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Grey Doffin

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Everything posted by Grey Doffin

  1. Hi Jeremy, I have ordered copies of the Haynes Index. If you send me an email - grey at japaneseswordbooksandtsuba.com - I'll let you know when it is available. Cheers, Grey
  2. Hi guys, If all goes as planned, I will be taking possession of a pile of books at the show in August. I fly to the show and can't possibly get the books home with me. I'm looking for someone who drives to the show and would be able to take the books and mail them to me. I expect to pay for the service; not asking for a gift. If you're interested give me a call. Thanks, Grey 218-340-1001 central time
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  3. Hi Brian, You probably know this already but, just in case, don't travel with the tsuba inside their boxes. Here is why: https://www.Japanese...suba-in-a-tsuba-box/ That was a tsuba I received from a Japanese dealer. Grey
  4. Hi Teddy, Check out my website for current inventory: https://www.Japanese.../item-category/book/ Cheers, Grey
  5. Hi Simon, I vote cast and, even if it is unsure that it is cast, it is an iron tsuba that has never been mounted, which is usually a warning sign. Grey
  6. Your sword is signed, "Bushu Shitahara Ju Terushige." Not 100% sure I have the Teru right. If I do this means , Resident of Shitahara (or Shimohara) in Musashi Province, Terushige. There were a few smiths working with this signature in the 16th and 17th centuries. Here is a link to a care and cleaning brochure you should read at least once. https://nbthk-ab2.org/sword-characteristics/ Cheers neighbor, Grey
  7. Actually, when I relisted the book on my site I neglected to mark it as in stock. The book is still available. Grey
  8. Hi guys, Just took in a copy of the rarest of WWII sword books: Dai Nihon Token Shoko Meikan. Read about it here: https://www.japaneseswordbooksandtsuba.com/store/book/sword-books/b662-dai-nihon-token-shoko-meikan/ If you are interested please contact me by email through my site, not by personal message. Cheers, Grey
  9. Hi Dan, I don't know of competent, properly trained restoration in the Boston area. You shouldn't be restoring this now in any case. You don't know anywhere near enough about Nihonto to make informed decisions and there is no reason to rush into the process (it isn't as simple as saying, Here, fix this please and send me the bill). I am not an authority but I do have 40 years experience. If you'd like to ask questions feel free to call. Cheers, Grey 218-340-1001 central time
  10. Hi Nick, The mei reads Fujiwara Noriyuki. Not a blade from WWII; rather an older blade and likely Bungo Takada School. Grey
  11. Hi Dan, Your sword was picked up during/after WWII by your father but it is much older than that. Not much specific information we'll be able to provide from just the pictures - needs to be seen in hand for a true appraisal - but here is a care and cleaning brochure you would be smart to read. https://nbthk-ab2.org/sword-characteristics/ Grey
  12. This is not a military sword and it wasn't carried during the war. This is an older, Samurai sword in storage mounts (shirasaya), which has no method to attach it to a soldier. Most likely this was picked up by a US soldier after the war in occupied Japan. Here is a care and handling brochure you should read: https://nbthk-ab2.org/sword-characteristics/ This will show you how to properly remove and replace the handle. As mentioned, if you can give us decent photos of the sword's tang (nakago) and of the writing on the scabbard, we will be able to tell you more. Take the pictures on a dark background; light colored backgrounds make it difficult to see details on darker objects. Grey
  13. Hi Kyle, As mentioned, rough condition but, if the sword is better quality, which it may be in spite of its condition, it may be restorable and end up more valuable than the cost of restoration, which will be significant if done right by a properly trained craftsman. If you'd like someone to bounce questions off, feel free to call. I'm not an authority but I have 40 years experience with these swords and I will tell you what I know. In the mean time, don't rush into any decisions; take the time to better understand what you have before acting. And this includes the bronze brush which is about to be recommended in the next post; don't do it. Restoration should be left to those with training and rank beginners shouldn't be told how to fix their swords. Cheers, Grey 218-340-1001 US central time
  14. The nakago ends at the machi but the top of the nakago is polished and should be oiled with the rest of the polished balde, if you are oiling. Grey
  15. Hi Tyler, The signature is Kiyonori and I think there is a good chance he was working in Bizen Province in the 16th century. But others who know better may have a better idea. Grey
  16. Brian said: "For example, go to the top of the forum. Select Activity, then Unread Content. Then go to Content Type, and click Topics...then the small gear. Select Narrow By Forums and then the For Sale Section or any others you wish to check. That will then give you a listing of all the unread topics just in the section/s you chose." Which is exactly what I had before you made the change except I didn't have to do any of that and I didn't have to choose the sections I prefer, which I don't want to do because I want to see everything for sale in all sections on one page. I open the forum, read what looks interesting, and mark the forum read so I see what's new when I come back. But I'm not going to win this one, so how about you combine the Tsuba and Kodogu forums? Often sellers have some of each to sell and this way they won't have to make 2 listings and we won't have to visit 2 forums. Your system would make sense if hundreds of items were listed for sale every day. As is, with maybe 2 or 3 items a day, keeping it simple makes better sense. Grey
  17. Hi guys, Recently the for sale forum was split into 5 separate topics: swords, tsuba, other kodogu, books, other art. Am I the only one who doesn't think this is a good idea? Used to be I could click on the forum and the seller's titles told me what was available. If something looked interesting I'd click on it and if not I'd click on mark forum read and I was done: 2 or 3 clicks total. Now I may have to open 3 or 4 different forums and take more time and clicks to see the same information. I don't get what the new system gains me; not like I couldn't tell from the title what I'd be looking at and if I wanted to click on it. Anyone agree? Grey
  18. Congrats on the sword but I don't like the "general advice" to drill a small hole in a tight mekugi. Never heard of it, never used it, and sounds like an excellent way to mess up the nakago with a drill bit. A stuck, brittle mekugi can be removed without resorting to fast moving tool steel. Grey
  19. Hi Jay, The nakago and habaki look poorly done. Can't be 100% sure it is a fake but even if it isn't I don't think it is anything you want to collect. Grey
  20. Hi Vitaly, I would stop where you are now. You have cleaned off dirt and grease and you should let well enough alone. Patinas on soft metal fittings often will heal themselves over time. Even if they don't, the wear on your pieces are where they would be expected with use and you may regret any fix you attempt. Grey
  21. Honoki is chosen for, among other attributes, its little or no acid content. I don't know the acid content of alder. Grey Doffin, furniture maker
  22. Thank you Moriyama-san. So this is a statement of ownership rather than a signature of the smith? Grey
  23. Hi folks, Can someone give me Romaji and translation for the picture below? Not sure if this is a mei or possibly something else. Much appreciated. Grey
  24. Colin, You're on the wrong page. Click on Index of Japanese Sword Literature on the top bar, once there click on Sword smiths, and I'm sure you can figure the rest. Grey
  25. Strange. I get 12 results with a search of iga kami. Grey
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