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  • Birthday April 2

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    Tokyo, Japan
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    Nihonto (beginner), Knife, Watch, and many other things

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    MORIYAMA Koichi

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  1. 赤城軒 also reads Akagiken. Ref. Kozuka with design of Chôhi and Gentoku (Zhang Fei and Xuande) from the Sangokushi (Sanguozhi) – Works – Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
  2. To be precise, the steel which was used to make Mikasato (三笠刀) was taken from the gun barrel destroyed in the Battle of Yellow Sea (1904 – one year before the Battle of Tsushima). Ref. Mikasa-tō (Gun material use of a battleship "Mikasa.")
  3. 備前國住長舩勝光 – Bizen no kuni ju Osafune Katsumitu      同忠光 – dou Tadamitsu 同 (dou) in this context means “ditto”, then 同忠光 is equivalent to 備前國住長舩忠光 (Bizen no kuni ju Osafune Tadamitsu) . 文龜三年二月日 – Bunki 3rd year (1503), 2nd month The Sanskrit character on the blade means Acala.
  4. The paper was issued in 1985. It does not look strange to me. The following image shows a hozon paper issued in 1986.
  5. Thanks to your post, I found the following page. Lot 582 - A RARE HAMANO SCHOOL SHIBUICHI KOZUKA WITH A To be presice, the last character should be 齊 (or 斉).
  6. 備州長舩住祐包 - Bishu Osafune ju Sukekane
  7. I am not sure, but it could be 三原住政宗 (or 家?) – Mihara ju Masamune (or Masaie?).
  8. 羽州山形住齋藤 - Ushu Yamagata ju Saito There is no Fujiwara in the mei.
  9. 1, 鉄地丸形真鍮象嵌土手耳小柄櫃穴 2. 丸に三引両紋草花図鐔 3. 無銘 応仁 4. 室町時代ノ応仁年間(一四六七~一四六八)頃ニ製 5. 作サレタト伝ワル薄手土手耳ノザングリシタ 6. 地鉄ニ点象嵌縄目切込ノ真鍮象嵌ニ 7. ヨル簡素ナ文様就中櫃穴ヤ切羽台ヲ真 8. 鍮象嵌デ囲ム技法ハ応仁鐔ノ特色也 9. 平成十九年十二月誌[kao?] 10. 付 コノ鐔ノ小柄櫃穴ハ最初ハ無ク後世ニ開ケラレタモ 11. ノデアル表裏ノ穴マワリノ真鍮象嵌文様ガ切断サレ 12. テイルコトニ依リ明白也 13. 保存刀装具鑑定書付(平成九年六月二十日)
  10. 近江大掾藤原忠廣 - Omi daijo Fujiwara Tadahiro
  11. 應 (応) – accept/comply 需 – request/demand
  12. 羽山圓真之門葉 – Hayama Enshin school 藤原正房作 – Fujiwara Masafusa made. 吉田山於麓鍛之 – At the foot of Yoshidayama, forged this. 皇紀二千五百九十九年八月 – The 8th month of the 2599th year of the Imperial reign (1939) <Stamp> 実用新案登録 – Utility model registration 第二一一六五九号 – No. 211659 包鉄鍛錬刀印 – Mark of forged sword from hard steel (unshure) 眞金入 – Makane iri
  13. 駿州嶋田住廣助 – Living in Shimada of Sunshu (Suruga province), Hirosuke Ref. Swordsmith Index | Nihonto Club
  14. Ref.
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