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Everything posted by shingen

  1. No problem, sent you a PM.
  2. That is no problem Grev, I should be able to get you a shared directory on my OneDrive that you can manage yourself. Let me know if your interested and I will get it set-up.
  3. No Problem Grev, I understand. If you like I can host it on my (paid) OneDrive or on one of my webservers free of cost.
  4. Not working anymore
  5. I tried this with and without a MS account and it works in both cases on my iPad.
  6. Just my two cents but the MSN link works fine for me (without account), the Dropbox link shows me te following:
  7. He will be missed. Me and a friend talked with him last November at the Dutch Token Society meeting. A bit unreal it went so fast. He polished my first sword years ago and I had a chance to see him work. A sad loss it is.
  8. Welcome to the forum!
  9. Received my Tsuba from Grev and how lovely they are! Thanks Grev.
  10. Brian, if that is an option I would to place a bid.
  11. Hi Rob, I am trying to send you am PM but get a message saying you can’t receive any. Can I ask you for your email? Rick
  12. Some very fine works!
  13. A few more photo's of the blade.
  14. Hi all, I was wondering if you could have a look at this Wakizashi and tell me your opinion on the Mei being original or Gimei. I know this is not easy from photo's but would appreciate the try. Kind regards, Rick
  15. Looking great Brian, thank you for all your time and effort you put in this. I know how much work it is
  16. Thanks Markus for this great Christmas present! Have added 5 books (with the help of Mariusz) to my library.
  17. Thank you very much George and Morita san, I do appreciate your help and you effort reading my post! I have two more photo's of this blade but they are even worse then this one and the photo's are of the blade. The blade is in civilian mountings but looks to be a Showato from what I can see. I will do some research on the the name now I know what it is. Thanks again!
  18. Hello all, I would like to ask your help on translating the Mei of this Military Katana. I am sorry that the photo is of bad quality. Thanks in advance for your time and help. Kind regards, Rick
  19. Today was the second meeting of the Dutch Token Society, where we were informed that the catalogues are no longer available. All have been sold. The total visitors counted until last week (Today was the last day) was about 50.000
  20. Welcome to the forum Herman and Michael!
  21. Worth going, especially if you like Samurai Armor. Visited the exhibition a few weeks ago.
  22. Welcome to the forum Matt.
  23. Laurent, Better save up for a good blade then buying a mediocre one. I bought blades way to early and also looked primarily at the cost. It is better to just save up for a good blade and steer away from ebay, unless you exactly know what you are looking at and the seller is known. There are enough trustworthy sellers within Europe who have swords that are fair priced =) Just my 2 cents.
  24. Daniel and Stefano, Welcome to the forum!
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