Hello folks, this is my first post , I want to say that is a pleasure to be part of your forum with many knowledgable members . My name is James But , my friends call me Bubba-san . It was name given to me by Japanese sensei when I lived in Yokosuka, Japan after several tours of Vietnam , I was transferred to Japan , where I learned some Japanese forging techniques and a bit of history . My real question is I have a Bizen wakizashi that is mumei but, the original or last owner gave me some info on sword , It is as follows " sword was done by Okuru of Nishigawa in Shibata and is from the muromachi era and is 400 -500 years old . Does this name make any sense to anyone ? I tried for several days to locate any information on the smith to no avail . Respectfully Bubba-san ....... James