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kissakai last won the day on October 27 2024

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About kissakai

  • Birthday 06/06/1950

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    United Kingdon
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  1. If I remember correctly as a guide Bushu is the same both sides and Choshu you see the image and is reverse
  2. kissakai

    Tsuba details

    Sorry Bob my mistake It was another Bob M in the UK
  3. kissakai

    Tsuba details

    Hi Just purchased these from Bob M and I'm curious about a few details 1st full tsuba Strange 'dots' Unknown feature Second tsuba Is this the worse tree ever? Gourds! It looks initially looks really rural but it has a shakudo rim so a good feature 3rd tsuba. A really nice papered tsuba with chrysanthemum stamps but any idea of the shapes, clouds, sand banks
  4. I always describe them as ornamental metal work There is never any mention or sword or nihonto
  5. Thank you all for your help
  6. I wonder if this kanji will remain unknown
  7. I look forward to see if all OK
  8. Are the two holes missing their studs?
  9. There are two images The LH image is on the front of the tsuba which has been translated OK The RH image is on the rear of the tsuba and consists of one kanji which to me is unknown
  10. I've been looking for this kanji but no luck yet Any ideas?
  11. I agree that is a nice box now see it there any comments about the wood you have used
  12. Thanks Mauro The tsuba is OK but the mei is pretty rubbish - added it later?
  13. All sorted
  14. 1967M1458 School: Unknown Mei: Yoshimasa Date: 1850 Design: Drums and kadomatsu Reverse: A single fern leaf Size: 66 x 58 x 3.5 With thanks
  15. I'm updating my Birmingham tsuba book and wondered if anyone can give me either a school or 'in the style of' Also going back through my notes an MNB member gave me the notes that Curtis made when he reviewed these Birmingham tsuba. He appears to be very knowledgeable but I don't know his background so if anyone can enlighten me it would be appreciated 1885M1806.1 School: Unknown Mei: Yukinobu Date: 1860 Design: Branches of bamboo and plum blossom Reverse: Iris sprays, chrysanthemum, other flowers and leaves. Size: 76 x 70 x 4.0mm 1967M1454 School: Unknown Mei: Norimasa Date: 1850 Design: A Shoki the demon queller Reverse: A pine tree above a stream that is highlighted in gold drops Size: 70 x 65 x 4.8
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