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About BMarkhasin

  • Birthday 07/25/1971

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    Houston, TX, USA
  • Interests
    Early Koshirae and Fittings, Armor. Star Wars and Sci Fi, Gardening and Travel.

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    Boris M

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  1. Hi Everyone, Just wanted to post a brief note that a number of items on http://www.tosoguya.com have been reduced in price at the request of consigners. If you are in the market looking, there are some exceptional items (most papered) available at very accessible price points. Check it out, thanks! Best Regards, Boris.
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  2. Hi Everyone, Just wanted to post a brief note that recently a number of items on http://www.tosoguya.com have been reduced in price at the request of consigners. If you are in the market looking, this might be a good opportunity to access some quality items at very competitive prices. Best Regards, Boris.
  3. Thanks for the kind words guys, very much appreciated! All the best, B
  4. Hi Everyone, Hope this finds the membership healthy and doing well during these crazy times. As some of you know, I have recently launched a new website www.tosoguya.com, which is now listed in Commercial 2 tab in the Links page of NMB. This new website replaces my old Yamabushi Antiques site. It will take time to make it's way up through Google search, so I wanted to post an update here. Please take the time to check it out, and follow the site as it evolves. Thanks all! PS - if anyone spots errors, issues or has suggestions, kindly let me know. The bugs are still being worked out... Best Regards, Boris.
  5. BMarkhasin

    Another Zogan

    Sergei, Nothing substantive has been done recently to further this area of study. Jim's was a good synopsis, and holds true. This is a group where there is general consensus of age and affiliations. The question of brass sourcing, quality etc... is still a subject of some debate and speculation. If all these tsuba are yours, its a great collection! Boris.
  6. Regarding the Owari, papers are absolutely irrelevant. At this pricepoint, you better bloody well know what you are buying, or simply have more money than brains. You absolutely have to handle pieces being sold at these price points. It is the subtleties which drive price well beyond the established 'norm'. Personally, like Curran, I am also scratching my head on this one (despite it being very pleasant), but also realize I may be missing something. I recently saw a tsuba with a US$16k price tag by photo, and thought exactly the same thing - why?? Then I saw it in hand, and the price became upper-end but justifiable. There is however the over-ambitious Japanese dealer factor to consider here... Boris.
  7. Ron, This stitching typically appears on saya that have a leather wrapping underneath the urushi. You see this with some frequency in old tachi saya - Kawa Tsutsumi no Tachi. They were essentially battlefield koshirae. The stitching can occur along the mune or along the side of the saya. I believe the thread is gut. There is a term for the stitching that I cant quite remember, but its something like kasanari tsugime (I probably totally pooched that, sorry). It is essentially a very fine "lapped seam". It takes great skill to keep the profile low, achieve a tight fit, and keep the seam evenly positioned the length of the saya. As a result there are few in Japan today who can restore this type of saya. I'm not sure if the same technique is used for brocade, but I suspect so. Best, Boris
  8. Ed, Pete... WOW, love the sakura, monkeys and the KoMino sets. Elegant... unlike me sitting here drooling. Boris.
  9. Its refreshing to see a focused, determined collector.. well done Jean!! You did a great job photographing the jihada. My favourite is the Hosho. Boris.
  10. All who new Craig will appreciate that our community has lost someone very special. When I think of Craig, I recall the items he chose to collect and taught me to appreciate. He loved little kokinko / tachikangushi tsuba -- simple, honest and common tsuba with depth and character that could only be discovered with handling and contemplation. They were an insight into his character and personality. Thank you, and rest in peace Craig... B
  11. I think crashing is a strong word, but I think there is growing fatigue on a number of levels. I agree mid range tosogu are most affected, and especially the schools of greatest popular appeal like Higo and Owari. The papering issues; currency fluctuations and economic pressures have all had negative effect. The low end market seems vibrant as always. High end markets are always driven by private sales and in Japan, dealers are having trouble accessing items before friends or family get them. I think collectors are not relying on papers as much as they used to. Speaking specifically about Koshirae markets, there have been some high profile repros entering the market over the last two years, so there is a heightened vigilance. Overall not a rosy time for tosogu or nihonto in general... Maybe I will find a hidden treasure at the Chicago show this weekend?! The eternal optimist..... Boris
  12. This will be my first time attending the Chicago show, so I'm really looking forward to it. See you all there. Boris
  13. David, I have to concur with Steve's comments on motif / dating, but it is a very nice guard and you are fortunate to own it. Well done. Best, Boris.
  14. Momoyummy, Kanayama (Owari) Gourds and Karigane Kanteisho 70 pts Nice tsuba. Boris.
  15. Hamish, Nice little kokinko tsuba. Looks like yamagane and black lacquer as David suggested, and i agree that it could easily be Muromachi. Brilliant price, well done! Boris.
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