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Alex A

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Everything posted by Alex A

  1. You have to consider whether removing steel to sort out certain issues is worth it. The polish on the blade i own is very good, why create hassles to sort chips out,?. Doubt the polish could be done as good, without shipping off to a very experienced and expensive polisher. Preserve, when possible.
  2. Some folks can live with issues, some folks cant. Whatever issue a sword has, always looks a hundred times worse in a picture. I own a blade with a missing tip and a few chips, marks. Don't bother me but some would find it horrendous.
  3. Thanks Sam, good little vids those. Interesting Simon, cheers. Extremely rare to come by a sword like that, nicks and a story from its owner.
  4. Nice one Thomas, that's on the list. Same here with Shinshinto.
  5. For some, like me, like it when blades come with a story or even a little bit of history. Whether an inscription that states made by and made for a certain somebody to a family heirloom with some provenance. Anyone own anything like this or know where there are any write-ups ?
  6. Hi Alexander, i could not easily see the mei on my pc, usually when folk mention "attribution", its usually an unsigned sword. Anyways, i see your problem. Antiques and inflated prices a bad combination, is it worth it if that means taking a possible hit on future re-sale value?, depends on how much you want something and how deep your pockets are, i suppose. Also, sometimes the dream of owning something and the reality after a year of ownership can be two really different experiences. In a recent thread Colin gave some good advice, he said something along the lines of "don't just buy something because its available". Its great advice and i know this from experience, you will never truly appreciate anything you purchase that way and likely sell it in the not to distant future. Look for keepers, quality or something really like, something special. If nothing about then don't buy anything. That's how it goes, jeez, there is stuff myself and others have been hankering after for years. Maybe consider a Wakizashi or Tanto? if nothing available, opens doors to better smiths and quality at a lower price. Good luck with your search.
  7. Aye, you don't want to have a sword turning up with an undisclosed flaw, flaws mentioned in the link Baba put on. That site and others, introductory books should be read before a first purchase. You don't want to make the mistake many do and end up with buyers remorse. Think about what your doing, you ok spending 8k on an unsigned sword ? Maybe you have not seen other sites, like this and many others. https://www.aoijapan.com/
  8. Aye, agree with Thomas. The boshi suggests Koto. Was just considering Takada but the yasurime, again. Be good to see it polished with an attribution.
  9. Hi George. Reminded me more of Bizen than Mino, with the hamon. Initially thought Edo Ishido but the Takanoha you mention dont add up. (off top of head, look and who knows, you may find them) So maybe your right, maybe a not so obvious Mino ?, Do you see any Masame in the Shinogi-ji ? Just looking at a sword on Aois Museum, they call Mino with Bizen influence. Gunome Choji. https://www.aoijapan...-as-sue-seki-school/ I cant make out the boshi, is it the same as the hamon? Just ideas.
  10. That's great advice!
  11. For the confused. ”christ on a bike”, term, google it
  12. Best education i have found is learning the words and asking questions here plus reading sales pages, a lot. https://www.aoijapan.com/ https://www.touken-m...ran/tachi_and_katana plus see other dealers above. Ps, you come across decent stuff on Ebay occasionally (usually over priced), but that's a small fraction in a never ending galaxy of stuff that wont sell in Japan, as pointed out
  13. They wouldn't keep doing it if folks didn't keep buying it OP, educate yourself so you don't end up with buyers remorse and lose money. No disrespect intended, all been there
  14. Aye, Kevin, that's it. Remember he sold all the supplies and did various services, had a really interesting site. A shame he is gone.
  15. On a side note, does anyone know if that dealer in Derbyshire is still in business, Ryujin swords? His site wont come up on my pc and getting other sites using the name He used to sell papered swords and send stuff to Shinsa. Not spoke to him in years though, forget the name.
  16. Mark, even with Ubu swords this can get complicated depending on who made it and when. https://www.militaria.co.za/nmb/topic/41820-the-wonderful-world-of-where-the-hamon-ends/#comment-428734 Bit more open minded these days.
  17. Hi Colin, Lottery as you point out, depends whether there is an idiot n duty or not, Very annoying, that happened to me once and i gave up on trying to get it back, as moved house at the time and had too much on. Besides that, only one other episode with customs where they held it for a short while
  18. Dread to think how many blades are now knocking about in the UK with crappy polishes, find it a depressing place to shop, being honest. Not saying all polishes that have been done in the UK are poor, just a vast array of out of polish or badly polished swords, some of which have amazing original fittings, shame. Its been said many times that you should hold a sword in hand when buying. With good pictures, experience and a willing and helpful seller, for me that needn't be the case . You should be able to work out what a sword is like from good images and write-up, like you see on some of the better sites. Understand your concerns about shipping. Must be said that most stuff gets here ok.
  19. Hi Jon, Not really, as far as im aware. Sticking within the UK really has its limits. You do come across swords with papers but what are the chances its a sword you want ? You should first find out what blades interest you then ask in the wanted section below if anyone has anything in the UK with papers. Welcome to UK collecting.
  20. Id be thinking that tsuka is not original. Id be wondering if its a shortened katana/tachi, very slender Looks Mino Id be wondering if that leather on saya is hiding damage If auction house wont remove tsuka, maybe they want to hide something from potential buyers
  21. The reality is there are many folks not interested in educating themselves and are happy to pick up anything cheap they can get their hands on. Nothing wrong with that, horses for courses. Perhaps they would prefer folks not preaching as to what they should like or collect. Probably comes across as elitism to them. To be honest, im also happy to look at anything authentic
  22. If you want cheap, go to an arms fair Always something
  23. Il buy the last one off you for £160
  24. Any clear pics of the actual blade? Look like the classic auction style images.
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