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Everything posted by kunitaro

  1. It is NBTHK Tokyo Branch website. 日本美術刀剣保存協会 東京都支部
  2. It is not NBTHK. It is 大日本美術刀剣研究保存会 Dai Nippon Bijutsu Token Kenkyu Hozon Kai Which has never been existed.
  3. Yes, i am not sure real meaning of Honma sense's article, because, i didn't read it in Japanese, however, Guido san's sentence is correct, and Bowen san's anser is also correct !
  4. And Kiyondo and Masao of Kiyomaro school.
  5. BTW, I am afraid to say that "perhaps" translation of Osoraku is not really accurate. you can use "osoraku" for "perhaps", but only Negative way. we write 恐らく in Japanese. which is meaning more "I am afraid to say/think that" in English. You can say that "Kare wa OSORAKU makeru de shou" * Perhaps, He will lose the game, or I am afraid to say that I think he will lose the game. but, you can not say that "Kare wa osoraku Katsu de shou". * I am afraid that He will win the game.... we must say that "Kare wa TABUN 多分 katsu deshou" *Perhaps, He will win the game. (If you say "Kare wa osoraku katsu de shou" which is meaning that you are wishing him to lose the game,) It has feeling of "Doubtful" so, I think that Translation of Horimono on the blade, Osoraku is "afraid""scary'"dreadful""frightful" rather than "Perhaps""probably""Likely" or "maybe". I wonder how Morita san thought about it !?!?
  6. Thank you Morita san. This is the photo of the Oshigata. and it is in very nice Koshirae.
  7. Isn't it Dragon and Tiger ? 龍虎・竜虎 (Ryuko/Ryoko) as common theme. two heros however, they are not look like fighting each other, they look like good friend ??
  8. Osoraku is shortened from Oso(ru)raku, 恐れる osoreru 恐るる osoruru the shape and meaning of Fear/Afraid/Scare... It is for waring on right side of your body. called Mete-zashi (馬手差し、右手指し)or Ebira-sashi(妻手指), and hold with right hand (opposite way) to cut opponent's throat.
  9. Thank you John san, 来陽軒 義政
  10. 木 moku? ki or 朱 shu 陽 yo 軒 ken 義 Yoshi 政 masa Mito school ?
  11. 昭和18年6月  兼門 Kanekado
  12. Shiiremono is pointing at cheap mass product (cast) souvenirs, not necessary to be for western tourist, for Japanese market as well. Hamamono is more High quality hand made Souvenirs for Western Tourist at Bakumatsu to Meiji period. They were very very rich. 三枚合 Pronounce "San mai Awase” 三枚合わせ、wase is abbreviation. The Tsuba is made in Momoyama to early Edo period. They are kind of mass product, but, they were Hand made mass product... It doesn't call "Shiiremono". It will get NBTHK Hozon, attributed as ko-kinko or Tachi kanagushi. but Shiiremono will not get Hozon.
  13. If there is no Boshi (no hamon at Kissaki), the Tip is not hard. you can not stab, so it is defect as a weapon. (that is why cutting Nakago when it shortend) that is why we can call a sword without Boshi a Junk. It is no value as a weapon. I think that we still can enjoy by looking and study the material. and we can always Re-temper the blade, make new full hamon. the blade become functional weapon again, but, it is no art value. because, Hamon is not original. Burned blades (no hamon) as well. a lot of defected blades were re-tempered in the past. Therefore, there is a lot of re tempered blades are existed.
  14. Yes, Jean san is right. purchasing the sword with old papers (Kicho,Tokubetsukicho, Koshu-TK etc), especially through internet. we can always confirm or ask seller to guarantee of issuing new Hozon paper. for Mumei blade, the attribution could be change, or some are possible failure of issuing new Hozon.
  15. Habaki looks like cast, for replica.
  16. Patina of Nakago looks bad. Kanzan Sayagaki is not original. Only Tokubetsu kicho paper ???
  17. I think That Shinogi line is wrong or moved by polishing. When you see the Shinogi line from Mitsugashira to Nakago, you can see the line is a bit too high (closer to mune line) that is why Hi line is not balanced. What do you think ?
  18. I think that it is sign of Tsukurikomi (construction) such as Hon-Sanmai or Shiho-zume. Good example.
  19. I used the words "lamination opening" for Kitae-ware. (is it making you confuse ?) 刃絡み( Ha-garami ) is meaning 刃に絡む鍛え割れ/ Ha ni Karamu Kitae-ware. 絡む・絡まる= entangle/entwine. 鍛え割れ/Kitae-ware(lamination opening) entangle/entwine in/on 刃(Ha)= Hamon. 刃(Ha) meaning in Nihonto is Hamon part. against Ji. for kitchen knife is cutting edge. lamination opening on JI is called Kitae-ware. lamination opening on Ha(Hamon) is called Ha-garami, It is different from Ha-gire. and It is nothing to do with Tsukurikomi (construction). Regarding Tiredness/疲、It doesn't matter how many time polished, when you start to see flaws by polishing or using, we can say "tired" or "not healthy any more". If the blade has bend many times without polishing, start to see 撓え(Shinae) that is also tired. we don't say that "The blade is healthy but tired"... a little bit tired, or very tired... (maybe it is just language matter) however, flaws on Ji are possible to repair sometimes, but, flaws in/on Ha(Hamon) is not possible to repair.
  20. Newly forged blade shouldn't have any kizu especially in/on Hamon. when smith saw Kizu (opening) in Ha, he will not release the blade.it is fault. the Kizu would show up after over polish. It is not possible to answer without photo. however, If the damage is caused by hitting something hard, it is crack, and if the crack line goes to the edge. then it is Hagire, even if you see only one side, it will goes through other side as well. If you look at kizu with magnifying glass, you will see if it is lamination opening (Hagarami) or crack (Hagire).
  21. This photo of the blade has hagarami, but, still looks fine (ji) because, with good polish. Ji is carefully polished that doesn't show rough hada. (if you enlarge photo, maybe you can see lough hada) but, it is tired blade. it should be retired. not for using. but studying.
  22. 頃 koro = Aroud that time/period 永正頃 = Around Eisho priod.
  23. 刃絡み Hagarami is the Kitae-ware in/on Hamon. It caused by over polish. showing tiredness as well. normally one side. It is not same as Hagire. Kitae-ware on Ji is possible to repair(close the lamination) sometime, but, Kitae-ware in/on Hamon (Ha-garami) is not possible to do repair.
  24. I think it is 勝 when you see two characters together, position of 泰 or 春 itself is not on center line. and I see two dots on top, so, more like 券 月 is faint, but still 月券, i think.
  25. 造 信陽士 真雄 ?年六十二 慶応元年八月日 It is Masao (Yamaura) older brother of Kiyomaro Signature and Yasurime needs further study.
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