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  1. Sword has definitely been knocked around a bit! However, many collectors like swords which have a "been there" appearance. Could be an older blade from look of nakago, lack of Yasuri me and punched mekugi ana. Worn Ha and Muni machi.
  2. This sword appears to be what you were referring to. Ebay # 226633772531
  3. Agree with Hamfish, too much wrong with this sword to be authentic wwll Japanese...
  4. Even as insignificant as it may be, these cut as opposed to deteriorated tassel ends continue to show up. It could lead one to believe that there was definite reason for it...examples of both below.
  5. dwmc

    Chinese Copy???

    And another variation; :鍔 Tsuba Dragon Armor Sengoku Warlord Diagram Musha Battle Map Inscription Sword Japan Sword Imitation Sword Japan Sword Orthotics Armor Age Kurade■From Himeji City, Hyogo Prefecture J4 24-3945 /【Buyee】 Buyee - Japanese Proxy Service | Buy from Japan!
  6. dwmc

    Chinese Copy???

    Tsuba Dragon Armor Sengoku Warlord Diagram Musha Battle Diagram Named Sword Japanese Sword Sword Imitation Sword Sword Tsuba Japanese Sword Equipment Weaponry Period Storehouse ■ From Himeji City, Hyogo Prefecture J4 24-3944 /【Buyee】 Buyee - Japanese Proxy Service | Buy from Japan! Yep, and on it goes...
  7. dwmc

    Chinese Copy???

    Ok great, I see I'm just the latest to fall for the ruse. Hard to believe the prices the thieves are asking, but then again, what's new with fraudsters, only paid $27 US, yet still........
  8. dwmc

    Chinese Copy???

    Excellent information Dale...Thanks much!
  9. dwmc

    Chinese Copy???

    Thanks Justyn and Dale. Agree, things just didn't seem right with the tsuba...
  10. dwmc

    Chinese Copy???

    Additional photos
  11. dwmc

    Chinese Copy???

    Recently purchased this Tsuba from Japanese dealer. I'm puzzled with the kanji, I believe it is Goto Chengjo with possibly a Hanayoshi kanji symbol (kao). Was there a Goto smith Chengjo or is this a Chinese copy ??? Thanks in advance, Dave M.
  12. Left handed gunto??? Chuso on opposite side? Am I seeing this correctly? Dave M.
  13. Signed sword is Sukemitsu. Showa 18th year~1943
  14. No doubt John your tassel is in the process of deteriorating. Very interesting that metal device was used for tassel end interior foundation... Something most of us have never seen, thanks for sharing! Dave M.
  15. Example of deteriorating tassel with strings falling apart. 
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