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Everything posted by Nobody

  1. It is an inro (印籠). Ref. Inro - Wikipedia
  2. 大東亜戰必勝祈願刀 – Sword to pray for victory of Greater East Asian War
  3. Shimizu Seiya (清水精也) was born in 1947. He became a pupil of Sakai Ikkansai Shigemasa (酒井一貫斎繁政) in 1969. And he was officially approved to make swords in 1974. His smith name is Taikei (大慶), and the name also uses other kanji 泰慶. The following link shows his another work made in 1977. Ref. 日本刀・刀剣の紹介サイト【平成名刀会】  − 清水 泰慶  (刀) 金梨子地塗鞘拵付    価格65万円 (heiseimeitokai.com)
  4. So no kurikara (草の倶利伽羅) by Gassan Sadakazu 1st
  5. Maybe 後 - back/behind/after.
  6. 美濃国貞正鍛之 – Sadamasa in Mino province forged this.
  7. i suspect that it may be such a document and was written after Meiji era.
  8. That is another Showa. The paper says late Showa: 昭和 (1926 - 1989).
  9. 1. Wakizashi Mumei: Thought to be 宗弘 (Munehiro) in Fukuoka (福岡) Late Showa era 2. Katana Mumei: Thoght to be Kanemoto (兼元) in Noshu (濃州) Circa Tensho (天正, 1573-1592)
  10. I know I am late, but I still do not understand the paper. The paper looks an incorrect explanatory note rather than a certificate. There are several points I cannot understand. The paper says that the armor maker Myochin Muneyoshi (明珍宗吉) was invited to Shonai by Sakai Saemon no jo Tadatsugu (酒井左衛門丞忠次), and Tadatsugu was the 27th Lord of the Shonai domain. However; 1. Sakai Tadatsugu (酒井忠次) died in 1596 before the Shonai domein was established. Ref. Sakai Tadatsugu - Wikipedia 2. The first Lord of the Shonai domain is Sakai Tadakatsu (酒井忠勝), who is the grandchild of Tadatsugu. 3. The last Lord of the Shonai domain is Sakai Tadamichi (酒井忠宝) and he is 12th load. So, there is no 27th Load of the Shonai domain. 4. If Myochin Muneyoshi made the armor in late Edo period, what about the first part of the paper?
  11. 高崎三郎金繁 - Takasaki Saburo Kaneshige Ref.
  12. Your paper is not NBTHK’s paper, though it imitates the style of NBTHK. It was issued by 美術日本刀保存審査會 (Bijutsu Nihonto Hozon Shinsakai) in 1974.
  13. 関藤井兼音作 – Seki Fujii Kaneoto saku
  14. 則光 - Norimitsu
  15. 亰都藤原安廣 - Kyoto Fujiwara Yasuhiro
  16. I agree with your reading for the mei. 関住人各務行直作 – Seki junin Kagami/Kagamu Yukinao saku One kanji on the back side might be 弟 – younger brother. I am not sure.
  17. The description on the Torokusho is “なし(傳)粟田口 – None, (Thought to be) Awataguchi”. なし(Nashi) means Mumei in this case. Basically, registration papers do not mention any attribution. The Torokusho of your katana was issued in the first year when the registration system started. So, there might be a little confusions.
  18. Nobody

    Loom motif?

    Everything can be a motif such as fisherman’s net.
  19. Nobody

    Loom motif?

    This is just a shot in the dark. 畚 (mokko) – a straw basket [for carrying earth]
  20. 濃刕関住人源天秀謹作之 – Resident in Noshu Seki, Amahide respectfully made this. 皇紀二千六百年拾月日 – 2600 Imperial year (1940), 10th month
  21. New characters for 日刀保 look like low resolution fonts similar to 16 dot font on VGA monitors in 1990s.
  22. I have this TH paper dated December 15, 2023. There are 日, 刀, and 保 marks as previous papers. However, each mark is not clearer than marks on privious papers. The each caracter now consists of small red dots and does not look fine.
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