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Stephen last won the day on March 2

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About Stephen

  • Birthday 09/27/1945

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    As it was so it shall be

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    Stephen {thee ol couch}

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Grand Master

Grand Master (14/14)

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  1. Thanks to Nobody
  2. Nick was un packing some of his brother's belongs. I had gifted this him years ago I don't remember anything after shoami, appreciate your help.
  3. Is Jean any more than a ghost? You all found out he was okay and waited for days to say anything that's a lot of respect for my time spent here adios
  4. Is one allowed to ask if we have new mods? If so who.
  5. Wow and here I was fearing the worst FUJ
  6. He hasn't or his wife or his friend. If you're close to him maybe do a welfare check
  7. I sent a message to his wife
  8. Still no word from Jean in messenger,😒
  9. Love you Georgie Boy
  10. On a serious note any member can help moderate to a certain extent see something going out the rail or spam just report it like big brother see something say something. I think we all can do are part
  11. What you trying to say Willis huh 😆 🤣
  12. https://www.facebook.../share/r/1BEVQj4JcE/ Jean posted this on FB 16 I'll Message him
  13. Brian will always be the head of the helm moderators basically for putting out fires removing spam if there's a big dust up name calling you can lock it until Brian reviews it. basically think babysitting
  14. I did pm two others waiting for them to answer the one I did get answer from is Sam and he said he would be honored I think he's very level-headed and knows what's going on and would make a good moderator
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