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Kurikata last won the day on September 23 2024

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    Bruno P.

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  1. Thank you. Focusing on 2 kanji I forgot to see the entire signature. Thank you again.
  2. As the title of this thread mention it, I have modestly achieved to decypher : Mune Kane. Can you confirm?
  3. Thank you all of you for your investigations. Another enigma to solve. I'll try to find similar tsuba on the web sites . Perhaps by similarities I'll be able to discover what is its origin and school.
  4. Thank you so much Steve and Uwe for your efforts to find the Smith name. After googling all kanji and translation, nothing relevant was displayed. Only jūgatsu as being october (10th month) was clearly understable to me. Thank you again.
  5. Thank you Jean, Please find herewith a picture of this tsuba.
  6. Thank you Jean for your interest. I hope someone will be able to decypher the signature. I have found one : 心 being Shin (1st Kanji on the left side)
  7. Any help in translating these kanji would be highly appreciated. Many thanks
  8. My Shonai Shoami Tsuba......Definitively all tsuba of this style are described as belonging to Shonai School.
  9. Thank you, all of you for your comments which give me a little confidence in the fact that this tsuba is indeed Japanese. I do not avoid the fact that it might be a modern copy because of its weight [0,3 kg] and thickness [0,8 cm].
  10. Hi NMB experts, Is this tsuba Japanese or Chinese ? What are your views ? Thank you.
  11. Price is now €250 or $270 plus shipping fee and payment fee.
  12. ceramic vases made by a French designer
  13. Hi Piers, This signature is on a kozuka on the Ura face (which is unusual). I'll take your proposal for more research.
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