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    Jinsoo Kim

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  1. It is Sakura (桜).
  2. Does he stamp the kokuin of three crowns on his nakago?! =)
  3. Hi Dan No. I don't think your blade is Mukansa Ogawa Kunihiko. I guess he is Ogawa Ichiro. See below. https://books.google.com/books?id=46IYtI0nkiEC&pg=PA134&lpg=PA134&dq=ogawa+kanekuni+sesko&source=bl&ots=BRGa17XWSx&sig=ACfU3U2eb_ia7yoIvPcW4YB1W4Zi5Gipeg&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjh-qrv3-ngAhUDNn0KHa0VDZEQ6AEwA3oECAgQAQe
  4. This Ogawa Kanekuni (小川兼國) is different from Mukanasa Ogawa Kanekuni (尾川兼圀) even though they are related. https://markussesko.com/2018/08/11/mukansa-ningen-kokuho-list/ Ogawa KANEKUNI 尾川兼圀, real name is Ogawa Kunihiko 尾川邦彦, was born in January 25, Taisho 14 (1925). He joined to Ogawa Kanekuni Sword Forging Studio 小川兼國刀剣鍛錬所 in Showa 14 (1939) to learn sword making technique and worked in Chiba Sword manufacturing factory 千葉刀剣製作所 during Showa 17- 19 (1932-34) as an official army sword maker with the initial sword smith name KUNITADA 圀忠. He himself joined to the battle line in China. After the war, he again started making sword for Iaido practice for some time. In Showa 47 (1972), he changed his mind to study traditional Japanese sword forging then again became a pupil under Kanako Magoroku KANEMOTO 金子孫六(兼元). He officially licensed from the Agency of Cultural Affairs as a traditional Japanese sword artist in Showa 52 (1977) and established his studio in Hachiman, Muge-town, Seki ciry, Gifu prefecture. He won a prize of KUNZAN-SHO in Heisei 10 (1998) and 13-16 (2001-2004) awarded with the same prizes continuously. Japanese Sword Preservation Society (NBTHK) nominated him as the top skill prize MUKANSA award in Heisei 18 (2006) and finally he won the honor prize of Gigu Important Intangible Cultural Property in Heisei 20 (2008). Died in November 26, Heisei 24 (2012) at 87 years old.
  5. IMHO... (?)国住幸光謹作 行幸記念 (Emperor's Visit Celebration) 昭和十一年九月日
  6. Still the mei looks like Yasutsuna to me.
  7. I think Stephen will be interested in. https://www.ebay.com/itm/Japanese-WW2-Shin-Gunto-Katana-Sword-very-good-condition-with-broken-tip/173813315070
  8. Long time no see guys. Sad to see this kind of gimei... The clear contrast of rust area at Nakago is pretty intentional. For your own comparison. https://www.e-nihontou.com/products/detail/506
  9. Hi. Brian I was in McGill, Montreal for 8 years followed by 5 years at Samsung, Korea. During my stay at Asia, I've visited Japan more than 10 times. Lovely enjoyed watching many swords and quenching my body to Onsen (hotspring)!
  10. Hello, Rich. Sorry for not having talk with you for a long time. How's your health? I will live here with my wife and daughter. I bought a house and car. It was a big move from Korea!
  11. Seikado Meito Hyakusen. 100 collection of Famous Swords from Seikado (Museum). Refer to the following link: http://www.seikado.or.jp
  12. Say hello to all people who remember me: Richs, Mr. Morita, Mr. Bowen, Darcy, Steve, etc! I came back to America and have started to work at Pittsburgh since last April. I wish to have more chance to see you here. Jinsoo
  13. Looks delicately carved but I can't feel the strength of writing itself. One vote to Gimei...
  14. Long time no hear guys! (Rich, Darcy, Steve, Brian, etc. etc. ~) I revived my website which I've lost for a long time. I will update the site from time to time but may not sell/buy swords much for the time being. So, I am planning to develope it as an educational site. Thank you. http://www.jp-sword.com Jinsoo
  15. :D Long time no see, Nihonto Geeks! Hope some of you guys still remember me. I have moved to Korea since November 2005 after acquiring the Ph.D. and am working at Samsung Electronics. I have been pretty busy enough to forget the renewal of my website. ;; Thus, I couldn't get any emails and couldn't reply them, either. I am planning to reopen the site soon. I am having a lot of business trip to Japan and even last week I visited the Kumamoto Castle which was founded by the legendary samurai, Kato Kiyomasa. Very happy to see you again and wish you good happy luck!! :D
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