy it
  17. Thank you very much. I would never have guessed that. Just the Nobu Kanji is very abstract - or very Gimei
  18. I'd appreciate a reading of this Mei. Thank you
  19. Hello Ray, well done! I was intending to write down it could be Sue Koto Mino just for fun as this is one of the worst scenarios. That is the kind of blade I would like to pick up cheap for the fun in getting a surprise - but preferably one that I am not buried with for ever. At 3.5k ü polishing this is probably a deep grave ...
  20. Well, first of all that is no Sayagaki which I would put in any confidence. It is two Kanji, no name, no kao no nothing that would add any creditability. Then we have about a douzen smithes that go by that name with a single that is remarkable.BUt of course any wishfull thinking and thus bidding would less to this specific smith. The images provided by the seller were horrible. My own thinbking would be that based onb the images hardly anybody with bains would thrown in a lot of money. Uppon much asking I got some extra pics. To the best of my guessing there is a big fukure. It is not well visible in my image due to the highlighting but there is mor eindication of a perfectly round air pocket like blister. The seller failed to send me more images of this spot. I could not see clearly see any kind of Hamon. My vague guessing would be more of a Suguha. Bit again that is just guessing. The sugata also does not help me much. I would tend to lean towards a Nambokucho blade ... but it could be Muromachi, too. The seller should be very motivated to not accept returns as he originally had stated, especially since he probably never expected to get so much money and never will get it again. had this blade come from one of the usual suspects I believe it would have fetched no way near 1k. So it seems someone was treasure hunting huge time based on two Kanji on a Shirasaya. Who knows maybe they hit it big time. Maybe we might get to know if it eiher reappears or there will be a Juyo attribution to that smith in an upcoming Shinsa.
  21. I think that one should honor a sellers terms and bid accordingly. I believe there is a bad fukure. Anybody paying so much should ask for more images unless money does not matter to them. So let's see if it will turn up again ...
  22. The seller did say he does not accept returns.
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