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Stephen last won the day on February 21

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About Stephen

  • Birthday 09/27/1945

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    As it was so it shall be

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    Stephen {thee ol couch}

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  1. PS I did take a quick look with the hadori polish there's really not much to learn from. Proceed with caution
  2. https://www.ebay.com/usr/yamatohime724 Two others with attractive prices but with no bids. Ppl worried about kizu? We have seen Japanese sellers use eBay as a dumping around. Have to say if I was starting out the 700$ mumei wakizashi with papers Would be a starter. That said I haven't enlarged each photo to see if there's a problem.
  3. Dee seems to have her ear to the ground in nippon maybe she can help @KungFooey
  4. Northwest USA huh? I bet it was Sammy right scrogs?
  5. Will be looking forward to the results good luck
  6. A nice little belt buckle, for those who wear. https://www.facebook.../share/r/15ywufn8gN/
      • 3
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      • Wow
  7. Nicely said Vince nicely said I respect your calm I myself like Dee wouldn't have been so nice.
  8. Love it, so much to see in all that activity. Are you going to send it for papers Walt?
  9. I would think other Ichihara has very distinct chisel cut mei https://www.Japanese...rdindex.com/naga.htm
  10. I'm not worried about the tassel GIs did a lot of strange things to them. Read up on how to remove the peg that holds the tsuka/ handel on. We'll walk you through it.
  11. Grandma used to always say "if you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all"
  12. When I was mailing packages and swords I used this, balancing the middle of it and it was only an ounce or less difference a the post office when they put on her scale
  13. Above Brian T. and T. BUCK both good recommendations look in the index for McDonald out of Mountain iron I know nothing of the first. http://www.montanairon.com/swords.html Looked for you
  14. Yes drawn from the fact they needed to function in cold weather.
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