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Everything posted by w.y.chan

  1. Shoji Yoshihara is already receiving Tokubetsu Hozon papers. Ono Yoshimitsu studied under the Yoshihara brothers, I read somewhere mostly taught by Shoji I see similarity in their Juka Choji.
  2. Chris Bowen has a lot of info about Toyama Mitsuru and swords made at his estate. Toyama allegedly paticipated as a hammer man in the forging of some of these swords. The presentation sword made by Shigetsugu for Adolf Hitler was also signed as made in the estate of Toyama Mitsuru.
  3. Surprise nobody posted this postwar Okimasa that was sold earlier in the year. It is estimated he made about a hundred blade and only a couple of dozen or so long swords after the war because he died about 5-10 years before the sword boom. https://www.seiyudo.com/ka-030723.htm
  4. The event of today and the story associated with Muramasa, being a gift from Putin. Unknown-4
  5. The logo must have changed. I got my first cloth back in 2003 for my camera lens, have to order them from abroad then a year later Paul Martin mention that they were using them for Japanese swords. The different colours are just preference but I believe the blue one is the most soughted I have no idea why. Sword appraisers trim the edges off in case the stitches catches on something.
  6. Were do you see this sword? There was one by Okimasa at a dealer website with horimono for 2.3 million yen. Okimasa died a few years before the post war sword boom and all smiths made very few swords up to that point.
  7. I like the 3D dragon horimono looks like its jumping out of the blade.
  8. Its also 5% tax if it is work art but less than 100yrs old.
  9. Kawachi Kunihira is widely considered the best today but a documentary about him receiving his last ever student plus he is about Yoshindo's age and may also expect to retire when a new LNT is considered.
  10. Since Miyairi Akihira its always been awarded to the smith that recieved thir Mukansa the earliest. Some may say its not nessary the requirement but its been that way. Maybe its the system of honouring the most senior of the mukansa? Yoshindo, if he was passed over maybe they are waiting for his retirement before nominating a new LNT.
  11. Yoshihara Kuniie the 1st. He became a judge at the postwar sword contest and became a mukansa before the mukansa system became official. Had he entered the annual sword contest like every other swordsmiths at that time there might have been a different outcome.
  12. Since it is a nihonto forum it has to be sword related Tsukamoto Okimasa though he wasnt left out but died about 1-2 years before he was due to be nominated maybe even ahead of Miyairi Akihira.
  13. I'm working from home using Team and like Zoom I'm pretty disappointed with the video quality. I guess most people is just using a webcam and microphone built in to their laptop or via their phone. I have streaming equipment that allows me to hook up multiple professional cameras that is on par with live HD broadcast. I meant to demonstrate it at work but the lockdown put paid to that and my home broadband is slow and nobody is available to fix or upgrade it.
  14. I'm almost certain the uchiko ball from Fujishiro are not made from uchigumori stone but powdered deer horn and less likely to scratch the blade.
  15. I use a Canon EF-S 35mm f2.8 Macro lens with built in ring lights
  16. I did wonder who is behind this website. There is at least one sword on there that I recall was on sale on a dealers website a few years ago that I wanted to buy but was sold so I now know who has bought it. Maybe they might be interested in buying from us?
  17. Maybe but I prefer his work over Toshihide and he was probably a mentor to a young Toshihide when they worked together in 1907. Sadakatsu had the benefit of beng active during the wartime sword boom when Masatsugu mostly retired and passed on the concern to his son.
  18. This one is interesting https://www.ebay.com/itm/Japanese-Katana-Manji-Masatsugu-Wakizashi-24-6cm-navy-sword-FS-from-JP-M1719/362916763770 Masatsugu was probably at his peak around the late Meiji/Taisho era. Together with Gassan Sadakatsu and Horii Toshihide they were considerd the top three most important swordsmiths in the pre Showa era.
  19. I havent sold any swords for many years but I'm considering letting go of one gendaito by a big name smith. In due course I will be listing it here
  20. Thankyou Guido, I just want a modern plain kiri box. The Namikawa one is pretty expensive.
  21. Hi, Does anyone know a good source that sells kiri wood sword box at good price?
  22. Looks like the Okimasa never reached the reserve the dealer is willing to sell. It has now been listed for sale http://www.nipponto.co.jp/swords6/NT330024.htm
  23. Out of the swordsmiths that are still alive blades by Ono Yoshimitsu seems to command the highest price.
  24. Its been said NTHK papers state the actual smith not just the name but of which generation while the NBTHK does not. However I've seen in more recent NBTHK papers that confirm the smith who made the blade by stating the full name in addition to the partial name written on the tang.
  25. Just recieved a C160 form from Parcel Force (Custom Clearing Agent) in the UK to declare an item imported from Japan, the cost and purpose, etc, to assist what is appropriate for them to charge me. I never seen this before so maybe its something new from now on? Has anyone recieved this and how would you fill it in? Dont get me wrong I intend to pay the 5% charge like I always do even with modern shinsakuto art swords. Just don't want to fill it out in such a way for a jobsworth to slap 17.5% plus tax.
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