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  1. it is singed on the Katana Mei side, if i am not mistaken .
  2. Hi , contact the Token Society of GB , they should be able to get you his contact details . PS . pity about Mick retiring , he done first class work .
  3. now we can see the tang, i agree it is a Kanehisa showato blade
  4. Hi Nicholas , It is sword that was made on the Island of Java , and is signed Shiyawaka Sumaran , according to the book called Fuller and Gregor swords smiths of Japan 1926 - 1945, the oshigata is on page 116 , you should be able to find more info with a search on the board here , good luck
  5. Just the usual 100% BS from the lanes appraisals , i agree it is a fake / repro copy
  6. HI Gareth , some of your photos are upside down ! it is not easy to read the kanji . just a heads up for others /
  7. Ryan , sorry but it is basically everything about the sword that is wrong , especially the mounts and the tang and the kanji and etched Hamon .
  8. I once had a sword with two rivets, one copper one aluminium , presumed it was for test cutting ?
  9. raaay


    Alex , the usual BS write up from the Lanes and of course with the usual fantastic prices
  10. Hi Jonathan , It was in Sworders auction a couple of months back , maybe it did not reach it's reserve price ? i see there are few other Japanese items from the previous auction, also in there next sale . it has already been said it is an older style of mounting , IMHO , presumably to give it extra strength when in use , just my two pence worth .
  11. Jason , ask the members of the Irish Token Society if they have anything, it will preassembly save you worrying about import duties etc. !!
  12. raaay

    Nanako shapes

    Hi Justyn , IMHO , i think it is just some rubbing on the Nanako over a period of time , which in some places makes them look a little flat / square . but i could be wrong of course .
  13. O-Dear obvious fake .
  14. if i remember correctly was it not kaneyasu that sometimes reversed his Mei !
  15. Hi Mike , rolling on the edge does not sound good , i would check to see if the blade has been actually tempered , a tempered blade would chip IMHO and not have rolled edges , but i could be wrong off course !
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