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John A Stuart

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Everything posted by John A Stuart

  1. Is the pic link busted Piers?
  2. I like this exmple of shippo 七宝 It has a persian feel to it. Not for field use. John
  3. Haaaaaaa! Funny. John
  4. I actually tread upon my making udon, inside a plastic bag though.. Udon, flour and water, simple and very tasty in broth. Anyone can do it. John
  5. I'd be there in a flash. Many stories and acts of heroism, lessons for posterity, vanish without record. John
  6. As to it weakening the nakago. Some old swords have huge ana where the drilling/punching overlaps, with sometimes a square ana is melded with a round one. No worries, a properly fitted tsuka relieves a significant portion of the shock caused during a strike. When one's life depends upon a proper fitting the expert must take precedence. John
  7. This is not very appealing. Shunga has it's place; not in this respect though. John
  8. Absolutely not Gingko. Not sure it is a paeony. More like a bellflower. gingko leaf.jfif
  9. I see a glass bowl of water in that last pic; to the left. John
  10. In most display cases at the up-market dealers that contain exposed blades and koshirae together I see a bowl of water. I suspect there is a maintenance routine to ensure no oxidation. John
  11. When you see auto-trans of these sites you often see 'orthosis'. It never meant much to me, one of those things, finally I just had to investigate. 下肢装具 Kashisougu, is a foot orthosis ( a brace to correct foot alignment), this is a more modern usage for 装具. In fact as related to Nihonto 装具 Sougu means fitting(s). John
  12. I suspect Sagemono tobacco pouch ornaments.
  13. I got a kick from this passage[ "Rapiers were commonly used to stick enemies in Europe during the 16th and 17th centuries." John
  14. Invaluable is an exchange for auction houses from tooth brushes to Kmer statues. I know Artemis. They have a wide range. You must know what you are doing. John
  15. Scroll down to Shonai; The Schools of Shoami (shibuiswords.com)
  16. I only use 'buy it now' from trusted sellers and rarely at that. It is too much shenanigans for me. John
  17. Bungo Takada. This school can run the gamut from OK to near brilliant, there can be good examples within the school.. This is a nice tight package; not amazing, not poor a little above average. Compare and decide at this price "am I happy". John
  18. In my sanctum sanctorum are all things Japanese. They all relate in some way to the indigenous craft found in Japan. Art, metal work, textiles, kodo and chado , weapons armour etc. It does tend to spill beyond its confines. Having art that combines the interest of nihonto with graphic art seems apt. John
  19. Was not shishi and peonies a Nomura school theme favourite? John
  20. 1) quality of steel, there is a certain look of a really well refined steel, blue, soft reflection, pool of deep water 2) utsuri 3) how are the different grades of steel sorted and welded for the best results As you see, really all about the steel. Sugata next. Then characteristics of hamon and polish. John
  21. Thank you. John
  22. Seems fairly short, less than 2 shaku? Kiribazukuri? Some details for this relic would be nice. Wonderful sword. John
  23. I merged these two separate posts together. Edward. no need to duplicate your queries. John
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