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Gold Tier
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Everything posted by Stephen

  1. I'd ask in Translation forum
  2. Good thing otherwise it might have bit you.
  3. https://buyee.jp/ite.../auction/t1119327797 Wondering why I'm not blocked to bid on Buyee. Many times I've been told I can't bid because their bots spot the word gold in sellers ad even if to say gold he sells in his shop. Or inlay, often takes numerous support contracts before a real person reads and and lifts the bidding. Anyway I doubt it's solid gold.
  4. I haven't tried it only buyee, fees can be high if heavy but they are fast too. Been thinking of making a account also I've heard the search is better. Into saving mode so really a moot point.
  5. Bit off topic may I ask why you prefer jauce over buyee? @Infinite_Wisdumb
  6. Ha worked now.🙏
  7. What we can't add screen shots now https://buyee.jp/ite...tem_browsing_history @Brian
  8. So happy to hear that. Thinking of the wait staff...x15 ppl. Proper tip is in order. Don't be a Mr. PINK guys lol
  9. Lovely Tsuba Simon, I like thinking rain but bamboo override my thoughts.
  10. Following for how the sushi buffet plays/tastes out.
  11. Nice watch, may your inter tsubo niwa give you pause today. https://youtu.be/SsL...?si=3IfJtQ4G8X7G0iiN
  12. Good Good, many members in attendance so get to know some and ask for their opinions. If you pick up one and you feel energy up you arm I'd give a hard look. Looking forward to your find.
  13. IMHO just viewing to learn activity in blade I'd not consider removing tsuka. If buying , it's different story.
  14. @Grey Doffin Has a link on how to ask hold and return blade to owner. Remember no talking while viewing open blade, some spittle may fly from your mouth.
  15. Why you do as you like, that's his opinion it's not written in stone.
  16. All in all books are important but not as much as sword in hand. More than a few members from up north...I'd as for some one in your area to have a meet n great. Maybe more than one would like to have a get-together.
  17. One note is, its Chris Bowen if you search for him. If you find a gendaito in not so important minty mounts, it's fine to make Koshirae to your spc. If properly made you don't need a shirasaya. My Hiromasa Dai mid 1940s with shinto sho.
  18. Mixing photos?? Waki n katana?
  19. That has wings
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