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Alex A

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Everything posted by Alex A

  1. Depends. If what your selling is appealing If what your selling is priced correctly If the answer is yes to both it will sell, so long as any potential buyer in this "niche" market has the available funds at that time. Need a bit of luck with the timing. As for prices, still holding.
  2. Alex A

    new kantei

    One other thing it mentions in the index, says 3rd Tadayoshi Kaeri is shorter and shows more Nie. small clues.
  3. Alex A

    new kantei

    If i owned it, be happy with either
  4. Alex A

    new kantei

    Interesting Paul. Mainly concentrated on "nijuba and kuichigai-ba." to start with, looked like a chopped old blade hence ended up at Senjuin to start with but then all that went out of the window trying to fit Ko-itame, surprised how relatively rare it seemed back then, mostly mention of mokume. Then on to Hizen. From memory, sure i read somewhere that nijuba and kuichigai-ba. was mainly linked to the 3rd, but looking at the book a short while ago its the 1st. Also, 3 rd is said to have mainly worked in Ko-nie, but 1st Nie. Totally missed the mei, and not a clue without looking in books who wrote what. I do see why 1st is stated in the write up. Suppose only folk that see hundreds of blades by 1st and 3rd would have a real shot. Learned something, thanks.
  5. Preston has a good fair, Preston Arms & Militaria Fair – Buy, Sell and Exchange a Wide Range of Military Collectibles From Many Eras of History (prestonarmsfair.co.uk) Stockport and Liverpool also.
  6. Hi Dave, Was at that one a good few years ago. One of the dealers was looking to get rid of a wak in gunto mounts, only £600. I passed on it and carried on looking around, then a while later found out id passed on a well known Yokoyama smith Polish was not great but it was a chunky old sword and would have took another. Occasionally, get some some decent stuff at these small fairs.
  7. Alex A

    new kantei

    Nice sword! Went from Senjuin to Hizen, then ended up agreeing with the Thomas above.
  8. Thinking about it Jon, i did have one small issue but it was resolved quickly. Bought a sword and it turned up with some rust spots in the Bo-hi (groove), they accepted it back but shipping it back took some time and was a bit of a worry (as shipping swords ALWAYS is). I didnt study the images online as closely as i should have done. There is no rush to buy a sword, hang around for a bit and get to know what you like first. No point buying something then wishing you hadn't, as a lot of folk do when they become interested in these swords. You see some fair deals on Aoi, sometimes great deals though in the sales section below. Usually, new folk have to have the "katana", but tanto or waks can be a better option. Lets face it, you dont need a 70cm blade for study and they can be pretty cumbersome. Shipping is more awkward and then you get the likes of customs and couriers being a little more curious, maybe All depends where you shop, i am but an humble bottom dweller happy with stuff like this Tanto: Kanekishi | Japanese Sword Shop Aoi-Art (aoijapan.com) Nota recommendation, just personal preference and making the point that it does not need to be so expensive. No papers, no need, good saving. Nice signed blade, nice fittings., small, easily studied, easily shipped, happy days. Have fun!
  9. Hi Jon, not had any issues with Aoi in the past with importing to UK, just make sure they state the customs tariff for antiques which is 9706.00.00.00 on the description and add ANTIQUE OVER 100 YEARS OLD.....RELIEF REQUESTED That should do it..
  10. Interesting exercise, main reason for me is thought id have a go as you should do without reaching for books and the internet. Wont bore folk with images of swords from my original choice but there are similarities, all went to pot in the end though, main reason being you doubt you would find any sword made by that smith with those dimensions I suppose unless you look at these swords in hand on a regular basis then it makes it rather difficult. Which most of us dont. Thanks though, lovely sword in great condition.
  11. Mine had a rough life too Life aint easy for a sword named Sue.
  12. Welcome Jon. Great place to learn about Japanese swords and have a laugh.
  13. Good strong name Chris!
  14. What you do Chris is pick a smith who you think it might be then MAKE it fit
  15. Ive got a Sukezane i call Susanne
  16. See if this warms it up Go Yoshiro or Kanemitsu maybe
  17. If folk like yourself spend 10, 20, 30 + years looking at swords everyday, whether in hand or online then i consider your opinion valid, even if not considered "expert"
  18. Is it though ?. Its in great condition, great polish and with great pics, but sure i see small Shintetsu. The Nakago holes look punched, is this something we see on a lot of Naotone and the like? Also looks to be too much character in the steel for that line and weak activity in the hamon like you see in older blades. Funnily enough though, copied Morimitsu, i do hope not Anyways, all good fun
  19. Dunno why folk are saying ShinShinto Likely wrong, but first few pics screamed Bizen to me.
  20. Straight off the bat (excuse clause)............Bizen Osafune Morimitsu, Ouei
  21. Nice swords Bryce, on the wish list but never got around to it. Just reading over the Wak from Aoi again, it says. "It is not Echizen Hori that is regularly seen so it could be engraved later". Sometimes you see terms on Aoi and other places that maybe you knew about but forgot. They mention "Echizen Sori", not looked into it and cant remember but just wondering if deep sori was a trait that ran for a while. I remember Echizen blades where known for their cutting ability. Stumbled across this article that was quite interesting regarding the use of Cavalry in Japan. Did Cavalry Existed in Japan? (gunbai-militaryhistory.blogspot.com)
  22. You sound the right man for the Job Steve, especially being in Tokyo!
  23. According to the index of Japanese swords he made a sword dated to the early1700,s with his son, must have enjoyed teaming up
  24. Yes, heres another fof the same Era Wakizashi: Kaga no Kami Fujiwara Sadahiro - Japanese Sword Online Museum (aoijapan.net)
  25. Dunno John, have you ever seen the last Samurai?
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