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  1. I have a beautiful fuchi kashira signed by Omori Terumitsu. On the opposite side is an inscription I had translated to read Miwa Zaiei no zu + kao 三輪在栄圖 - "After a design/painting by Miwa Zaiei". I've been told that Miwa Zaiei was a mid Edo period painter and sculptor, who died in 1789. I've seen some of his work through online searches, but not much. Is anyone aware of books of his collected works, or anything else? I'd like to find out more about the artist but information seems pretty thin. Thanks for your time. Marc
  2. Cool website! I just ordered the Ishiguro school book, thanks! Marc
  3. Your welcomed, Peter. The Gun Collector was a very small circulation newsletter, but contained really expert wisdom from guys who had been there and done that. I once found the whole collection for sale on a European website but balked at the price for the whole set, then it disappeared, sadly. You can find old editions on Ebay, I just did a search and there are quite a few. Happy hunting. Marc
  4. While you're waiting to acquire Sugawa San's book, I've attached a copy of the 1950 issue of the Gun Collector for your entertainment. There is a chapter on tanegashima in there that is interesting to read. Enjoy. Regards, Marc The Gun Collector, September 1950.pdf
  5. "Turns out that the bank sits on the check for approx 9 days while they confirm that the bank & account are real on the other end. At that point, they clear the money to my account (in this case $1,900). After I cash out, and the scammer cancel the delivery guy, the scammer will want me to mail them the $900. After about 3 WEEKS, when the bank at the other end goes through all their checks and realizes the check is a forgery, they notify MY bank of the fraud and then my bank comes to me wanting their money back" Thank you Bruce, this is particularly important information. Most assume that once the bank clears the check at their end, all is well. Marc
  6. What a horror show of a blade, and the saya looks spray painted then scratched down with a straight edge. This is the very thing that utterly discourages the new collector from ever buying anything decent. There's a dealer in Limestone, Ontario, that a friend bought two "Shinto" swords from, and asked me to evaluate. I'm an amateur, but with enough of my own mistakes and some excellent mentoring, was able to show him the stamps and serial numbers to contradict what the seller told him. My friend was persistent enough to get his money back, and I've since been able to steer him away from using his own judgement until he has the experience and knowledge to know what he's buying. I'm new to this forum as well, but see the benefit from all the knowledge here. Thanks for starting this post. Marc
  7. May you live a thousand years. A kozuka by Ishiguro Masatsune, generation 3. Marc
  8. Compliments to Ford on the Ichijosai Hironaga, late 19th cent! That is a spectacular work of art, beautifully executed water, and the expression on the faces of those critters are stark and malevolent. Love it.
  9. Yes, thank you for reminding me!
  10. Hello, I thought I would share these images of a kettle I acquired, just for the sheer beauty of its design. The tetsubin is strongly cast and wonderfully decorated in high relief. The iron body bears the four-character seal mark of “Ueda Zo” cast in relief beneath the spout. The patinated bronze lid bears all the hallmarks of Ryubundo Zo, a famous Japanese family of tetsubin makers and bronze workers from Kyoto. This unusually complicated tetsubin was crafted in the form of Daikoku’s treasure sack. Daikoku is one of the Seven Lucky Gods. His treasure sack, (kinchaku fukuro), is a distinctive fabric money bag which is tied at the neck and represents prosperity. The neck of this basket is encircled by two thickly woven plated iron ropes which are tied into a large bow that terminates in tasseled ends. The front side features a special cord knot cast in high relief, a technique used to create the folds of the sack with deep random hollows and depressions beneath a manji character mon cast in lower relief. This reflects intentional damage cast specifically to add the appearance of great age and antiquity to the tetsubin. The quality of the casting is excellent. The top edge of the treasure sack and upper part of the body have been crafted using a very special technique creating the appearance of a cloth material done in iron. I believe it was produced circa 1850. Thanks, Djealas
  11. $565! I suppose its worth it if you just want to study the flaws, certainly an excellent example of what not to buy. Thanks for posting it, the pictures are worth keeping.
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