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Alex A

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Everything posted by Alex A

  1. Forums are getting too weird for me these days. And actually, if it is a guy named “Fred” and calling himself “Dee” and going on about art with dicks, then it is dishonest. If you think thats ok, you can **** off too.
  2. Cheers Stephen, whoever it is. All too weird for me lately. You know what they say about trusting your instincts.
  3. Think we saw these a few weeks back. This cant be answered here, unless you want to base your purchase on what someone said on a forum You need to talk with NBTHK, wouldn't spend that kind of money unless it came from them. Though that's me,
  4. Just to add, even online, folks like to know who they are talking to, dealing with. Dee, if your taking piss, you do yourself no favours, with future business. Being honest, i don't trust you. Something weird going on that not seen here for a while, all fake.
  5. Think the Mata hari says it all
  6. We learn that sometimes it takes thick skin to show off a blade here, but if folks didn't then we would have less to talk about lol. So cheers Dee. Bit lost in this thread now, is that pic above your blade?, with the long Kaeri ? Off top of head, thats a known Uda feature
  7. Its a symbolic Ninja Kama
  8. Assume its gimei. Though i would be kind of tempted to buy it if the price is right, it will need polish which is expensive. Also, you need to be wary of possible flaws hiding in the old polish, like Hagire (cracks) Its tired, as in not much left on at the hamachi which is a concern but difficult to see from your images. You would be wise to talk with a polisher about this before hand. May well be Nanbokucho. O suriage and maybe Bizen. Appears Koto. We really need dimensions and better images, including boshi. Hope that helps, though thats just one opinion.
  9. Never seen that article, cheers.
  10. Very nice Geraint My avatar is from a Hirado Kunishige tsuba, now lives with Ken From memory, read dragons was a popular subject of that school.
  11. I dont see Shinshinto, not with the nakago and worn horimono.
  12. Some poor soul going to buy that thinking they have whatever the Lanes described it as, whatever that is. I stopped reading near the top, looks like someone got carried away, the opposite of writers block, lots and lots of caffeine maybe
  13. Thanks Malcolm, fire fighters stick! How have they arrived at that write-up???????
  14. From Lanes "A Most Unusual Antique, Ceremonial, Edo Period Samurai's Weapon Representation of a Ninja's Kama, the Hook or Sickle" Thoughts?, i dont know anything about these, looked in stones glossery and cant find any with a short stumpy blade like this. The Lanes Armoury | A Most Unusual Antique, Ceremonial, Edo Period Samurai's Weapon Representation of a Ninja's Kama, the Hook or Sickle
  15. Agree, nice pick up, especially at that price.
  16. Antique Tanto Signed by Sukesada for sale | Samurai Museum Shop
  17. Maybe start to look into schools like Uda. Off top of head, thats just a first thought.
  18. Dee, don't let me put you off, there are great blades out there that i would have had no problem buying years ago. I guess as one gets older, one gets more fussy. Cheers
  19. I can see why people would buy a gimei bade, for the reasons mentioned above, though i wouldn't buy one in my late stages of the hobby. Unsigned blades bug me, for reasons i mentioned a few times, the never knowing for sure and all that, also the more provenance a blade has the better, for me. There are just too many signed Shoshin blades out there now at reasonable prices. For me, a blade must be signed and Ubu, that rules out lots of swords., hence why nowadays i stay out of some conversations. Last but not least, i dont like the way things are going in the UK with legislation. Being gimei, it wont have NBTHK papers or whatever, so with that in mind and having concerns about the future, its a minus. We really are in trouble and i wouldn't want any moron in the future giving me any hassles about what an item is. I guess it all depends on where your at in your collecting career.
  20. We have books and stuff but you can also learn from modern smiths if you can get to talk with them or listen to people that know smiths and are more aware about what can go on at a modern forge and have interesting tales to tell. Stuff like why some swords end up unsigned, as an example. I was told in the past of a smith that passed away, all the unfinished swords that were in various stages of completion were later finished and signed by his son.. Be interesting to hear from others one day, though that would be another thread. Point being, if happens now it happened back in the day. Cheers Dee.
  21. Think what we need to remember here is we are sadly dealing with morons. Said this before, look at prisons as an example. Not allowed knives but folks still get stabbed. If they cant stop it there then they cant stop it on the streets. Its absolutely crazy.
  22. Dee, you misunderstood me. I see why, maybe i should have been more clear. What i meant was your comparison above demonstrates how a mei might change, for one reason or another. So often here, over the years in past discussions, people ignore the sword and talk like all mei are machine stamped or something. Im talking old discussions, not this one. Hope that makes more sense.
  23. Lately, seen more and more antique percussion pistols deactivated, even though they are legal. That's another concern, hence now will generally consider flintlocks, though who knows.
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