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Kurikata last won the day on September 23 2024

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    Bruno P.

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  1. Thank you, all of you for your comments which give me a little confidence in the fact that this tsuba is indeed Japanese. I do not avoid the fact that it might be a modern copy because of its weight [0,3 kg] and thickness [0,8 cm].
  2. Hi NMB experts, Is this tsuba Japanese or Chinese ? What are your views ? Thank you.
  3. Price is now €250 or $270 plus shipping fee and payment fee.
  4. ceramic vases made by a French designer
  5. Hi Piers, This signature is on a kozuka on the Ura face (which is unusual). I'll take your proposal for more research.
  6. Thank you Ron and Barry, Indeed pronunciation can vary from a context to another one. I discovered that 起 can be read as "OKI" even "O". But Haynes doe not disclose any artist with these kanji as KI ICHI KI KAZU OKI ICHI OKI KAZU O ICHI 0 KAZU
  7. Hello without answers I tried to make more homework and succeeded in finding this Kanji (KI): 起 Therefore the signature might be KI ICHI. 起一 My problem: I cannot find any artist with such a signature .... Can you bring some information ? Thank you
  8. Under you consideration, I sell this mumei Fuchi Kashira made of Shibuichi representing young horses (Wakakoma zu). Fuchi size: 3,7 X 2,2 X 1 cm Kashira size: ",3 X 1,6 X O,6 cm Price € 300 or $ 310
  9. Thank you so much Steve and Markus for your strong support
  10. Thank you once again for you help !
  11. Please , can someone translate this signature ? Thank you
  12. I have the obvious second kanji " Ichi". But what about out the first one ? Thank you for your help !
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