I have been rechecking my tsuba mei and I'd like some clarification. I do have a couple more to add later with a longer translation
Atsuyoshi 乃吉 carved 彫 this
I have a query about this kanji 吉 as it doesn’t seem right for Atsuyoshi
Choshu 長州 Hagi 萩 ju 住 Naka(i) 中 Tomomitsu 智光
Assuming I have the correct kanji, I’d like to know the context/meaning of 中
Jirotaro 次郎 Naokatsu 直勝 Nobuie 信家 utsushi 寫kore 之. H06661.0
Again, assuming I have the correct kanji I’d like to know why Jirotaro is on the front of this tsuba and not joined with the maker’s name