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k morita

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Everything posted by k morita

  1. Hi, Do you have the blade? 美濃国寿命  Mino no kuni,JUMYO. 表裏上リ下リ龍彫物有之、天文頃、長弐尺六分有之 Carved dragon(Nobori-Kudari-Ryu)on the both side blade, Around Tenbun period.(around 1530') Blade length:2 shaku 6 bu =(62.4 cm)
  2. Hi, The poem on the saya is a waka-poem of MOTOORI Norinaga. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Motoori_Norinaga
  3. Hi, Seki ju NIWA Kunihide.
  4. Hi, According to Honma's Meikan. The mei reads Kiyokuni(also Kamikuni). Worked in Tokyo and Nagano prefecture.real name was SAKURAI Saiji. RJT smith.
  5. Hi, Chinese poem by Zhang Jiuling(673–740)the Tang dynasty. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zhang_Jiuling 海上生明月 天涯共此時情 人怨遙夜竟 夕起相思 滅燭憐光 滿披衣覺露 滋不堪盈手 贈還寢夢佳期
  6. Hi, A Japanese postcard on around '40s. At the China front. A transport soldier and a sword(NCO sword T-95 ?), and the horse cap is cute. Maybe T-95 sword?
  7. Hi, Not Masayuki but Masamichi. Date: 甲申六月吉日 (June,1944) Mei: 山城国(Yamashiro no kuni = Kyoto)  正道作 (Masamichi saku). His family name is Morita.
  8. Hi, Attached paper of the Saya says the blade is Dotanuki .
  9. Hi, Nice Makie Box,and Waka poems. I also do not keep books on lacquer artists. The signature says 黙宗 (Mokusō + kao)(?).
  10. Hi, Maybe a good sword, The signature says "Higo-ju Tadatoshi" (肥後住忠利). Date is August 1943 (昭和十八年八月日) His family name is Kumabe 隈部
  11. Congratulations Mr,Ian B. Your Norishige sword on TV news in Japan . https://www3.nhk.or.jp/lnews/kagoshima/20220224/5050017950.html
  12. Hi, The 1st liner, 一五一六号 #1516 豊島様 (for)Mr,Toshima or Toyoshima or Tomishima. The 2nd one. #???13
  13. About the mei. Normal reading of the mei is SUKENOBU (亮信).
  14. Hi, His family name is Terada (寺田). Terada Morinobu (寺田盛延) was RJT smith.
  15. Hi, Rare yari, i think. 酒蔵正吉作 (Sakakura Masayoshi)
  16. Hi, The signature says Takeyama Yoshiomi  (武山義臣)
  17. 城蘓岳 Jo Sogaku. Maybe Jo is a family name ,Sogaku is a pen name. Sogaku means Aso mountain,kumamoto.
  18. A descendant of the 9th generation of Zenjo Fjiwara Kanemoto from Noshu Skeki no Magoroku .
  19. Hi, [Tsuba Kansho Jiten ]by Sato and Wakayama. Pic from unknown web site....
  20. In my opinion ...... 義理公之仰賜 (Yoshisato/Yoshitada ko no ose o tamau/tamawaru)
  21. k morita

    date ?

    Hi, Not a date. #1 pic is the smith's age. 七十三翁 means 73 years old man.
  22. Hi, #2 pic: The title of the Waka poem: 水月(Suigetsu) The moon reflected on the surface of the wate. #1 pic: The Waka poem: 山のすゝき、いづれはゆりて、水の面に、うつれる月の、影の涼しき。 (free translation in English): Japanese pampas grass and the moon reflected on the surface of the water,that feels so nice and cool.
  23. Hi, 火ばし(hi-ba-shi) means tongs.
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