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Everything posted by reeder

  1. Thanks. I agree, however my bank account and wife strongly disagree. Lol. I have a lot of knives and USGI M14 stocks I need to move to make room for more goodies. Here's another pic of the entire collection minus the Wakizashi (nagasa is 13" so guess not a tanto) my mentor gave me. Keep thinking about selling/trading my showa stamped 1944 Nobumitsu, Showa stamped Yoshimasa, and naval stamped kai gunto for upgrades, but then I pick them up and decide I can't let them go.
  2. 26 1/8" Fittings are nicer than shown in original pictures as well.
  3. Some blade pics. Mune is highest I've personally seen but that's not saying much as my exposure has been limited. And as you predicted, Stephen, tip a little buggered.
  4. Nagamitsu it is, I'll post pics tonight.
  5. yes, although sometimes getting additional pictures is quite the challenge. I took a chance on this one and hope I've done enough good recently to have some pleasant surprises upon receiving it.
  6. After a break from swords I've gotten back into researching and trying to dig blades up. Have a few new acquisitions including this type 3 which is on its way. These were the only pictures given to me so I'll post better ones when I get it in hand. All of the signs point towards a nice blade and figured I'd take a chance. -Brandon
  7. Matt, I figured the upper part of the nakago didn't have similar rust from a previous polish, but I really have no idea. Thanks for all the additional information! -brandon
  8. It only took 6 months but here are additional pictures attempting to capture the details requested. Thanks, Brandon
  9. reeder

    Help on tanto

    Thank you guys. Here's some better pictures of the blade. Thanks, Brandon
  10. reeder

    Help on tanto

    Attempted more pictures of the mei. Thought to get angle, lighting and focus to all work together for you. -Brandon
  11. reeder

    Help on tanto

    I'll try to get a better picture of the mei. Yes, I told him I couldn't accept it and he insisted so I told him if he changed his mind he knows where it's at. He said his eyes are getting too old and it's not clear enough for him to even begin to read. Thanks, Brandon
  12. reeder

    Help on tanto

    One of my mentors generously gave this to me today. Can't completely make out mei but looks like a cursive P followed by Kuniyoshi to me. Thoughts, opinions, critiques welcomed and appreciated. Thanks, Brandon
  13. I'll look for you guys. I've bought reference materials and/or supplies from both of y'all. I'll be getting there about noon tomorrow. Don't have a table, will just be walking around Friday and Saturday. -brandon
  14. Anyone setting up or going to the Tulsa show this weekend? -Brandon
  15. Thanks, mark! Hope your doing well there. Would like a nice star stamped blade to add to the collection. My buds said they're doing well, they mainly do German stuff. I sent a couple of things with them, they said everyone is drooling over them and saying how nice they are but not talking price. Oh well. -Brandon
  16. Some of my buddies are saying it's already turning out to be a good show. Any more reports? Anyone want to share pictures for those of us who didn't get to make it? I'll be in my infusion tomorrow from 10-1 or so with not much else to do but play on my phone and look at pics or sleep. Thanks, Brandon
  17. Yes, mantestsu blade, look at links provided for details. -brandon
  18. Hey, Chad. I have a buddy that has used David for his re-wraps for sometime and said he was the go to guy for it. I have a tsuka in the mail to him right now for a re-wrap. I have seen his work on my buddy's pieces and looked very well done IMHO. Thanks, Brandon
  19. Looking forward to your pics, Jason. My buddy is going and taking some of my high end knives to sell or at least attempt to sell. Told him he's free to spend my cash on in polish, minty Gendaito/Nihonto in Shin-Gunto, Kai-Gunto (Ray skin scabbard only)or Kyu-Gunto fittings for me (I know, I know, I just haven't developed the appreciation for the Nihonto fittings and personally like the military fittings...). We shall see what happens, I have a feeling he won't be comfortable spending my money without me there. Speaking of sword shows, I really wish there was one in Texas again, I'd love to be able to go to a local one. I'd get a table to display the entire collection of 6 blades I have. lol. I wonder if Mr. Quigley is up to getting them going again... If not, I'll have to see if some of the other sword guys up here would be interested in trying to get something going once a year. -Brandon
  20. Looks like the Chinese examples on eBay IMHO. In terms of blade being from a bayonet, it looks like it could be but if Chinese production I doubt that's the case but wouldn't surprise me. -Brandon
  21. Purchased a few things from Doug and was very happy with the entire transaction from communication, to patience, to the quality of the items. Thanks Doug! -Brandon
  22. Thanks, Ron. All is good, it's just routine maintenance of a chronic illness I have, just can't skip them. Like you say, there's always another show. -Brandon
  23. Talked my wife into letting me drive up the for the Show of Shows event, looked at calendar and saw I have a treatment that Friday so no way I can go. Really bummed about it. I'll be stuck in a chair with tubes coming out of my arm with poisons going in my body instead. Hope those that get to go this year have a great time. Please share pictures throughout the event. Guess this is a good excuse to get free for the next Tulsa show. -Brandon
  24. Very nice. I love Kai-Guntos. -Brandon
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