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Everything posted by bmoore1322

  1. Nice sword. Brian
  2. I really love this sword, great buy on your part. Thanks for sharing it with us. Brian
  3. Yes, very nice, i really like this sword a lot. Thanks for showing it to us. Brian
  4. So does anyone else know if this " wa " stamp is an desirable stamp one would want to find, or was it on a less desirable blade, and mounts. Please let me know if you have any info , it would be greatly appreciated. thanks Brian
  5. That is absolutely gorgeous, thanks for sharing. Brian
  6. True, very true.. I just remember awhile back, and read some where that it was an rare stamp, and just saw in this section also that it also says it is a rare stamp. Thank you. Brian
  7. If I'm correct, I read somewhere that this is an rare stamp, do you know if this is correct, or not. thanks Brian
  8. Could this possibly an WA stamp, that if I remember right is a rare stamping on a blade. It's the only one that i think it resembles. Thanks Brian
  9. I'm trying to talk the wife into going on the long trip with me to see it, if not I will be going by myself. This is something I do not want to miss. Brian
  10. No biggie, I understand now, I was just curious, that's all. Thanks Brian
  11. I would have thought such a beautiful blade like this it would have been signed, an awesome sword... Thanks for sharing. Brian
  12. YES, a beautiful sword, I just have one question, how is the Tsuka attached to the Nakago, as I see no visible , or Mekugi on it anywhere. I'm just curious, is it permanently attached, and could never come off. Yes, truly an awesome find, and a beautiful blade. Brian
  13. @ Daniel Yes, thats the one I was thinking of, I hate it when It's right on the tip of my tongue, and could not get it out. thanks Brian
  14. @ Daniel yes I know that, but still love them, as majority of them was made from the steel of a certain famous Japanese ship that was sunk, so I have read in the past, cant think of the name of the ship though right now. Brian
  15. Yes, exactly, in that pic you can plainly see on the Tsuka where it is held in place on the sword with the bolt / nut type set up, on the prototype there is none present... Brian
  16. I have the chance to buy an really nice WW2 Imperial Japanese Naval Officers Kai-Guntō Sword with an wooden Surrender Tag still attached to the scabbard, Very nice sword, I would post pics of it, but I dont own the sword yet, and I will not post pics of a sword I do not own, or have not bought. If I do end up buying it, I will post pics of it. It's in beautiful condition, gorgeous Hamon , and the blade is flawless, and the Sageo is flawless also. The only markings on the nakago are the Naval stamp, and the scabbard is fully wrapped in rayskin. Brian
  17. Yes, every single copper NCO sword with the fake Sageo on it, they all have a the screw / bolt / nut on them...
  18. I never knew of this web site until I was doing a Google search about another sword I just bought, and there this web site was, so glad I found it, looks like a very professionally done web site, and laid out very well. Thanks
  19. The first thing I noticed is that I do not see any pin / bolt / nut that would be where the blade was attached to the tang. Am I not seeing it, or what? Brian
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