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Everything posted by TosoguCz

  1. Hello, as for the menuki depends on a method used for assembly with the back sheet. But single menuki are rarely sellable for a reasonable price, At least 4-5 of all the kozuka are much higher level of craftsmanship than menuki. If there weren't holes their value could be quite good. Although some of them could be saved by filling the holes by the same material and by making an even type of surface. But the intervention will remain still obvious especially on smooth surface. Although, even with the holes they can be quite nice study pieces.
  2. As I realized these alloys were used for cast pieces. I doubt it was used for handmade pieces.
  3. As for the mentioned price, athough I haven't seen the mentioned koshirae, to make hiqh quality koshirae would cost even more. I can make you matching missing parts for your saya if you are interested send me an email please.
  4. More silver tachi parts on the left. For more info about me and other works visit my website please. http://www.tosogu.cz
  5. These are finished fittings so far for a complete efu tachi set I am copperating with Japanese craftsmen on. Nakago ana on the tsuba, fuchi, kashira are not finished because need to be fitted on nakago with a habaki.
  6. Types of lacquer on saya: Tree bark imitation-juhi mitateai Cherry tree bark imittion-sakurgawa nuri Middle part - Nashiji by seashell.
  7. From a metal worker's point of view they are not so special at all. I have seen an original from an officer's dirk made of brass, though. There is usual metric M4 thread. The bolts are made with big crest clearance. So nothing precise. 100USD is really nonsense, 40USD is about reasonable price. Good metalworker with a lathe and a milling machine can make these for much less. I can make them including patina but don't have a lathe. To adjust old bolts won't work because these have no normalized measurements and would be lmost impossible to fasten them into a lathe chuck anyway. I let you know when I have access to a lathe or buy one.
  8. TosoguCz

    Tsuba Id

    Hello, they are both cast.
  9. I am sorry if you don't see it, but to teach such experienced NMB squad how to look at menuki construction seems to me be inadequate according my humble experience. So continue without me please.
  10. Although I didn't see the second pair before I have sent my posts here, by luck I found another set probably from the same mould. The both pairs looks identical at first glance. But they are not. I can't do more for you.
  11. I don't expect you will agree with me. I am just saying what I see. There is especially one construction detail which determines the making method. It was already mentioned, but it would look differently if it was formed from a sheet of metal. I don't want to argue with anybody. But if these pieces will go to shinsa and will be returned back with the same conclusion, then should be documented that somebody said it.
  12. I wouldn'd send them to shinsa because they are unfortunately cast.
  13. It is not completely matter of blade but rather tsuka. Ancient Japanese were small figure so their tsuka, thus also fuchi were also smaller. Today European and American are much bigger than Japanese in the ancient times, so bigger tsuka means more comfortable grip. Today's usual katana fuchi size for big westerners are aobut 40-41,5mm. But small person can require smaller fuchi about 38-39mm today too. Also fuchi is usually bigger than tsuka in the centre, but bokken have straight tsuka.
  14. According my experience, a mild steel tsuba can ring as good as folded steel, just in different tonality.
  15. TosoguCz

    Kyo Sukashi

    Another example of the same motif.
  16. TosoguCz

    Kyo Sukashi

    Maybe, but I would expect some "studio" standards. But who knows how strict they were. But definitely it is not from the same person.
  17. TosoguCz

    Kyo Sukashi

    Hello, I wouldn't say it is similar enough to assume that it was made by the same person, or in the same shop. Execution of piece in Sasano's book is more fine. The rim is differently shaped and contours of hitsu ana and the flowers are nicely done. I see the same motif but not the similar workmanship at all.
  18. I would definitely avoid using ultrasonic cleaner because vibrations may damage or loose some decorations. For example an ultrasonic cleaner is strong enough to clean/destroy patina on iron. You can see on antique pieces missing parts of decorations such as inlay or nunome zogan as the time goes. If you use U.C. on a piece where are such subtle decorations, you may damage it.
  19. The silver areas with pits are silver solder.
  20. It's standard two-piece construction (probably high quality) gold foiled habaki with pressed pattern. Hard to say which exact pattern it is. It is one of traditional geometric patterns which were used as a cloth decoration. And is suitable for this style of decoration on habaki. A group of these patterns used for foiled habaki is quite limited. It has its Japanese name for sure, but won't expect something too special, but just pattern. I only engraved all habaki in your second image but they are cast pieces for cheap iaido etc. swords. All patterns are based on Japanese patterns used in he past not only on habaki. In case of triangles I just change way of depicting. A customer wanted something unusual.
  21. The steel tendrills were inlayed.
  22. A gilded copper.
  23. Maybe, but as long as I am looking on it the possibility becomes smaller. I don't know what tsuba you mean, but on yours all parts are crooked, it's obvious that it was made by an unpractised hand and eye. Starting seppa dai, felloes, removing around the rim etc. Japanese works have often some inequalities but the overall looks differently... consistent. Of course there were also less skilled craftsmen which works weren't good. But this is different case. After dry, the urushi is probably very resistant to any solvent. Probably only heat can burn it out. But you would have to repatinate it completely anyway.
  24. After examining the photos I can say yes, the workmanship is really bad. Only thing which looks rather naturally are punch marks for sekigane. But also, the style reminds me some modern works. The rest of tsuba is terribly done. Inconsistent edge chamfering, uneven cut-out walls, angles and inner shapes, crooked sawing lines etc. Maybe was used a Japanese tsuba for this, but it can't be considered as a Japanese piece anymore.
  25. Although this tsuba probably refers just to a wheel, there are buddhist wheels with different numbers of felloes with different meanings. For example: http://www.sacred-texts.com/shi/igj/igj09.htm And as I understand, also wheel with a 12 felloes is called dharmachakra.
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