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Everything posted by Stephen

  1. Expanding the Tsuka photos. Fuchi and Kashira and sarute all need a closer look and add value to it IMO. seldom see square off sarute, usually rounded. Oh and menuki look interesting too. May I ask where you live Ron? If your close to a show that's where you'll get your greatest value. Like Simon said tread lightly for quick offers...
  2. OT we have a post on types of sarute. Johns above lovely example is the one I was hunting for in my files it's chevron had black n red and gold gilt ...I'd have to think expensive for the officer. Maybe @Bruce Pennington knows the thread. Carry on great thread.
  3. First off I don't dislike like anyone on board, didn't mean to have anything deleted. I ve been around Nihonto for some time, and have seen a beast of a sword at shows, also ducked a sword at Tampa show when a new student let his sword fly out of his hands doing his kata. I figured the weight of the blade helped in sensei success. The clip is biased, highly edited to show fail after fail, then success with more matts. Thanks for your explanation Michael. Was hoping for swingers to chime in is all.. Peace be with you all in what may be a very interesting New Year.
  4. Handsome healthy blade, morning pix should be full tang shot, blade up , closeups of hamon activity. Very Desirable to me.
  5. Also how long it is from tip to notch where habaki fits the blade
  6. For a better I D I'd show blade like this without fittings. It's a older blade in handachi mounts
  7. To add to my collection. Iron is fine it can be in air also
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  8. Any more dead horse around?
  9. https://buyee.jp/ite...n/c1107534370/detail Google translate
  10. I'd love too but a few things say no sigh
  11. Kicking around going but not if there's going to be crossing of swords.
  12. What I was thinking Sam, following for our cutters on board.
  13. And like shark tank "I'm out"
  14. Years of experience and hands-on handling.
  15. So you did buy it. To answer my inquiry
  16. Says sold did you buy it? https://griffinmilit...army-officer-mounts/
  17. That's just a rating not sword value
  18. It does have nice hada but the pix are blurry and nakago has too much chalk. Google the smith's name and see if the mei match
  19. It is handsome, maybe made for a gun?? If mine I'd remove the two brace and replace with two curved cut outs to house two swords, or one shirasaya and one Koshirae . Or you may have a large daito in a sword bag then just pad the existing brace. Just thoughts.
  20. It's a constellation
  21. Why not just say mimi?? Oh never mind lol
  22. Grey will till you for sure. I'd leave it on the back porch or outside out of the elements.
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