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Luc T

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Everything posted by Luc T

  1. Luc T

    Kaga Dou

    picture, yes, the kabuto is from the hand of Munehide, menpo Munesumi. An all original matching set.
  2. Luc T

    Kaga Dou

    Uwe, this guy is from the Myochin Tsurumi line. He was teh son of Munetoshi, father of Munechika, and died in 1870.
  3. Luc T

    Kaga Dou

    I have a kabuto and menpo from him somewhere. Good smith.
  4. Luc T

    Kaga Dou

    Another typical Kaga feature is the lack of hinges. Nice dou.
  5. Is this,the link between the magnificent 7 and the 7 samurai? ;—)
  6. the Japanese Armor Society will be there with an information booth. We are happy to meet all of you!
  7. Nick, can you send me a pdf? thanks!
  8. Luc T

    Revival armor

    Some were given to non-Japanese officials too.
  9. Luc T

    Revival armor

    Hi Tengu, these armors were often a gift from a lord to their higher officials. Certainly not for low ranking servants.
  10. Our 4th symposium is held in the Metropolitan museum this time, with lectures of western and Japanese experts! On the programm: Myochin Muneakira, the Dean Bashford nanbokucho armor, the Soma Noma Oi event veteran Kanno san...and more... Learn, meet other collectors, and enjoy the collections Please contact us if interested Jas@Japanese-armor.org
  11. The Japanese Armor Society is happy to cooperate and to support this event.
  12. Arts of Asia published an interview with our corporate member Peter Janssen, owner of the Samurai Arts Museum of Berlin https://www.artsofasianet.com/admin/save_file.php?attach_id=56a4bf16aa298313ced9c46ef5f8419d
  13. Dear Christian, Bas very recently became the new curator of the East-Asiatic Arts museum in Koln.https://www.facebook.com/189269974898070/posts/598132544011809?s=100002208069749&sfns=mo
  14. I think you have to date this one at the end of the 18th century Nick. But there is very little known about him.
  15. Luc T

    Kyubi no ita!

    That sounds interesting, converted fukigeashi...?
  16. Luc T

    Kyubi no ita!

    Very good question meikeru! These 2 things are very archaic, used during the Japanese middle ages by mounted archerers. The latter ones, the gyojo, were used when infantery came into play. I am sur Ian can tell us more about this.
  17. Ichiguchi have a Sada hachi too. But no recorded Sadanaga. the kabuto is very likely an myochin Ichiguchi. If it is Munenaga, it is allmost a confirmation.
  18. That’s a good start Nick!
  19. Nick, do you have a copy of the Chappelear or the Shin katchushi meikan? Munenaga is recorded in both if I remember well. but it requirs some experience with this group to recognise them.
  20. Dear Ian, i like British humor! :-)But for a person of your standing, we should say O suriage.
  21. A grey zone ... Myochin stories and fabrications. But an interesting Genuine muromachi technical kabuto. The style ressembles a bit the work of Nobuie 2, but the crafmanship is inferior. I think that this guy was born before Yoshimichi. BUT nothing is sure.
  22. Munehisa’s roots are in Joshu. As a member of the so called nobu ryu. He signs the same way as Nobuie too. His helmets are made with 4 rows of rivets. It is very good possible that there was war damage on the top before they repaired it. About restoration: Since we are dealing with a muromachi item, I would recommend to leave it as it is.
  23. Sorry, I can’t help...
  24. Munenaga is indeed possible Ian. And there is an Ichiguchi Munenaga.
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