This Ogawa Kanekuni (小川兼國) is different from Mukanasa Ogawa Kanekuni (尾川兼圀) even though they are related.
Ogawa KANEKUNI 尾川兼圀, real name is Ogawa Kunihiko 尾川邦彦, was born in January 25, Taisho 14 (1925). He joined to Ogawa Kanekuni Sword Forging Studio 小川兼國刀剣鍛錬所 in Showa 14 (1939) to learn sword making technique and worked in Chiba Sword manufacturing factory 千葉刀剣製作所 during Showa 17- 19 (1932-34) as an official army sword maker with the initial sword smith name KUNITADA 圀忠. He himself joined to the battle line in China.
After the war, he again started making sword for Iaido practice for some time. In Showa 47 (1972), he changed his mind to study traditional Japanese sword forging then again became a pupil under Kanako Magoroku KANEMOTO 金子孫六(兼元). He officially licensed from the Agency of Cultural Affairs as a traditional Japanese sword artist in Showa 52 (1977) and established his studio in Hachiman, Muge-town, Seki ciry, Gifu prefecture. He won a prize of KUNZAN-SHO in Heisei 10 (1998) and 13-16 (2001-2004) awarded with the same prizes continuously. Japanese Sword Preservation Society (NBTHK) nominated him as the top skill prize MUKANSA award in Heisei 18 (2006) and finally he won the honor prize of Gigu Important Intangible Cultural Property in Heisei 20 (2008). Died in November 26, Heisei 24 (2012) at 87 years old.