Hi Brandon, the styles you read about where likely the Hamon, not the mei. He worked in a wide range throughout his career. Take a look at my Tadakuni wakizashi below, look at the mei and the hamon. The mei has the "JO", that yours has , been a while since ive looked at it. The wak has NBTHK Hozen papers. The papers dont tell you the generation, so im guessing shinsa will still have you pondering. The Aoi art appraisel (well known sword dealer in Tokyo) has it down on the appraisel sheet as Tadakuni 1st, Josaku/wazamono ranking/ designated Harima Daijo at 37 years of age/ worked for Koshiro clan etc. When you buy a sword its natural that you want to know more about it, but as mentioned above, without the experience of seeing many examples, its difficult, a lot of books required. I think ive read somewhere that a later generation also signed Harima daijo, i think it was a Tadakuni thread on here. If your sword does get papered to Tadakuni, then i would be thrilled in any case. Take one step at a time, folk ponder over stuff like this for decades LOL.