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  • Birthday April 2

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    MORIYAMA Koichi

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  1. Thank you. The date is 昭和十二年二月日 - Showa 12th year, 2nd month. And I agree with you for the mei reading.
  2. I cannot see any image or link.
  3. FYI: AF24052 揃金具:知昆 (縁頭、小柄、鍔) – 日本刀販売の葵美術
  4. Sodo is an art name of 鳥越一太郎 (Torigoe Kazutaro).
  5. I guess red characters. 肥前國住人近江守忠吉作刀齢三百有余年
  6. 鐔縁頭小柄 – Tsuba, Fuchi-Kashira, Kozuka 銘□ 知昆 – Mei: Tomoyasu 素銅地 枝葉毛彫 – Suaka-ji, Leaves and branches, Kebori 鐔 長丸形 竪弐寸弐分 横壱寸九分 – Tsuba: Oval shape, Long axis 2-sun 2-bu, Short axis 1-sun 9-bu 縁 刃宗 壱寸弐分五厘 – Fuchi: Long axis 1-sun 2-bu 5-rin 頭 刃宗 壱寸壱分五厘 – Kashira: Long axis 1-sun 1-bu 5-rin 小柄 長サ 参寸弐分五厘 – Kozuka: Length 3-zun 2-bu 5-rin 右正作也 – These items are genuine. 昭和丗年七月七日 – Showa 30th year, 7th month, 7th day 草堂 – Sodo
  7. Thanks @Bugyotsuji. For the tsuba in question, Minbu seems to be correct. Myōchin Minbu ..... 明珎民部 ..... In the following old thread about 明珎民部紀宗定, the mei was read as Myochin Shikibu ...... at first, but later it was thought to be Myochin Minbu. @SteveM said "I also think this is Minbu (民部) by the way. Wakayama's reference lists both Shikibu (式部) and Minbu as possibilities for this artist, but to me it looks like Minbu..." in his comment.
  8. What is the motif of the tsuba? Can you show us the both sides? I think the information might help to identify the kanji.
  9. I enhanced the image. It looks like 則定 (Norisada) or 則宗 (Norimune) to me.
  10. As for the left image, 明珎式部民部 – Myochin Shikibu Minbu 紀宗定作 – Ki no Munesada saku Where is the other unknown kanji on the right? Edit: correct reading. (Feb. 12, 2025)
  11. (?) 松岡大尉 - Lieutenant Matsuoka
  12. According to Wakayama, it reads Terumsa (英昌).
  13. Rapping specification 柄平巻 – Tsuka hiramaki
  14. □□関岡田兼定作之 - ?? Seki Okada Kanesada made this. The first two characters may be 濃州 – Noshu.
  15. 雪華 (sekka) - Snowflake
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