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Everything posted by Death-Ace

  1. Well put, Dee! I'm a little late, but I would say when it comes to actual high quality blades or well known smiths, it's a bit hard to keep out of the limelight, regardless if someone inadvertently draws attention to it. As well, we know FleaBay can be a minefield, but I'm sure we all skim across it in search of a treasure and by that, if one knowledgable person sees something, you can guarantee others do, as well! Short story, I was on GunBroker last year looking at Walther PPs just to pass some time, and saw an RSHA issued model. Won't go into details, but the organization was a part of the SS, not the Waffen-SS though, and about 6,000 were contracted to them. Main details are a serialized slide prior to it being put on all, and matching magazines if you're lucky to find them. About 5% are known to exist. I thought I was going to get a deal, since it wasn't labeled as that contract model, but I ended up in a bidding war with the most knowledgeable person on Walther PP/PPk variants. I ended up getting it for a decent price, though not a bargain. I took a risk since they didn't show any details on the mags, but when I picked it up, it ended up having one of the matching magazines. While I am a collector, and had been looking for one of these for as long as I was first able to buy handguns, I'm a shooter foremost, so will end up selling it. But I'm happy the hunt is over and was able to put out the information so it can be listed in the database for known surviving models for all to see. Hopefully the other mag is out there so the future owner can add it.
  2. Good Evening Christian, Thanks for your response! It definitely has the appearance of being a bit "tired." I think I can agree with your assessment of Bizen. I can get more photos, if needed, preferably without being oiled, I forgot to wipe prior to taking the pictures. The more I look at itN it appears it has characteristics of Yoshii Bizen?
  3. Good Evening All, It's been a while since I've posted and I hope you are all doing well! I lost out on one auction lately, but have bought this older blade just recently. I haven't taken exact measurements yet, but it was listed as having a 23 in. nagasa. It does have a pleasing sori, and appeara to be an older blade. I see areas of shingane (at least, so I believe) and looks like through prior polishes, and area of the hill a few inches from the hamachi has the hamon dip low, about a 1 - 1 1/2 millimeters. O One thing I wish the seller did, although he is a trusted militaria guy and I have purchased from him before, was photographer underneath the habaki. I won't fault him, but something that I believe should have been listed. However, it is interesting in the damage as that it appears it has a kirikomi near it on the shinogi as well, although I'll list thay as just a small probability. The top mekugi ana is interesting, possibly tsutsumigane? I dont believe it to be an older placement or an original square mekugiana as we see on early blades. The blade does appear nice, with a few flaws, no chips. I was wondering if anyone has any idea about the possible school or age? I'm leaning towards koto, but do not know if it's older than Muromachi. The koshirae is your typical gunto mounts with a plain wooden saya, but has writing (albeit I'm not sure if that is the koshirae/tosugu maker or not. The menuki definitely appear older, not the typical IJA/IJN issued ones. Any information that can be given would be highly appreciated! Please forgive the poor photographs as my phone camera is a little busted and I have little space to work with, at the moment and my attempt to resize the photos. Thanks again! Lev H.
  4. Nicholas, thank you again! You've definitely gone above and beyond! If you don't mind me asking, which reference book did you find this example from? Brian, I hear you! I usually go on that site for boomsticks and rounds that I can't find locally anymore or are no longer produced. I hear you, I just bought a modified 1918 M1911 locally that had been accurized for Bullesye to satisfy my militaria craving and return to sports shooting (since I sold my Camp Perry National Match a couple years back due to a divorce) for fairly cheap, so still have a few extra funds. I figure this will be my only "big" purchase this year since I'm looking at a medical discharge by the end or early 2026, so after this, it's mostly just money for post-divorce debt reduction haha. The mounts are also what call me. Saya looks great and the kurikata actually remains, so if I get it I may try and pull th leather cover off if it doesnt break the stitching. The seller is a good guy, always tries to put accurate and, as you've seen, lots of photos. I'll definitely let you know here in a few if I grab it or not! Very Respectfully, Lev Hudson
  5. Nicholas, Thank you so much! I'm going to check out some existing examples to see if signatures match well or if it's possibly gimei. Thanks again!
  6. Good Afternoon All! I was wondering if I could get some assistance with this mei? Been trying to translate it myself, but would highly appreciate any help. Thank you! Lev
  7. General Yamashita was definitely one of those "unusual" figures in terms of the higher Chain of Command of the IJA. He was a brilliant tactician, one of the few higher ranking Army members that had seen combat in earlier conflicts (against the Germans in China during WWI). Seems many describe him as a good man in and out of uniform, with sympathy to fellow humans. His actions against those responsible during the Sook Ching and Alexandra Hospital massacres seem to validate those thoughts. He's definitely a controversial figure in circles though. As part of a GHQ, some argue he had advanced knowledge of massacres, although he ordered his troops not to partake in such actions or others of the populace. Even though he was a member, and a large one at that, of the radical Kodoha, he doesn't seem to have shared a belief in complete subjugation of conquered/occupied territories, and had gotten under Tojo's skin for implying other Asians were the same as them. Seems it was these sympathies that he was sent to the Philippines. Even though he was an excellent choice for the defense, the general thought was that he was sent there to "do his duty and die," in the same way General Kuribayashi was sent to to Iwo Jima, among others in the IJA/IJN, as it was thought to take out those whose thought process wasn't in line with prevailing belief system. The main issue that's controversial is that it is believed General Yamashita did not declare Manila an open city prior to the inevitable Allied advance, and didn't do anything to protect the Philippine citizens from a vengeful IJA/IJN. Many conclude he was (or did), but communication was worsened during that stage of the campaign, and troops not loyal to him or other the command of other fanatical leaders simply ignored him. Without concrete evidence in the shape of an approved order, it cannot be said for sure, although it was argued in the post-war trial he should not be charged for these terrible, horrible massacres. I believe he should be declared innocent. However, the Yamashita Standard set afterward would still have argued he was responsible, as our armed forces should and would be now. But under those circumstances, could any one person, or even a few, stop what had happened? The thought process of the time is far different than it is now, thankfully. He fought, because that's what any soldier would do. He shed blood in the name of his country in WWI, when Japan was not yet radicalized under fascist belief. Some may argue if his case was ever reviewed and declared him innocent, it would act the same way the "Clean Wehrmacht" myth would in Germany (which we know many were indeed that, but many were not, or orders or not, war crimes are terrible). Just my two cents! Do not mean to turn this into a political post. General Yamashita is an interesting figure. Nothing is ever black and white!
  8. Always awesome to see blades pressed into service during WWII maintaining their older koshirae! Nice find!
  9. His last name is actually spelled Tschernega. Other from Google, type in his name on FaceBook, if you have it. I should also have his most recent E-mail if that fails.
  10. Hey guys! I have another set for sale. Just found my dream sword, though I had this for a short while and enjoyed it, must get the funds as well. The blade is in excellent condition, other from a spot of ware near the mune and one spot of fine putting towards the kissaki on the mune. Definitely a lot to study. I will add the description from when I bought it. Nagasa: 20 1/8" 51.1 cm. Sori: 1.5 cm. Moto haba: 2.8 cm. Moto kasane: .7 cm. Saki haba: 1.7 cm. Saki kasane: .4 cm. Nakago nagasa: 6 1/4" 16 cm. Overall in koshirae: 30" 76.5 cm. Shinogi zukuri, iore mune, small kissaki, koshi zori. The hada is tight ko-itame in bright ji-nie. The hamon begins with a bump at the machi and continues as suguba in nioi guchi covered in ko-nie. The boshi is sugu ending in chu-maru and a longish kaeri. Other than for 1 instance of small, old pitting on the edge between the shinogi ji and mune, the blade is flawless. It comes with a solid silver double habaki. This comes with a paper from the NTHK, dated 2009 and giving it to Tango no Kami Kanemichi of Genroku period (1688) The koshirae is han dachi. The saya is lacquered to look like cherry bark (quite nicely done). The tsuba is Heianjo Zogan, brass in iron. The menuki are gold and shakudo. The fuchi kashira and all the saya fittings are han dachi style of copper and en suite. There is a sleeve in the saya for kogatana/kotsuka but they are missing. Other than for one chip in te lacquer it is intact. The tsuka ito is intact and there are a couple missing chips of the same'. The koshirae comes with a paper from the NTHK, dated 2011. There were 2 generations of Tango no Kami Kanemichi, working in close succession. The paper doesn't specify a generation but the Genroku date is better tied to the Nidai (2nd generation). Both are respected smiths; this wakizashi is a good example of why that is true. Nice package. 2 pounds, 5 ounces. SOLD Will take more photos if needed!
  11. Shoot, if this is still available when I get back stateside, I'd definitely be interested. For 2k, a papered blade and tsuba, in koshirae and a shirasaya? Definitely not a bad deal! Plus I'm a bit biased towards the Uda school, since I love theirs and their ancestors' works.
  12. Hey guys, quick question for you all. Does anyone happen to know if the importation "ban" has been lifted? I know things are still slow with sending out of country, with shipping through the sea still being the only viable option. Or has any news come out? Thanks and stay safe to all!
  13. Found a nice little Meiji-era Police sword with an older blade. I am having a bit of difficulty, however. I believe the second kanji to be "sada," but the first, I'm not so sure. Any guesses? Thabks in advance!
  14. Robert, I definitely would love to visit sometime! I'm currently stationed in Yokosuka. Been to Kamakura a few times. Beautiful place! Beautiful tanto as well!
  15. Agreed, Stephen. I feel we need a pinned thread for stuff like this. Although, we are only human, amd some people have bad days and pride, we are still accountable. Ken, I'm sorry to hear that that happened. I always fear the same, as my language skills are not the best yet. It feels like there are sellers like that everywhere, but even on some of the sites (yahoo auctions in particular) here, I see some people ridiculed for asking questions on tosugu or nihonto. Makes me wonder about how some stay in business. Thankfully, haven't had that issue with anyone I've dealt with here, thus far. Worse is anyone not responding for those that do bot sell in Japan. Licensing issue? Was it scratched up terribly?
  16. Although we know it's the same with quite a few schools, especially in eras where a multitude of smiths were working, but it seems to me it would be easier to point out such on such as Ko-Uda? Well, not easier in the sense, but better to narrow down. Surely quite a few smiths. Maybe it is due to to such with the older Uda smiths that jigane carried quickly from the "ancestor" Norishige, so it's better or "safer" to attribute to a "more common"if it's a fine line and not get someone's hopes up. Even then, I would think some would get a smith attribution. Even though uncommon, still quite a few attributable works to certain smiths and most known to the school, it would appear.
  17. Thanks guys for the comments! I took a risk on this one as no one was bidding and for the price, seemed like a nice study piece. Honestly didn't see the hakobori at first. I agree with the statement about the bohi on the omote side. Well done, done later maybe for better balance or just to add aesthetics? I was wondering maybe koto, but I feel ot points more to David's view. I'll show more pics later. Thankfully, seems to be healthy, but appears to have a spider web-like shinae on the ura. I agree a new polish would bring out the best. Has some nice sunigashi toeards the hamachi. I think the flash tends to make the rust look worse, but will tend to it gently!
  18. Well, between working Public Health in Japan and being stuck, I found myself enjoying the hobby of Yahoo Auctions and picked up this little guy. Between this and looking at project cars think I'm in trouble lol. The mei appears to read Kunitomo, possibly of Yamashiro? I will get more measurements soon, but seems to a nice little one! A well made, blade with some loose grain. Notare hamon that is almost a mirror of itself on ura/omote, and the itame hada is a bit pleasing. Nagasa is approx 21 in, with a midare-komi boshi? The bohi has been nicely carved and is a treat. The only complaint I have is that it seems someone used this to fool around with, leading to some hakobori near the middle of the ha. Unfortunately placement too. Surely would be removed without issue in a polish, but hamon depth would suffer a little bit. Tried to get a good photo, not as bad as I thought, but still! After removing some of the grime with isopropanol, and oiling it and with some on the nakgo to try and slow the red rust that was prominent in areas, appears to be a well made blade! Hope you guys enjoy! Apologies bout the pics! I shoulda used better lighting and backdrop, but was tired last night, haha!
  19. Agreed. Some IJA/IJN Flag Officers carried "Showa-to" with very nice hamon, fittings, shape, etc. I remember seeing one in an auction in Va. in modified "civilian" koshirae with Edo period tosogu. A very fine suguba that moved toward a choji-style hamon towards the end of the blade. Sometimes we have to remember that just because a wartime blade isn't fully traditionally made, that doesn't mean they couldn't be custom ordered. As for the fittings, there are quite a few good pieces! I missed out on a gendaito in Type 98 koshirar a year back. The field grade tassel was nice, the blade truly eluded Soshu characteristics. Didn't have a big gendaito smith name, but was very nice and cheap. But ehat had me researching was the tosugu were mostly silver-plated. Thought it was a joke or a very dull old nickel finish. Boy was I wrong. Thought long and hard before it sold! People will know a good smith and sword, even if not famous. Unfortunately it seems those circles have now eluded us in time as such smiths and their main histories are forgotten!
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