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Everything posted by almeister

  1. Hi Jesse As Jean says Rust/corrosion requires 3 ingredients Bare metal/moisture/oxygen Take one ingredient out to rectify I feel in this case ... Add regular oil to take bare metal and oxygen out of equation Pics show some depth beyond surface This didnt develop in one month - It was there before and there for a while , not easily as seen ,because would have been small black dot when kept under control with oil Oil now dried out allowing oxygen to react to bare metal to expose coloured corrosion Original likely cause to be opening in hada/grain/minor forging flaw As Jean said - carefull removal of active corrosion with a soft tool that enters the opening until all red/orange rust gone out of the crevace/opening of the flaw using oil in this process to collect any rust scale - any rust stains on blade that can be seen in your pics can score the blade if you just wipe them off across the blade Do daily , with aid of magnifying glass until no coloured corrosion evident "DO NOT USE ANY FORM OF RUST CONVERTER ON ANY AREA OF ANY BLADE AT ANY TIME !!" When no coloured rust stains visible exerting from opening of area and just black spot visible - you are in control of problem , regularly monitor and of cousre - regularly oil As stated - such a minor defect as this could most likely be corrected and made un -noticeable by a traditionally trained polisher , should you wish to do so down the track All the best ! Cheers , AlanK
  2. Wow Dave That gets my attention ! The "GASSAN SCHOOL " may well be regarded as one of the most Famous Schools of All Time , that actually still practice today ! I believe @Bryce is a serious studier of Gassan works ? I don't collect "The Great Sadakazu " blades, however I realise his Family/School will always be regarded as " One Of The Greatest ! " It would be awesome to see an example of Sadakazu putting a gimei out there I collect Kanenori and my research tells me he was given direct Imperial Orders to make copies of blades , however, He signed them himself ? Interesting.... Cheers , AlanK
  3. Hi gb As is generally the case ... Better pics with no fittings ... Tip up /tang down (both sides ) ... Sectional areas from tip to lower tang .. Lower pic shows habaki/collar lòose fitting , but upper pic shows it not in correct place/dropped down ... Try better lighting/pics of boshi/tip as current pics seem to show area worked on at some stage and disappeared hamon ... ? Maybe , just my old eye's 👀 Cheers AlanK 🍺
  4. Like Brian said ... Basically too far gone Pay to shorten..dunno bout that - $ ! Keep as is maybe... and "Then make up your own "classic story " as to how it happened " Be a good yarn while having a beer
  5. Piers beat me to it They have been up front and more or less told you/everyone viewing their description at the lower part of your original post Interpretation of text can be misleading , they make no Guarantees of item being authentic, and have instructed a path to investigate further Kind regards
  6. Sincerely Thanking You For Clarification Brian ! My eyes aren't the best any more ! The short/cut off pic didn't help Thanks Again Respectfully AlanK
  7. Read this post Have I misinterpreted/lost touch with trends/or something ? I was always led to believe Shinsa would never certify a blade by a currently living Smith? ... This always made sense to me ... as , if an attribution was given and a current living Smith stepped in and said " I didn't make that blade " after appraisal Someone's gona end up with egg on their face ? Same again , have I missed something ? Showato /oil temper blades gaining certification as well ..? With Total Respect To All Parties ! AlanK
  8. Exactly... ! Bring on the pics ! I love seeing GASSAN BLADES !! Keep them coming ! I wouldn't be surprised , if there was " A Hall Of Fame " for Swordsmiths - That The Gassan School - Overall would be Ranked Top Level On The Ladder ! " Respectfully , Al
  9. Hi Bryce Fellow Aussie here 🇦🇺... Awesome research you are doing ! .. However , I understand how others are feeling.... Consider me as an outsider looking in .. that's why i will comment ... The "GASSAN SCHOOL " could probably be noted as " The Greatest School of Swordsmiths Ever ! " They still are active now ! - Wish I owned one ! Stand back ... think about all these Signature Discrepancies - You're talking about ......! It almost , looks like " .... The Gassan School " gets away with it and gets granted certificates for other siblings /students signing them - this is where contradiction/authenticity / discrepancy begins ... These guys feel they're getting there investments devalued... because of this ! The Great Sadakazu was Awesome ! As was - Sadakatsu ! FYI : 4th April 1906 Miyamoto Kanenori/Gassan Sadakazu were appointed Teishitsu Gigien Direct Swordsmiths of The Imperial Court - They were the only 2 Swordsmiths to ever be awarded this title My collection is based on ... The works of Miyamoto Kanenori I feel he is ..underrated ??.. However , He Was The Only Swordsmith to be given a " Direct Imperial Court Ranking -Shoshichii #7 " to my knowledge ?? I attach a title of a book written for the Great Kanenori , which may also advance your studies ?
  10. BTW The information is general and has " Nothing " to do with this particular blade ! AlanK
  11. Was going to offer some information towards this thread However , recently all I get on my mobile app through Google is blotched vision on most threads ?? Alan.K
  12. A couple of decades ago plasma television's were all the go , my Mrs wanted to know why I could buy swords , yet the family couldn't have a 5000 - 10000 $ TV, like all our other friends ? I calmly sat her down , held her hands and explained to her that our $900 TV would outlast the plasmas and that the swords would last forever and be a valuable asset for our children As time went by , she realised that I was correct and now we still have the swords and enjoy a $1000 65" flatscreen TV Win/Win situation ! :-) Merry Christmas and a happy new year to everyone ! Alank , Australia 🇦🇺
  13. Hi Bryce In 1918 The Great Sadakazu passed away .... ? He was " One of " the only "2" swordsmiths to ever be awarded " Teishitsu Gigien " Status - Direct Imperial Court Artisan ( April 4 1906 ) I can also see Dirks' reference I know more about Kanenori than Sadakazu Out of respect for such "A High Ranking Title " ... To my knowledge - Kanenori , Always stated , Title/Name /His Age/ on his Mei To our knowledge.... Sadakatsu is the Son(adopted?) of Sadakazu My question is.... in your research , is there any " MEI " you have seen , signed by "Sadakazu " after 1906 without his "Teishitsu Gigien " Title Status appearing on the Mei (that you would consider Sadakatsu signed ??) If so . Shinsa is the only answer Sorry if I missed something here !! , however you have brought up something here that I have heard of several times now and would appreciate clarification ! Cheers AlanK
  14. Thanks for the clarification on that John /Shugyosha ! Hizen not my area , just remembered it as it has been mentioned before , so it , caught my attention , (Reason for my question marks ?? ) Kind regards , AlanK
  15. Generally Anything Hizen ... Tachi mei ??
  16. Just looks like excessive lighting in pics Looks like a younger made blade in these pics ...because of ..! Search forum on photography . ... Hold blade cut edge up with light higher/above/behind and adjust as required and experiment... Not really relevant ....as you no longer own blade .... I , however.... agree with GeorgeT .... If it's not suguha/straight line hamon .... "Sashikomi Polish is Best ! " Cheers AlanK
  17. Zman As Michael above says makes sense ... My own opinion.. If you have koshirae made for the blade by the tradespeople of Japan and explain to them , that the blade will be living in the koshirae and you will not be making shirasaya for it ..... It costs a lot of money !! .... However , brand new koshirae is made as air tight as shirasaya However.... It becomes a total "New Process " in itself .. picking fittings etc.... So after purchasing a blade .. It could cost more to make it look the way you want it to look , than what the blade is worth .. I further more agree , Do Not house a sword in old koshirae ... you just don't know what's in the saya ! If the blade has no saya/scabbard .. Get a cotton cloth , soak it in light oil (sewing machine oil ) and wrap it around the blade ...monitor and oil it regularly ! I've dressed 2 blades in brand new daisho mounts (koshirae) They live in these mounts 1 has shirasaya , one does not It comes down to personal preference ... just continue maintaining/regularly oiling blades Cheers AlanK
  18. As many have said Brian.. Go to "Dealer Sites "on this forum ! Many of them , have well priced/excellent blades ! It is a "Buyer's Market " not a Sellers Market @ the moment ! Please also check out Nihonto Australia/Samurai Gallery Australia , as John has some Great Certified Blades available for sale ! Cheers , AlanK
  19. Hi Adam Sorry for late reply I will not post pictures , as this is your post (in wanted to buy section ! ) I just wanted to explain to you , what I understand about your original post request in order to help you , if that's OK ? I do have a katana (+ 2 x wakizashis made by this Smith) with this mei/kuyo mon , all are certified , they have just broken 100 and 101 year age barriers These blades are important as they prove that his career expanded in excess of over 70 years (there is a book written on him - Teishitsu Gigein - the 60 swords by Miyamoto Kanenori) ordered to make 60 swords for a shrine - by the Emporer of Japan As Teishitsu Giegin /Shoshichii , he had to complete , many Imperial Orders /Special requests I , as well , am on the lookout for another Shoshichii katana , however have not seen another one for sale (I'm sure there are some out there , however, at this Age/Title Status , I know they were only made on special order) Kanenori Surpassed the Imperial Court Artisan Title - Teishitsu Geiggin ...... And to my knowledge was " The Only Swordsmith to be given a " Direct Imperial/Hierarchy Court Ranking - Shoshichii # 7 of The Imperial Court " in this time .....? I feel he is under rated He is , " Clearly - One of the Most Superior Swordsmiths' of This Time ! " Continue Your Quest , as I will , and keep in touch ! Cheers , AlanK
  20. Yes Adam As you may already know... This has the Sho Shichii mei (7th rank of Imperial Court) At around age 90 he was awarded this rank He is aged 92 for this blade It is said the kuyo mon is only found on his most latest blades Kanenori's family crest is actually ivy mon
  21. Hi Adam I have nothing for sale This is however the particular swordsmith that my small collection is based on The circular signature/mon that you speak of , do you have a picture of it ? Is it a "9" circle mon (known as Ku Yo mon ) ? It usually appears on the ura/date side Cheers , AlanK
  22. Hello Aussie Mike Unless I missed something There is no shinsa certificate with sword - the bottom 2 lines from aoi are a suggestion ? I Have purchased from aoi , all certified swords are advertised as such You've already purchased ? Otherwise ask in regards Cheers AlanK
  23. Att Admin !! I don't post much However I regularly visit this site I ask that you lock this thread as it is doing damage to a Very Important Person of The Community ! Markus has already publicly given Refunds to those who have asked They can "PM or Email " him ! DON'T go publicly attacking him !😡 I have patience , and I know Markus will deliver Kind regards AlanK
  24. Hi Jesse Thanks for posting , I enjoyed seeing this ! The first/upper tsuba "chinnan sennin " I have 2 examples of Doesn't seem very common motif ? Thanks again ! Cheers AlanK😁👉🍺🍺👍
  25. Yes , John and Kristie are Good Guys ! Easy to deal with , but also Very Professional and helpful Also able to organise polishing , shinsa , having koshirae made etc.. services through his direct contacts in Japan , while my blades were in Japan Totally recommend Nihonto Australia 🇦🇺😁👍 Cheers , Alan
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