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About wakiboy

  • Birthday 12/29/1951

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  • Location:
    Near Crewe, UK
  • Interests
    Koto Pieces

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  • Name
    Ian Phillips

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  1. Thank you all for your opinions, I’m not a collector of fittings but this one I like (so does the wife) Ian
  2. Sorry Title should have read “ How to get Kozuka to Japan for papers “ Ian
  3. Hi I have a Kozuka I would like to send to Japan for papers, can someone please tell me the best way to send it, is there someone who takes them over or just post it, any information most welcome Many thanks Ian
  4. Thanks everyone for your input, it’s been most helpful. Have a good Christmas.
  5. Thanks John sorry to show my ignorance but I don’t understand what that means in this context 🤔 Ian
  6. I know it’s a bit early but nethertheless Merry Christmas everyone 🎅🎁🍺…. Now down to business.. I’m struggling with a Sayagaki inscription, I’ve got most of it but I’m stuck on two sections, I’ve got the Hacho as 2 Shaku 3 Sun 4 Bu. (27.54”) but I can’t get the last two characters… also the 3 characters which appear above the Hacho, any help appreciated. many thanks Ian
  7. Thank you Jean I just looked Shikomi-zue up in Sesko’s Encyclopaedia of Japanese Swords and it tells me all about it 👏👏👍 Thank you Ian
  8. Just had a phone call, just to clarify the term Walking Stick does mean Sword Stick. Thank you Ian
  9. Good afternoon I have a blade by godai kinmichi circa 1751/1764 it has a nagasa of 52.8cm and a sori of 1mm or less, it has a width at the machi of 2.37cm and yokote 1.7cm….. Because of the lack of Sori & lack of width I can only imagine the blade being made for a walking stick, does anyone have any other suggestions please. best regards Ian
  10. Thank you Ray, I didn’t know that thank you. Ian
  11. A friend has asked for my help with a Mei I can see 3 characters and a small one at the very base, the first and third seems to be Suriage but I can’t work out the middle one or the smaller one at the base, as always I know you guys enjoy a good challenge. Thanking you in advance Ian PS. Sorry about the quality of the picture it’s all he sent me.
  12. Thank you all for your replies, they are off great help.. Ian
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