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Stephen last won the day on December 21

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About Stephen

  • Birthday 09/27/1945

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    As it was so it shall be

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Grand Master

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  1. Stephen


    In place of book insert your personal vice, Nihonto, Tosogu, etc.
  2. Wow I didn't realize the scale until I seen it in your hand that's really well done
  3. That's what I was thinking.
  4. What a seal...er deal. Wanted one for so long he was a teacher of one of the swords I used to own, Hiromasa, maybe the buyer would like this .
  5. Dee I see your fugi and raise you even fugier
  6. Not bad, if there was a starter blade I would think this could be one. Tons of study time there.
  7. Respect for standing your ground I did search by his name all over 7K good luck
  8. Not a member place to say overpriced. A truism in many fields especially in Nihonto one never gets back what one puts into a polish. Unless top ranked Nippon polish.
  9. I get a feeling that the habaki was added as we're the rest of the parts. One wouldn't expect the habaki to stick out above the mune.
  10. Been out of the game, I used to figure take off 00 and the price would be close but now $50 difference wow. Deanna nice to have a brother in country.
  11. Maybe Nobody will come along
  12. Easily double or triple your money in parts. OR have your smitty weld on New nakago
  13. Probably the best learning tool to begin with. You'll know better next time and to ask before you leap. Onwards and upwards.
  14. Ran we don't do offers. You have to have a fixed price and go from there.
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