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k morita

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Everything posted by k morita

  1. Maybe Owari tsuba. Mei says 戸田彦左衛門(Toda Hikozaemon)
  2. Not 英. It's 美 ,according to the stroke order. 美則造(Yoshinori zo/tsukuru).
  3. Nice work !!
  4. Hi, Nice find. Mei says 立民(RyuMin). 芹沢立民(Serizawa Ryumin).
  5. Hi, https://page.auctions.yahoo.co.jp/jp/auction/c671906994
  6. Unryushi Minamoto Masatomo. not Unryu Ko.
  7. Hi, Hakogaki says "later generation Yasuchika,elaborate work".
  8. Hi, 長藩 "Chohan" (Choshu clan). Mei: 友信 (Tomonobu + kao).
  9. Hi, First of all,this sword is very rare,made in the forge of Seikei school. Of course, it isn't mass production. The Seikei school is now Sekei University in Kichijoji,Tokyo. President of NBTHK Mr.Sakai was a graduate of this university. According to information from a book,Yasukuni-swordsmith,Kotani YASUNORI(靖憲) visited several times The Seikei school and made swords. (I don't know whether your the sword was made by Yasunori.) I don't know yet whether 一継(Kazutsugu?) is a signature or the different meaning.
  10. Hi, 正則 Masanori.
  11. Steve M, 御まんだら 御 (O) is honorific affix.
  12. Hi, drb 1643, I think the sword is good forged sword. I'll look it up the forge of the Seikei school. I have just ordered a research material(a book) to a secondhand bookstore. Maybe a yasukuni-swordsmith concerned to the forge of the Seikei school.(?)
  13. Yes, mei is Kanemitsu 包光 Mei says Sawada Kanemitsu saku (澤田包光作). WWII period,Seki smith.
  14. 幕府士 (bakufu-shi) means a Samurai of the Tokugawa shogunate.
  15. Yes, mei says Moritake. Mei : 山城介盛武 (Yamashiro-no-suke MORITAKE.) Date: 慶應三年八月日 (8th month of Keiō 3 (1867) ) Rikuzen provine. rare sword.
  16. Wow, Soshu Yukimitsu 行光
  17. 于右任(Yú Yòurèn) and twin scroll says 魯迅(Lǔ Xùn)
  18. This scroll was written by 關麟徵(Guan Linzheng)(1905 - 1980),Chinese general. 關麟徵(Guan Linzheng) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Guan_Linzheng
  19. Hi, Maybe piercing test results of the apear. 一ノケ所勝透,"ichi-no-kasho sugure tōsu" (The excellent sticking ability to "ichi-no-kasho" ). I don't know which part of a body "ichi-no-kasho" is.
  20. Hi, Two kanji says BANZAI (萬歳).
  21. Hi, 長壱尺弐寸七分 (Blade length,1-shaku 2-sun 7-bu) 38.48cm .
  22. Hi, Shin-to blade made by Nagashige living in Sen-fu(Sendai). (Your Japanese translation is right.) The inscription on other side says "於武州長井庄作之",Made in Nagai-no-sho,Bushu province(now day,Kumagaya city,Saitama prefecture). He made a business trip from Sendai, and made this sword in Bushu.
  23. Hi, Uesugi's swords exhibition was held on this year(January 7 - February 18) at Sano Museum. This exhibition catalog is very informative. The title of the catalog is [Treasure swords of the Uesugi clan]pub,2017 ,(上杉家の名刀と三十五腰). (hardcover,166pages,29.5cm x 22cm,). Especially, a thesis of the director of Sano museum Ms.Watanabe Taeko is helpful for Uesugi's sword researcher.
  24. Hi, The signature is Hiromichi (弘道),swordsmith in Seki in WW2 period. Date is March,1945. His real name is Niwa Hiroshi.
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