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Everything posted by bubba-san

  1. Stan , I appreciate what you have done . I have to be careful when trying to determine who a certain smith is or was . With my bad eyesite it makes it even worse . Guess I will have to update my library and get a couple new pairs of Glasses . Regards James
  2. Sorry chris , I dont own the book all I have is an old copy of Hawleys . I am not collecter per say I mainly forge/polish blades and knives . Although I do have a collection . Thanks for your help as I am blind as a bat and I rely on collecters who can see . I see that book has been translated to english by hawley , its out of print so it runs about $350 -400 if you can find decent copy .
  3. Chris ,this is the closest I could find ? of all smiths in the Bungo province ! http://nihontoclub.com/smiths/SAD15 ..... do you have link to other translation ? James
  4. Chris , if that is correct its a very old sword ....豊後國定秀作 bungo kuni ju sadahide Active Period 1160-1184 豊後國定秀作 Hard to believe its that old ? it looks like a later sword , I need 2 pair of glasses to see kanji
  5. Thank you very much , I certainly appreciate . I am color blind and it looks jumbled to me . James
  6. I need some help with translation. I can barely make it out , I have poor eyesight . Would be grateful for some help . Thank you James
  7. Sorry folks I have been busy in shop Heat treat morning "Yakiri' I will post them as soon as I can look them up in files , I have many pics so it may take a bit ... James
  8. Yes there are some chisel marks ! heaven knows what it says . James
  9. What a beauty, very nice Aikuchi piece . I would be very proud of it . James
  10. You are right sir .I also like wakizashi . As a matter of fact I am forging several wakizashi . they are quite wide and are great for tamashigiri . Blade steel is low manganese 1075 . should make a great Hamon . thank you .. James
  11. Hi Jean , The style and shape on wakizashi is nearly identical to Futsu Gato when viewed from straight on . There will always be disagreements on almost every aspect of sword constuction . Even the gokaden had thier ins and outs . Sometimes it led to armed conflict . No armed conflict here, but there will be differences of opinion I am quite sure . Respectfully James .
  12. Very nice , one of his legs are also broken near the tail . Its kind of odd without broken leg kadzuka knife will not fit right . Nice soft metal piece . They are also signed on opposite sides .... James My mistake they are signed on same side :D
  13. Thank you , I just could not read it . Black is one color I have problems with . again thank you so much James
  14. Dear peter , here are close up of iron tsuba . I have also seen in soft metal but, not in iron Maybe you can read engraved name ?? I believe it is much newer than the Wakizashi. I cannot see well enough to tell. James
  15. Jacques D. Nice sword , however there are at least 6 different nakago used on Bisen sword . Some even have notches. Some are very curved while some are straight . When I was young man ,I lived in Japan for 11 years and had opportunity to study the different styles My great father marry Ainu Lady in 1850 , I am 1/6 Ainu. Watashi no nihongo wa heta desu, I dont have anyone to practice with for 40 years . I am now 70 years . Thank you .... James
  16. Yes it is iron , I do not believe it is original to sword . The kanji is very worn and hard to translate. It is a kissing Dragon motif. I can try and take you a few close ups . Regards James
  17. Hi Jacques D. I am sorry but, I have to disagree with you .two well known appraisers tell me it is Bisen They say all Bisen nakago are not all long slender nor are they all signed .The picture is taken from an angle to the left . In your opinion what would you say it is ! I say this one has been altered (Futsu Gata) as per the appraiser. the question I posed was , does anyone know this maker not if nakago is Ubu. You are speaking semantics but, I appreciate your opinion regardless... respectfully James
  18. I am sorry misstyped name It is Okura of Nishigawa in Shibata.
  19. Are you sure about that ? I was told by, David Mcdonald that it certainly was ? Bizen in good polish. although he could be wrong . But not likely . He has not been wrong in the past. But anything is possible .? David McDonald P.O. Box 265 Sidney MT 59270 406-482-3243 evening - mountain time http://www.montanairon.com/swords.html
  20. Hello folks, this is my first post , I want to say that is a pleasure to be part of your forum with many knowledgable members . My name is James But , my friends call me Bubba-san . It was name given to me by Japanese sensei when I lived in Yokosuka, Japan after several tours of Vietnam , I was transferred to Japan , where I learned some Japanese forging techniques and a bit of history . My real question is I have a Bizen wakizashi that is mumei but, the original or last owner gave me some info on sword , It is as follows " sword was done by Okuru of Nishigawa in Shibata and is from the muromachi era and is 400 -500 years old . Does this name make any sense to anyone ? I tried for several days to locate any information on the smith to no avail . Respectfully Bubba-san ....... James
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