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Everything posted by Kurikata

  1. Thank You Sebastien. I do not have this catalog and it is documentation to bring "History" to this Tsuba. Thank you again Bruno
  2. Thank you for your help . And what about the school? Sorry to insist.... Bruno P.
  3. Hello, I would like some one to helping translating this siganture. I have the first easy Kanji for sure (Masa) but what about the second one ? Is it taka ? Is this Tsuba Somin school? Thank you for your help Bruno P.
  4. Good morning out of France, Sebastien V. was so NMB addicted :D than I couldn't afford not to be a member. Here I am.... I am a Kodogu collector, mainly Tsubas, but interested in all kind of metal inlays, engraving ... I collect them for more than 30 years now and want to continue my way to beter understand Who, When and How Japanese artists did such pieces of art. T Thanks to you members, no doubt that your expertise will help me. See you via this wonderfull forum, in the future.... Best regards Bruno P.
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