Many Thanks Luis!
The ken arriwe in a safe pakage, it was a pleasure to do business with you, the ken is in a very good quality, soo again MANY THANKS!
Best regards Claes
Thanks John for the answer, I would search for a european sword knot to found out were it belongs, I hade hope it was a sword knot from the Japanese forces.
Best regards Claes
This piece comes from a old militarymuseum, it´s note it comes from a officer in Russio - Japanese war, a gift to the museum year 1920, and have belongs to a Japanese cadett, can it be true it is from a Japanese naval officer sword?
Best regards Claes
Hi George!
There is add a another picture under the first with the backside of this tagg, maybe you can tell what it says there? The sword is a starstamped shin-gunto typ 3, and made by Kaneaki.
Best regards Claes
Thanks for helping Klaus! And yes Stephen it´s not like it be done with same hand. There is a star stamp on nakago, and date on otherside
Best regards Claes
Thanks for helping Bernard and Bruno! The kanji "chika" I can see clearly now , and the first kanji I have a thinking about "Masa", but "toshi" loks better! It´s a showa stamp on the nakago and maybe I little sekistamp.
Best regards Claes
I have bought a sword Japanese military typ 3 and have try to translate the mei, in one side 2 kanji and I think it be tamegyaku when I look at the but I think its wrong ? So can anyone help? Then on the other side of nakago there is kanji for showa but the rest I cant found out, ear, day and what els it can be ?
Best regards Claes