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Everything posted by mywei

  1. Yes I agree Showa 18, Autumn
  2.  播磨赤穂住正阿弥政員 Harima Ako ju Shoami Masakazu
  3. Gendaito
  4. Might be dated Showa 54 actually
  5. Photo is really grainy so can't make out much. Can see ".... Mune saku" 宗作 Not sure why a smith would go out of their way to throw shade at a city in another country
  6. My condolences. An inspiring craftsman dedicated to his art
  7. 正幸之作 Masayuki kore saku
  8. 35 Started in my early 20s
  9. That seems a bit sub-optimal in terms of shinsa quality?
  10. From a purely financial standpoint, you will not recoup the cost of restoration/proper polishing on these blades if you choose to resell later, even if signature is authentic But if there's sentimental value then I'd say go for it
  11. https://eirakudo.sho...izashi/detail/319916 This example doesn't have a nengo
  12. Would the NBTHK likely paper this to Sengo school instead of Kodai Muramasa?
  13. This is a lesser known smith so I can't be sure There's only one smith listed that signed with this mei in my references (see picture) - Yamato, Tenbun era, Sue-Tegai lineage Hope that helps
  14. The mei is Nanto ju Fujiwara Nobukiyo I think Muromachi, Kanabo school See ref signature on this naginata - https://sanmei.com/c...ia/T221936_Y1406.htm
  15. Maybe 相州住?正次 Soshu ju Masatsugu Looks a bit haphazardly cut...
  16. Could be 切物 義之 i.e carving done by Yoshiyuki Are there any bohi/soebi etc on the blade?
  17. Suifu ju Katsumura Hitachi (no) Suke Minamoto Masakatsu saku
  18. Choshu Hagi Kanenobu
  19. Hojoji Echizen (no) Kami Tachibana Masateru I'm not experienced with this school but the signature looks fairly well done See reference http://www.seikeido....swords/masateru.html
  20. Sagami Kuni ju Tsunahiro Osuriage Mumei Jidai Eisho era 1st generation 沸本位出来宜敷侯 - Nie based, good workmanship
  21. 平鎭教 Taira Shizunori According to reference, Bungo Takada See ref: https://www.e-sword....isashi/2110-2061.htm
  22. Looks like Rai Kunihisa 来国久
  23. mywei

    Loom motif?

    I guess the only way we'll have an official answer is if someone submits it to for shinsa!...
  24. mywei

    Loom motif?

    Yeah I had my doubts that it was actually depicting a loom, but not really sure what it is actually meant to be!
  25. mywei

    Loom motif?

    Hey guys, Just wanted to confirm the motif of these menuki and kogai https://www.aoijapan...t-of-tosogu-mumei-2/ Is it a loom/weaving machine as described? And if so, what is the significance of this motif (if any)? And have any of you guys seen similar motif on other pieces? Just seems to be a curious object to put on tosogu
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