My turn now
I'm a month more 22 y.o and always been interested in History. I've started since the antiques times, then medieval history, where I grown up there many castles, even roman's things. When I was 15 to 18 I loved study war history and their weapons from the crusade to XVe century. Particulary interested in chevalry code and the bushido. Many moovies served it very well such as Kurosawa's Kagemusha and Ran, or Richard Thorpe's Knights of the Round Table and Ivanhoé are just great.
My grandfather also captured a couple of german swords when he was 16 and Strasbourg liberated, that's why even if I collect many things a main theme in my collection is eadged weapons, but I couldn't talk myself a nihonto collector as I don't own one of them.
I'm basically focus on WW2 because my interest is very wider than my budget. I really love the guntos koshirae, it's would be great to find a nihonto in such mounts but I'm happy with what I've got for the moment, I don't want to go to quick to prevent any regrets and financial troubles!
About the age of collectors, I want to say that many friends of mine are interested buy nihonto, even if they can put a name of it, but not enought to assume all the research and read it means. They just like see graceful things, and this is never questioned about nihonto
Best Regards,