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Alex A

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Everything posted by Alex A

  1. Sadly, your never going to know how it got there.
  2. Yes Michael, definitely. I cant find on their website the info you provide above Michael, can you remember where you found it? At least UPS still accept modern swords.
  3. Leave it for 3 days and see if its any better then. Maybe swollen with the water.
  4. Its a pity Parcelforce have not given leeway for traditionally forged blades such as Shinsakuto.
  5. Behind on this, that's great to hear. Think this doom and gloom thread had put me off reading further. Anyways., will add this. For Shinsakuto coming from Japan via EMS, EMS just returned a tanto to a dealer. It was all filled in correctly with the correct customs tariff. The dealer has now shipped via UPS. I will forward the info above to the dealer regarding antiques.
  6. Id say it was common. Had one on a saya of mine when i was a kid. Don't know how it got there, it just did. Probably my cousins or something sword fighting with it, when i wasn't around.
  7. Hi George, agree its unlikely they will ban antique swords but who knows, one day may need a license to own them. For me the issue is importing swords, its being killed off slowly but surely. There just isn't enough for sale in the UK to keep me happy. As time moves on collectors can get extremely picky and the chances of finding what they want in the UK, is zero. However the market in the UK seems ok, folks are still buying up what comes available. Some folks in fact will only buy in the UK and that is understandable.
  8. I was optimistic about young collectors but now that's gone out the Window. I'm only talking UK here but sure more and more countries around the globe will zoom in on the subject. With what's going on in the UK at the moment and government shouting loud about knives and stop and search etc etc, its doomed. EMS now return blades back to sender in Japan that are on route to UK Anyways, don't want turn this into another Brit debate but its how i feel about younger collectors prospects of being involved and actually owning swords. Us older ones will hang on to what we have, then send to auction or pass stuff on to our kids should they want it. Understandably, they might decline.
  9. Was thinking this looking at the San Francisco pic earlier. Id say about 55, Young uns dont have the spare cash to waste
  10. Alex A

    Christian Kabuto?

    Would love to hear what Ian has to say, Russ. Not seen him here for a while, pity.
  11. Alex A

    Christian Kabuto?

    Probably did your friends a favour, Ray. The polish would likely make their eyes water.
  12. Alex A

    Christian Kabuto?

    Maybe your right Colin, Love reading the the Lanes emails, find them intriguing.............................the latest. Like the use of "possibly" "stunning" "superb" and "rare"and MurAmachi. Today's resume new additions list covering the past week, includes; A Stunning Quality Wakazashi Signed with Honorific Title Masatoshi, Lord of Etchu, Han Dachi Mounted, Gold Dragon Menuki, Blade Mishina School Early 1600's, Wonderful Signed Tsuba and Matching Kozuka Depicting the Tiger in the Bamboo Grove A Fine, French Napoleonic Wars Consulat To Empire Period Early 19th Century Flintlock Officer's Pistol From 1801, Manufacture St Etienne, Lock Interior Marked Duran A Stunning Pair Of Tsuba, Original Early Daisho Sukashi Rokakku Clan Mon Iron Maru Gata Tsuba An Early Crusades Period Reliquary Cross Pendant Still Sealed From the Ancient Holy Land. Approximately 1000 years old A Simply Stunning Ancient Bronze Age Lobed Mace Head, from the Era of Rameses The Great, Pharoah of Egypt, Circa 1300 B.C. A Most Resplendent, Original Antique and Rare, Victorian, Royal Household, Royal Horse Guards Fanfare Trumpet Banner A Superb Original Spencer Carbine, Probably the Best Carbine Rifle of the American Civil War, and, In The Wild West A Personalised & Named Naval Sword of an 1804 Naval Hero Commodore of a British East Indiaman Fleet & His Original Framed Portrait Rare 1st Edition 'Reveries or Memoirs Upon The Art of War', Printed in 1757 A Magnificent 18th Century Silver Hilted Small Sword with Colichmarde Blade. This Is One Of The Most Beautiful We Have Seen in Several years A Scarce German WW2, Luftwaffe officer's or Possibly SS Officer's Sword or Dagger Belt Hanger Mount Koto Period Samurai Katana, Circa 1550 From The Muramachi Era, A Most Fine Blade with Midare and Large Waves Hamon, & Nioi & Nie Deki, a Masame & Itame Hada, in Very Good Polish, Shibuishi Dragon Fly Fuchi Kashira An Extremely Rare Example of a Vijayanagara Hooded Katar From South India,16th To Early 17th century. A Superb Old English-Viking Large 'Winged' Spear Javelin Head With Later Haft. A Vital Component in 'Shield Wall' Battles Over 1000 Years Old
  13. Alex A

    Christian Kabuto?

    Looks like lacquer over rust pitting.



  17. The dealer will refund him, they are ok like that.. Once they get the sword back, which should be tomorrow. He awaits their response regarding UPS. All this just shows you cant trust some dealers. You can spoon feed them details and some will just ignore you and do it the usual way. Obviously not got their head around the issue here yet. Wouldn't mind but i sent a direct mail asking them about delivery a few months ago on a sword i was interested in, he told them at the start of the purchase. Different staff dealing with it maybe.
  18. He has just heard from the dealer. The dealer says the package was sent on the 1st Aug and EMS have returned to sender. Seems they are on the ball with regarding shipping swords to UK. Now if the dealer does not want to ship via UPS, or cant for some reason. Its effectively GAME OVER.
  19. Just learnt that the dealer sent him a tracking number with EMS. Oh dear, they were warned and did state originally that they were using UPS to UK. Told him to tell them, if they can stop delivery before it leaves Japan, do it.
  20. He is in a better position now then if he had let it be sent as "antique". Listed correctly with all the appropriate details to back it up, invoice, dealer info etc etc. Also, told him to add info about himself, age, why he is importing it, Member of Arms and armour society etc etc. All helps, agree, cant get it wrong in this day and age. Apparently its being sent via UPS. I know folks have had issues here with UPS but my experiences with them have been great, but that was for antique guns, not swords. Always feels like bit of a Russian Roulette scenario, whether it gets handled by someone in the know or you end up unlucky. I'm hoping it goes well, as I'm importing a tanto when its ready. Whether its my last import or not i don't know, kind of ******* off with it all now. Anyways, fingers crossed.
  21. Hi Michael. Don't remember seeing that email or a link to that guidance note here on the board. Just checked my emails, don't think i received it. will need a re-read when have more time but very useful. Hopefully, will add some good news to the Brit thread if his tanto turns up without hassles. We will see,
  22. Hi Brendan, never heard of the 1954 rule Where did that come from? Was your sword imported via EMS/Parcelforce by any chance? Hopefully, being a shorter tanto, may have less hassle, wel see
  23. Recently speaking to a collector in the UK, he was saying the dealer in Japan wanted to state "antique" on a modern sword that he is importing. Quite surprising really, the dealer should know better. Perhaps not familiar with UK lately. I get why they might want to do this and would understand the importer kind of agreeing with the idea. Told him honesty is the best policy with customs. If they ask for proof of age then it could go pear shaped, especially when looking at other import disasters over the last few years. Said this was the description to use, from Darcys write-up TRADITIONALLY MADE Japanese CULTURAL ARTWORK BY (smiths name) And add customs tariff number which is 9705.00.00.90 Just in case anyone considering the idea,
  24. I'm told the dealer received the permit, took 6 weeks.
  25. Bought a similar Saotome from Eric some years ago. WOW, scary prices on those types nowadays. 25_Tsuba Saotome 3 — Owazamono
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