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Everything posted by doomsdaymachine

  1. Just picked up a katana in nice t98 mounts with an old blade on the cheap! Like to get some info if at all possible. Signed with a 2 character KaneMoto, and definitely not THAT Kanemoto. Does anyone have info on other Kanemoto that signed like this? Looks mino, with a loose sanbonsugi. edited to add: It's looong, too. 28" nagasa, exactly.
  2. Is it the same signature as the one near the end of this? http://www.militaria.co.za/nmb/topic/2802-nice-kozuka-with-kogatana/ Tashiro Genichi Kanemoto tsukuru?
  3. Dont know why the pictures are oriented that way.
  4. Long time no post! I have this worn kogatana and am having trouble with the mei. All I can get is the last three of kane kore tsukuru. Any help?
  5. drilled mekugi ana and assembly paint is total showa, though...
  6. like taking a vintage indian and spray painting it gold...
  7. i paid less for this than i would a motorbike helmet; heck, even less than i would pay for a couple tires for my truck. i'm perfectly happy with the investment.
  8. aha! looking at it again, i think you are right. apologies!
  9. thanks alex! the curved stroke in the "kuni' and the angle of small strikes in "zen" are actually the main problems i was finding with the mei as well, the "kuni" being the biggest problem. regardless, i feel i still got a great deal on it. buy for the blade, not the signature, right?
  10. nice shirasaya, at least. imho, it might be worth it for $350 but i would still try to talk them down. those shinae are nasty...can't see much in the way of boshi, either, but who knows. i'm 50/50 so i guess that's not much help. haha!
  11. there are a couple of good polishers in southern california. i'm sure one of them would look at it for you.
  12. yowch. pretty bad shinae... real nihonto though.
  13. i could be wrong, then. i'm terrible at taking pictures, so judging them is equally above my pay grade.
  14. just needs a polish. a good polisher should be able to recall a more original shape.
  15. the acid etching looks glossy, dark and clear. look at the first five in sequence in the last set of pictures. it goes from a more natural, old polish look to a very glassy look. also look at the shiny/hazy areas around the shinogi. looks like sandpapering to me which is used in "hybrid" polishing.
  16. in the first set, the boshi looks intact to me, but mild.
  17. i disagree. looks like a nihonto that hasn't been cared for, was sandpapered with high grit, then acid etched to make it pop.
  18. thank you stephen san! like i said, i bought it because i like the blade. healthy and cool hataraki. the koshirae are so-so. menuki are terrible but the fuchigashira are passable. tsuba is two bags tied together. interesting sayajiri and metal kurigata. i assume it is gimei...but it would be nice if it is shoshin!
  19. here re a couple of pictures. sorry about the quality. i'll try to get better ones tonight. chu suguha with inazuma and a little bit of kinsuji. a hair under 12.5" nagasa
  20. thank you too, schicker san! looking at this piece, it is far too polished for an average shinshinto blade. the ha machi is tiny. there is also some odd color on the nakago, so possibly saiha, i suppose. fine by me, though. i like the mounts. thank you both for the help!
  21. hello again everyone. I picked this tanto up a short while back. It obviously says hizen kuni tadayoshi, and my first instinct was to consider it gimei. i bought it because it is a nice, healthy sunnobi tanto with visible activity in the blade. cheap, too. here is the signature. i will work on some blade shots, but i've only my cell camera...wish me luck! any opinions? it's close to some i've seen online, but not quite close enough for me to be comfortable. big school and all. edit: not sure why it's oriented like that. it's a vertical picture...
  22. thank you, morita san! i looked up marcus meikan. i assume i need to buy the shinto meikan then?
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