I can't quote everything in this thread I have comments on but I'll add a couple of my thoughts nonetheless.
Anyone lacking focus, in my opinion should as previously stated attend a show. There are just so many nice polished blades. So many that out of all of price ranges. Join the NBTHK and go to the meetings at the shows. The tanto display a couple years ago was incredible. And the last one displaying koshirae through the ages. In my opinion some of the best money you can spend on education is going to the shows. There are so many phenomenal blades at every show I can't begin to list them. Listen to more experienced collectors also and learn from their mistakes, not just your own. At the show I mentioned we got to hold and inspect a Kiyomaro tanto. May older collectors told me they had only seen one through glass in Japan. There were a bunch of other blades also. One that is one my very favorite blades I've ever seen. I'm not mentioning it for courtesy to the owner. I just can't stress the shows enough.
I have a tanto for sale now. It's priced lower than the price I paid and the papers cost together. This statement isn't marketing, it's true. And I'm sure it's true from many others here too. It's ok though it will sell or I will keep it. I liked it when bought and still do. It has a couple flaws but it's strong points far outweigh its flaws.