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Everything posted by Kai-Gunto

  1. Added postwar, since kabuto-gane has no wear. The saurte is a replica, cast from one with wear. Some was for sale years ago
  2. I dont believe these are navy.
  3. On my kaigunto
  4. Looks like the Mon was removed.
  5. Its not a sword tassel, but for a sword bag.
  6. Here You go: You are bidding on a very cool Japanese samurai sword or gunto sarute (tassel loop)! No Reserves!! Goes to the highest bidder!! Tassel fits nicely on a gunto!! Appears to be made of brass metal. This sarute was acquired at a sword show in Tampa, FL.several years ago. The dealer didn't give any me information on it but I just thought it's a cool sarute. Dress up your Japanese gunto or Samurai sword now! Buyers please take note Japanese shin gunto and colonel tassel are not included on this listing! It's for illustration purpose only! Also, please take note that this sarute (tassel loop) is not an original sarute or loop to any guntos!! It's just an alternative and look cool on your tsuka (sword handle)!!
  7. I doubt its authentic. Who is the seller?
  8. On my Kai-gunto.
  9. The same under the sarute in the kabutogane is polished and on top its not. Strange. Itomaki looks new.
  10. My 2 navy D-guards with old blades mounted and some parade ones
  11. As the thread head line said it was Togo’s sword and it was for sale. Funny.I dont have Togo’s sword ,it was just a joke. As the head line. The naval version that Togo would have used ,would look something like this:
  12. Thats an Army Kyu-gunto , so It cant be Togo’s sword. By the way ,I got Togo’ sword
  13. The same on the tsuka is gone and the owner painted it red there. Some “jewelry” was added. The badges on saya looks not Japanese made and added by him again. Fittings on saya looks to crappy to match the mantetsu blade. But yes blade is legit.
  14. Heres some kai-guntos
  15. The 1200 swords was bayonets!
  16. I have never seen a kyugunto with a tsuba
  17. The quote is from a poem on a sword blade. Its meantioned in the book Military sword of Japan by Gregory and Fuller.
  18. Very nice skull. Maybe more of a symbol, than a Mon. I think I have seen before on military swords.
  19. My favorite rare “made on order” navy dirk with a 1600 century blade signed by Kunihiro. The other dirk is for size compare.
  20. Shamsy. The knots on Kaigunto’s dont tell rank. They where solid brown.
  21. One more for sale
  22. Seller was in UK and He bourght it in Japan. I think its a copy too.
  23. Type 3 sword was not marine ,but Army.
  24. But the type 3 was a army sword.
  25. Yes ,I have seen one type 3 with mon.
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