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Everything posted by kelibus

  1. Many Thanks Luis! The ken arriwe in a safe pakage, it was a pleasure to do business with you, the ken is in a very good quality, soo again MANY THANKS! Best regards Claes
  2. Thanks John for the answer, I would search for a european sword knot to found out were it belongs, I hade hope it was a sword knot from the Japanese forces. Best regards Claes
  3. Hi! This piece comes from a old militarymuseum, it´s note it comes from a officer in Russio - Japanese war, a gift to the museum year 1920, and have belongs to a Japanese cadett, can it be true it is from a Japanese naval officer sword? Best regards Claes
  4. Thanks Georgs! There is no note about the officer rang on the tags? or what company he was serviced in? Best regards Claes
  5. Hi George! There is add a another picture under the first with the backside of this tagg, maybe you can tell what it says there? The sword is a starstamped shin-gunto typ 3, and made by Kaneaki. Best regards Claes
  6. Hi! Thanks for help, know I understand! best regards Claes
  7. Hi John! I think 1926 + 18 = 1944 or should I start to count 1 1926 and the ear is 1943? best regards Claes
  8. I see... thanks, august 1944! Best regards Claes
  9. ear 1944? mounth 10? my best guess... best regards claes
  10. Hi! Want some help with the date please. best regards claes
  11. Hi! have this on a saya, but have no translation maybe some help? Best regards Claes
  12. Thanks for helping Klaus! And yes Stephen it´s not like it be done with same hand. There is a star stamp on nakago, and date on otherside Best regards Claes
  13. Thanks for helping Bernard and Bruno! The kanji "chika" I can see clearly now , and the first kanji I have a thinking about "Masa", but "toshi" loks better! It´s a showa stamp on the nakago and maybe I little sekistamp. Best regards Claes
  14. Thanks Stephen, fast answer. Best regards Claes
  15. I have try and must say, I can´t understand what the mei can be? some help please? Best regards Claes
  16. Hi! I´m not sure about the mei, want some help to translate Best regards Claes
  17. Thanks for fast answer cabowen and Mark! I appreciate the help! Best regards Claes
  18. Hi! I have bought a sword Japanese military typ 3 and have try to translate the mei, in one side 2 kanji and I think it be tamegyaku when I look at the earthlink.net but I think its wrong ? So can anyone help? Then on the other side of nakago there is kanji for showa but the rest I cant found out, ear, day and what els it can be ? Best regards Claes
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