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Everything posted by kunitaro

  1. 兼舎 kane-ie Koshu no ju Kaneie (Tenbun/Tenmon) from Mino Noshu-seki Kaneie (Tenbun/Tenmon) 1532 -- Shinshu no ju Kaneie (same person above) (Tensho) 1573 Okushu no ju Kaneie (Keicho) 1596 Noshu Seki no ju Kaneie (Enpo) 1673 Noshu Seki no ju Kaneie (Anei) 1772
  2. For Example ! A Post *********************************************** 6 : 名前なカッター(ノ∀`)[] : 投稿日:2012/09/30 18:41:57 ID:d1ohdto6 [1/3回] オークションの日本刀の実情のまとめ Summary for reality of Japaese sword on Auction 偽銘や未鑑定品 Gimei or un-Kantei items (業者が鑑定して価値がないと判断された刀) (Swords of no value after dealers examination) の いわゆる ガタナは2~3万位。 so called "Gatana" are 20000-30000JPY. 10振り束でも20万~25万。 200000-250000JPY for 10 swords (Taba-Gatana) それが一振り10万に化けてぼったくりで売りに出される。 Those become (change) to 100000JPY on Auction. 投売り価格で仕入れられたものが オークションで極悪人達によって売られる Those items which were sold for through away price, are sold on the public auction by Atrocious fiends. だから刀なら8万前後 脇差なら3万前後を相場に落札しないと おそろしくぼったくられる。 So 80000JPY for Katana, 30000JPY for Wakizashi is maximum. unless so far ripping off. 保存、特別保存・以外・の鑑定書がついているものは市場で評価されなく、 Kanteisho, except Hozon and Tokubetsuhozon are not Value at all in the Dealer's auction and trading. オークションで他機関の鑑定書がついている場合には、偽者ゆえに鑑定書がついているとみて 考えるのがよい。 When you see the sword with Kanteisho (ex Hozon and TH/Juyo) are All fake swords, that is why they have those kind of Kanteisho... ************************************************ What do you think ?? Thery are mentioning about dealers in Japan and particular blades as well ! do you want to know more ??
  3. No Oil. No Uchiko for Koshirae (incl. Gunto) Please Those are for only art polished blade in shirasaya. Regarding meaning of "Shinken" "真剣 (shinken)" is meaning "Real blade" in Japanese. If (western or Chinese) people use this word "Shinken" for other meaning, it will make people confused.... a bit tricky... what do you think ?
  4. What kind of sword ? No oil for nuri(lacqered)-Saya.
  5. After using the blade, washing blade with water and dry well with dry cloth and put it back to Saya. i don't have Shirasaya for it. some people has two sayas. if you check once a week or so, the blade will not get rust. it is not so difficult to take care of the sword, easier than a car or a gun. i think. Old master pieces are a bit different though... but, that's same as a car or a gun too.
  6. Yes. i would love to share somehow. There are many stupid gossips however, there is a lot of info whcih we should know.
  7. Would you like to find out what JP collectors are saying about Sword market, Dealers, Papers ? Must be able to read Japanese though... http://logsoku.com/thread/ikura.2ch.net ... 309356546/ http://logsoku.com/thread/ikura.2ch.net ... 348985366/ Maybe still difficult because a lot of slang and converted characters in the posts
  8. You are welcome Ray san, I am learning a lot as well ! Thank you for sharing.
  9. Dear Ray san, I had telephone conversation with Tanobe sensei today. so, I mentioned your Norishige. He remebers the blade with Kinzogan. He said, he thinks that Norishige (and Masamune) were learning a lot from Old Bizen sword. There are quite a few blade which looks devoted to ko-Bizen version by Norishige. the sugata and the taste of hamon. The sword which attributed "Norishige" is rare and important "Chin-Cho" and Good condtioned showing one of his style is "Chin-chin Cho-cho" !
  10. That is one reason to use Modern blade (traditionally made) for Tameshigiri. Especially for beginnrs, so you can make mistake, repair, re-polish again and again. Art polish ( to see Hataraki of Jitetsu and Hamon ) in Shirasaya is the stage of resting or retirement for the sword.
  11. Yes ! That is why Fresh bamboo is free in Japan Most of famers (in JP) are happy if you can cut and take them out by yourself. Is it possible to grow the green bamboo which 5 cm + diameter in Europe ? (i think so) more Bamboo, more easy to master cutting ! Please grow !! using Old(used) Tatamiomote as cutting Target is a part of re-cycling system in Japan. using new material for just cutting is a bit hesitation, not only the cost. sometime we have no choice...
  12. Also, Shirasaya can be opened and clean(re-shape) inside of Saya and put them back together again. with this way, you can use clean Shirasaya for a long time. so, First Shirasaya should make much bigger(thicker) to use longer time. you can not open Nuri(Lacquered) Saya. so, the oil will stay in saya which will damage the saya in th furure. This is already spoken however.
  13. Thank you. so, it is costing (a lot) to practice cutting.... Fresh Bamboo and Old tatami-omote are free in Japan.. but, shipping to Europe will cost.... That is good idea.
  14. Thanks. It is good description.
  15. Could you please post the link ?
  16. 獄峰作 Gokumine saku 皺尉 Shiwa-Jou 昭和58年5月 1983 May (I think)
  17. 笹ノ露 Sasa no Tsuyu * Dew on Bamboo leaf When you touch bamboo leaf. dew will drop immediately. It is meaning to say that this blade touch something, it will fall off, like dew on Bamboo leaf. Representing sharpness of the blade.
  18. 大磨上茎ノ表裏二本阿弥光忠ノ同工極ノ金象嵌有之  osuriage nakago no hyouhi ni honnami mitsutada no doko kiwame no kin-zogan kore-ari * Kinzogan-mei by Honnami Mitsutada on both side of osuriage nakago. 雄勁ナル姿態ヲ呈シ地刃に沸出来ノ妙味ガ発揮サレ特二古備前ナドノ古作ヲ参酌セシ感有之 yukei naru shitai wo shimeshi ji-ba ni nie-deki no myoumi ga hakki sare tokuni ko-bizen nado no kosaku wo sanshaku seshi kan kore-ari * showing strong and brave shape, charm of nie-deki is exerted which is taken into consider old-master piece like a ko-bizen 尚 同工ノ所伝ハ正に妥当也 珍々重々 nao, doko no shoden ha masa ni datou nari, chin-chin cho-cho * furthermore, former attribution is surely positive. rare-rare, important-important. Is this new sayagaki from Tanobe sensei ?
  19. BTW, How do you get Tatamiomote or(and) Bamboo for Tameshigiri in Europe ?
  20. No... It will be stopped at JP Custom and exam by Authority. If the sword doesn't get registered. It will be proven that the sword is fake at this stage before reaching to shinsa. Official and Free examination. the sword will be sending back to the sender.
  21. Forbes Magazine Contact http://www.forbes.com/fdc/contact.html Editorial Send your comments to the Forbes Magazine. readers@forbes.com
  22. Japanese sword is made by 1) Material = Tamahagane (new and old method of Tatara and quality of Satetsu) 2) Sugata = Size and Shape (Haba, Kasane, Sori, Funbari, Ha-niku), same as Nakago. 3) Hamon = Treatment steel with fire and water (Nie-deki, Nioi-deki,Suguha, Midareba) and Sword Polisher. Koshirae is made by 1) Saya/Tsuka maker (wood craft) 2) Kinko 1 Habaki maker (metal craft) Kinko 2, Fittings maker Kinko 3, Tsuba maker 3) Nushi-shi (Lacquer craft) 4) Maki-shi (Tsuka binding) All of those skilled craftsmen with positive spirits in good balance makes a good Japanese sword.
  23. 臨兵闘者皆陣列在 兵ノ闘イニ臨ム者 皆 陣列ノ前二在レ Hei (no) Tatakai (ni) Nozo (mu) mono, Mina, Jinretsu (no) mae (ni) a (re) All(each) of the man who are facing to Battle, should be the most front ! It was a popular word for Samurais at Sengoku-jidai. to keep his courage in the battle ( or in his life) Bushido by Inazo Nitobe said : This is the spirit which became a parts of "Bushido" for Samurai. and became a parts of religion for ordinaries. Furthermore, We shouldn't forget that "Cha no yu" was established at same period. Those two elements leaded to achieve Amazing Edo period.
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