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  1. Then leave it alone and no cleaning of any kind Alex
  2. Thank you again for your insight. Where would one look for the signature if there is to be one of the Kabuto. Should the item be insured and like other antiques should not be cleaned? Thx Alex
  3. one more pic of copper metal work beautiful attention to detail i just noticed for first time Thx Alex
  4. one more close up of side view Thank you Again Alex
  5. the yellow is because of the flash it is a red orange will try to show in a new pic. Ok have added more Hope these help and again thx for your help... Alex Montague
  6. Here are some more pictures Thx Alex
  7. Thank you! today I will post better pics thx Alex
  8. Any help in the age of this armor and any other facts that may be useful would be appreciated. Thank you Alex
  9. http://www.ebay.com/itm/120970415270?ss ... 1426.l2649 here is the link thx alex
  10. I found two listed both in Shinto period dating 1615 and 1658 that match the name..Now is it that the blade is suspect or is it a bad period of blades to buy from...still researching Alex
  11. Thx but they state "Signed Japanese Wakizashi Samurai Sword - Izumi No Kami Kunisada, 1600’s" that their grandfather brought back from the war
  12. not sure what that means just want to know if it is a nice item to bid on...Taking your earlier advise on checking here first before I buy and know what I am buying thx Alex
  13. Any opinions on this item and is it a collectable piece thx Alex
  14. This item is on ebay and would like help in the translation and also if it is a good item Thx Alex
  15. I love the idea....Alex
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