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Nobody last won the day on March 16

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About Nobody

  • Birthday April 2

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    Tokyo, Japan
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    Nihonto (beginner), Knife, Watch, and many other things

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    MORIYAMA Koichi

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  1. 信光 - Nobumitsu
  2. I have not seen his works. So, I am not sure but maybe this man. Ref. Louie Mills (1944-2018) – Crossed Heart Forge
  3. If it is not a problem, please donate to NMB.
  4. 守護短刀 壹振 – Gurdian tanto, one 日本砂鐵鋼業株式會社以精錬鋼長七寸謹作大坂住月山貞勝 – Using the steel refined by the Japan Iron Sand Steel Industry Co., length 7-sun, respectfully made, Gassan Sadakatsu in Osaka. The note on the paper seems to be poems. I think that they are not directly related to the tanto.
  5. Though it may not be necessary to say, a genuine torokusho does not proof that the mei on the sword is genuine.
  6. Maybe, 正阿弥包矩 - Shoami Kanenori
  7. FYI: 「心肝を寒からしむる(しんかんをさむからしむる)」の意味や使い方 わかりやすく解説 Weblio辞書
  8. I cannot decipher several parts, and I tried a guess work. I am especially unsure about the blue parts. 此刀ハ我か珍蔵月山貞一之作也□を脱すれハ電光 閃き星芒将ゐ人をして寒からしむ然れども装鞘素朴 鐔鐵剛強維新志士が剱撃闘争活躍ニ実 用せし物たること歴然たり吾其の手澤を愛惜して 改造せす後人をして其間を偲び士気を養ふる資□□ と云□ 昭和三年十月吉日 石川水心先識す This sword is my rare collection made by Gassan Sadakazu. If it is drawn, lightning flashes and sparkles scatter, and it makes a man frightened. However, its fittings/scabbard are simple and iron tsuba is firm. It is obvious that it was practically used in sword battles by samurai of the restoration. I have a deep affection for this favorite item, and I will leave it unrestored to make later generations think of that era and raise their morales. Showa 3rd year, a lucky day in 10th month Ishikawa Suishin foresees.
  9. Actually the nagasa written on the NBTHK pater is 2-shaku 01-bu (二尺〇一分). So, the blade length is 60.9 cm, and it is naturally classified as a katana. If the shop is saying that its nagasa is 60.2 cm, that might be their mistake.
  10. Please say it Tori'i zori (鳥居反り).
  11. In the left circle, 不審菴 – Fushin’an Ref. OMOTESENKE Fushin'an:The name Fushin'an
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