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kissakai last won the day on October 27 2024

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About kissakai

  • Birthday 06/06/1950

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  1. Is this a possibility 哉 sai A bit above my pay grade
  2. Thanks for finding my previous post. I should know how to do this
  3. T506 This was a recent buy and seller also gave me some other info which is shown Umetada 埋忠 Bunsai 11th year 1821 文政 十一 年 Sanshoshi Norihide 三省子 Haynes 就栄 H06917.0 Oku Sendai Katsuyuki jū 奥仙 田 勝 之 庄 Une Shochu 雲遊 田 was queried by a friend as not being the norm for 'dai'
  4. That is making more sense to me now - thanks
  5. Thanks Jean and I agree 100% Still leaves this niggle Again, assuming I have the correct kanji I’d like to know why Jirotaro is on the front of this tsuba and not joined with the maker’s name It way be just on a whim and something I've not seen before
  6. 1930M636 Jirotaro 次郎 Naokatsu 直勝 Nobuie 信家 utsushi 寫kore 之. H06661.0 Again, assuming I have the correct kanji I’d like to know why Jirotaro is on the front of this tsuba and not joined with the maker’s name
  7. T398 Choshu 長州 Hagi 萩 ju 住 Naka(i) 中 Tomomitsu 智光 Assuming I have the correct kanji, I’d like to know the context/meaning of 中
  8. Thanks Piers and I'll try to find some mei examples for this maker
  9. I thought I'd try again with this request so I have decided to spit this post up a bit T363 Atsuyoshi 乃吉 carved 彫 this I have a query about this kanji 吉 as it doesn’t seem right for Atsuyoshi
  10. I like what Sam says and I'd like to throw Kanayama into the selection Nice tsuba
  11. Hi JJ It's all a learning curve so have a look at some Japanese examples to help choose your next sword
  12. I wonder if I should have split this into three separate posts As I've five queries in total I'd didn't want to put a a load of posts over a short period I'd appreciate any views on the best way to add this type of post
  13. I have been rechecking my tsuba mei and I'd like some clarification. I do have a couple more to add later with a longer translation T363 Atsuyoshi 乃吉 carved 彫 this I have a query about this kanji 吉 as it doesn’t seem right for Atsuyoshi T398 Choshu 長州 Hagi 萩 ju 住 Naka(i) 中 Tomomitsu 智光 Assuming I have the correct kanji, I’d like to know the context/meaning of 中 1930M636 Jirotaro 次郎 Naokatsu 直勝 Nobuie 信家 utsushi 寫kore 之. H06661.0 Again, assuming I have the correct kanji I’d like to know why Jirotaro is on the front of this tsuba and not joined with the maker’s name
  14. Looks like a sale
  15. After having a tidy up I'd like to sell these items All for £50 less postage Sale items.pdf
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