Hi Grey,
If you check pg 263 of Fuller & Gregory's "Japanese Military and Civil Swords and Dirks", you will find a whole chapter dedicated to collaboration, emergency issue, reproduction and fake swords.
It goes on to list country by country occupied by Japan, mentioning that they were not only armed, but in some cases even uniformed in Japanese gear. over 100,000 in China alone..... interesting, eh?
This particular type is not shown, however it states numerous type of swords were made and used by local militia's,under Japanese control.
My logic dictates that they were not made by "resisting forces", as why would you impersonate your enemies sword pattern? Hence, what i originally heard about these swords still holds and appears valid until proven otherwise, not necessarily FACT as i stated, but definitely plausable.
I think the still Jury is out on that one, they may be fakes.... but no hard evidence yet to classify them as that.
Having said that, i still find them a mere curiosity and wouldn't bother with them personally.
BTW, sorry i haven't quite worked out the quote boxes yet.... still learning :D