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Everything posted by mywei

  1. Not signed bizen koku 剣白靖俊 (Kenbyaku(I think that's the pronunciation) Yasutoshi) Gendaito I think See ref https://www.nipponto...swords8/KT335331.htm
  2. Yes made to commemorate birthday of the Prince It won't be a mass made gunto if that was your question
  3. Wow what a sight for Sor-I's...
  4. Presumably a later generation Nanki Shigekuni if from Kanbun (provided legit mei) Reference https://sword-auction.com/en/product/10252/as21671-刀:於紀州文殊重國造之2代/
  5. 高崎三郎金繁作 Takasaki Saburo Kaneshige saku
  6. I like the boshi Definitely worth resubmitting to shinsa in my opinion
  7. https://www.nipponto...swords2/KT222350.htm Here's a signed (not papered) example of Muromachi Kashu Kagemitsu for reference
  8. Regular looking gunome with some togariba Masame hada, high shinogi Those were what gave off Mino vibes imo
  9. Good one Steve! On internet searching, this is a line from a poem by Yao Xie during the late Qing dynasty (Daoguang era) from his collection "6 poems on the recollection of Spring" 溯春词六章 These paintings were part of a collection done by Ren Xiong when he was staying at the residence of the poet Yao Xie You can see the original of yours (currently in the Palace Museum, Beijing) https://www.sohu.com/a/696208913_121123848 More proficient Chinese speakers please correct me, but my understanding of the line would be something like Being still/quiet lest the parrot wakes, Standing thus 'til the fall of dusk
  10. This looks like a work in the Mino style in my opinion (I might be wrong ofc) If you're thinking Kashu Kagemitsu you would expect some similarity to Sanekage work due to lineage but I can't see that here
  11. Thought I'd share an interesting find of something I've not commonly seen I wonder if others have come across other similar works? Kurihara Nobuhide Utsushi of a Heian period chokuto https://www.samurai-....net/SHOP/O-742.html
  12. Mumei Sendai Kinko Silver Ishimeji Gold gilt (mekki 鍍金)
  13. Unsigned Shinto or later wakizashi would be more doable for your price range I would surmise...guess you never know, may be a great deal to be had somewhere...
  14. Could this be naginata zukuri rather than naginata naoshi? It looks ubu to my eyes and the naginata hi is complete and all above the nakago Interesting
  15. Hard to say regarding age, other details etc without photos of overall shape and due to condition of blade Genuine nihonto, likely has been shortened in the past (known as suriage) I think
  16. Yamamoto Ichiro Almost like a Japanese version of 'John Smith' type of very common generic name
  17. Uda Kunihisa Multiple generations from Oei to Muromachi period I believe Some references examples for comparison (differing generations) https://www.touken-s...uda_kunihisa-01.html https://www.toukenko...i&katanaA060121.html https://www.nipponto...swords7/KY333285.htm
  18. 武嶋寿孝 Takeshima Toshitaka
  19. mywei


    btw check out the hada on this 8th generation https://www.samurai-....net/SHOP/O-836.html
  20. Interesting that the nengo looks to have been deliberately filed away...
  21. Musashi daijo Fujiwara Korekazu Shinto, Ishido school
  22. Technically a katana in length (just) - NBTHK certificate also states it is a katana
  23. Echigo kuni Sadaroku Found this thread for your ref, might even be the same blade
  24. Kitaehada (鍛肌) refers to the forging pattern that appears with forging/folding of the metal - can probably apply to both swords and metalworked tsuba
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