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Mantis dude

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    Ken W. www.Mantisdude.com

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  1. I saw a documentary on the Roman Emperor Constantine who was the one that adopted Christianity as the main religion for Rome. Checking on his military conquest monument in Paris, they wanted to see the imagery being displayed to determine if he was a "true" believer or not. Christianity appealed to lots of Roman soldiers, especially the idea of forgiveness and continuation of the soul in the afterlife. looking at the monument both pagan and Christian symbols were used meaning it seemed he was hedging his bets paying respect to the old and new ways, more of a political move. one pagan image was a halo type symbol that we see Christians start using to depict Christ with. Basically like many other instances in human history, prior religious imagery had morphed into the "new" religion. Was interesting to see how the political side of religion was used along with the evolution of old symbols into new ones. So seeing imagery as both would make sense.
  2. Hi Jake, Just a few simple things to look at- when you look at goto work you are usually looking at excellent and precise execution. Look at the nanako on a verified goto piece. Compare that with yours and you can see there is a big difference in execution and precision. The precision of design and carving in any design a goto artist does is crisp and flows. Look at your horses, they look a bit muddled in comparison. Not trying to knock your piece, just pointing out a few things that caught my eye immediately. I don't know lot about the Goto school but have overtime come across lots of pictures (wish more in hand). You start to see what goes into a quality piece by breaking down the details. There is a reason why the Goto school is so respected. I am guilty as most, looking at the signature 1st. But we always heard from the "older crowd" that the "workmanship confirms the signature " and I understand why now more than when I first started collecting. Why is this so hard to accept? Simply, it points out how much I don't know. Lol. Best of luck and I'm glad you are enjoying what you have.
  3. 1st off- I am away so I can't check but is the " mantis dude" the only one that doesn't have one of those?!! 2nd I don't recall seeing a similar mantis design like the Last one posted. Any details about it? School etc? Awesome taste gentlemen & ladies.
  4. Not limited to tsuba either
  5. Hi all, Yes, I have found many similar designs- most I would attribute to aizu shoami (or just shoami school). although, I have seen many examples from other schools that were more just copies from a design book. I agree with Ian that they are mediocre. I try and focus on other designs now but I do have some with similar look and feel. I also have tsuba that are the same design but each plate is a different shape. I do find it interesting to see them in a group together. Since these aren't great pieces I would be happy to keep them for you guys. Remember to send me your tired, your lonely mantis tosogou. For that matter, I'll take the in shape and happy pieces as well. All the best. Ken
  6. Ojime (bead)
  7. Sorry don't have those articles. But out of curiosity- is the 6th generation the yasuchika that did these rat w/ mirrors and/or rats w/ Chinese scroll? The description describes the rats are piebald and while I hadn't heard that adjective before- it makes sense after looking up piebald • \PYE-bawld\ • adjective. 1 : composed of incongruous parts 2 : of different colors; especially : spotted or blotched with black and white. The rats are gold/ shakudo. Lots of motif examples by Yasuchika. A few Examples: https://www.christie...m/en/lot/lot-5618017 https://www.ebay.com...=ps&mkevt=1&mkcid=28 https://www.ebay.com/itm/326005918226 Thanks, Ken aka "the mantis dude" Mantisdude.com
  8. Collin- I think you may be correct. I don't remember seeing an Iron covered mimi like this, perhaps because of the minimal color difference ( I'm partially color blind and sometimes don't see shades as well). Steve- interesting tidbit if true. I will have to pay more attention and see if this is true. As we all know though, there seems to be exceptions to every rule in this hobby. Thanks for the feedback!
  9. Hi, I picked up this really interesting sukashi tsuba. My initial ideas of school changed when I got it in hand. Size is 7.4cm x Width approx. 7cm. Mimi thickness is approx .8cm & .6 at hitsu-ana. I was thinking possibly Choshu or Bushu. It is iron but i thought the mimi could be shakudo with its black coloring, however a magnet confirmed iron. Echizan Kinai popped into my head and then i found this "The Kinai made guards only, of hard and well forged iron usually coated with the black magnetic oxide" from http://jameelcentre.ashmolean.org/. The bottom of the mimi has some small damage but may actually show the black oxide coating ( tried to photograph it). Would appreciate all comments. Thanks. Ken aka "The Mantis Dude" https://mantisdude.com/
  10. Hi all, I am looking into a fuchi kashira. I just wanted to confirm the signature. Nobu Toshi? Appreciate the help. Thanks Ken
  11. Hi Curran, First off good.to hear from you! As I replied to Jay and put computer down, i thought something goto has to be waki goto but i fell asleep instead of looking it up. i didn't realize they actually papered to waki goto. I am used to hearing waki goto and then the branch but that is probably because anytime i looked up wakigoto it was in association with a particular name (usually a gimei lol). Thanks for the help. The story is an ancient chinese lore basically the king's chariot stopped with a praying mantis raising his claw to the chariot in middle of the road. The king said if i had warriors like that he would rule the world. The Japanese at some point turned it around and changed the lesson to don't be a mantis in the middle of the road (as brave as it is he would get crushed). I am not positive but that moral change is more modern i think. Thanks again. And hope all have good Thanksgivings if you celebrate. Ken
  12. Thanks Jay, i should have been more specific., I'm really looking for the attribution "section". I want to know.who.they are papering it to so i can evaluate it from there. I didn't look at the seller but they way they are selling/ descriptions/ pricing that they aren't regular sellers of this category ( purely a guess on my part which could likely be wrong). Appreciate the input. Ken
  13. Hi all, Just came across.this and was hoping to get some help with translating papers. I believe it says wagon wheels.or chariot wheels and ffigure of praying mantis. mumei. something goto? Maybe shakudo at end It.would take me.forever with trying to decipher handwriting. After the papers i need to.see if the price is crazy... If you didn't realize only interested in the mantis themed one. Appreciate comments thanks. Entire auction link is here https://buyee.jp/item/yahoo/auction/s1021830459?lang=en&rc=yaucc Ken
  14. Usually i am way too far behind to comment or add things and i understand my limited participation these days on nmb i shouldn't be jumping in and commenting. however on reading this beware; i am wondering exactly what you are offering .... Sex for 2 70 yos? Do you except trades? Always looking for mantis themed fittings. Lol. You know you have a problem if you are becoming a street walker for fittings. Ok back to my cave.... However, i would prefer a trade with daughters of said septuagenarians... Depends on the fitting..
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