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    swords, writing, golf, oh and family

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    John Eliyas

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  1. For sale at reduced price! Signed: Kanehide Nakada Kanehide was a wartime smith who after the war produced mukansa level blades. This one is a nice 27” blade (8” nakago) full 35”. Tsuka is 11.25” and the fittings are bean motif. Tsuba has a farmer in rain motif and very nice. The hamon is kawazu choji and I tried to capture it in the pics (sorry for the quality.) In original polish, some scuffing as it may have been used on tatami. No chips, nicks, cracks or hagiri of any kind. Overall a nice blade and fittings. Asking $2000 plus shipping. Inquiries welcome.
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  2. The Kanehide is gendai, the Hisayuki is definitely war time, but I think traditionally made. I will post better pics.
  3. I have an idea but confirmation would be nice! Mei 1: Kane ... Mei 2: Hisa tsune
  4. Hey guys and gals, as editor of the JSS/US Newsletter I get great articles and not so great articles. But the important thing is that I get them :D If you have written something about your passion, whether it be scholarly or not, please feel free to submit it to me, either by messaging me here or sening it to my email address at eliyasj@comcast.net. The same goes for questions. I look forward to hearing from you! Sincerely, John Eliyas
  5. Thanks! And I love the quote... to wit: it's about the journey, not the destination.
  6. Hi All, Wondering if you have time to help with this. I am away from my books and cannot get to it in a timely manner. John
  7. don't worry too much about image size as I can adjust those as needed for the Newsletter. John
  8. I guess I will need the updated one for the Newsletter then, eh? Thanks! John
  9. It's that time of the year and I am finding I am in need of articles for the JSS/US newsletter. Anyone interested in submitting please contact me and I would be happy to read the material and if appropriate get it in the next issue. There is some fine stuff posted on this site, but of course I need the authors permission. Thanks! John Eliyas
  10. Marcus Porpora asked I get this out. It will also be in the next newletter. 2009 SHOW FLYER MASTER 7 23 08 .pdf
  11. I think what we are forgetting is that the sword was rarely used in the battle. The primary weapon was the bow, followed by naginata or yari, followed by the sword.
  12. I echo Barry's thoughts on this, and encourage anyone interetsed in learning more to join the organization. Further, we need members to contribute thoughtful, insightful articles that explore various aspects of the hobby. Please forward those to me if you don't mind I will be making minor modifications to the newsletter to improve not only content but look. Hopefully the membership will enjoy this and I ask for criticism and comment. Letters to the editor are welcome. John
  13. Hi everyone, By now some of you know that I have taken over the role of Editor of the JSS/US Newsletter. As such I have already had the opportunity to receive some wonderful articles (thanks Guido!). You know we are dependent not just on our members contributing articles, but others as well. So if you have anything that you would like to contribute, please drop me an email and I will gladly loook at it. Thanks and keep up the good works! John Eliyas aka roninjje aka koi dude.
  14. I first thought Kunihiro, but how about Horikawa Kunitake?
  15. roninjje


    based on the characters I see, these are not hiragana, they appear to me what is typically seen on a chinese repro. Sorry, John
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