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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/29/2024 in all areas

  1. Something to share to end of this year Rai Kuniyuki is generally considered the founder of the Rai school. He worked at about the same time as Ayanokoji Sadatoshi and due to the similarity of some of their blades it is assumed that these swordsmiths collaborated No dated blade is known and the time of Rai Kuniyuki's work is estimated based on the signed and dated blades of Rai Kuniyoshi, who is believed to be his son The blade is a mumei, slender in shape with a nagasa of 68cm and represents the style of this smith's early work The Jigane is a tight and uniform ko-itame along the entire length of the blade with exquisitely bright ji-nie and delicate chikei throughout. The steel has a bluish color, typical of first-class Yamashiro blades The hardening is mostly deep nioi with fine ko-nie in kakubaru style with karimata pattern, which is well know for this swordsmith The blade has several kirikomi on the mune and muneyaki in the monouchi area The overall style of the blade is very similar to "Sakakibara Kuniyuki" which is a Juyo Bijutsuhin Enjoy
    7 points
  2. Sorry to reanimate an old thread, but this wonderful table caught my eye and matches in here: This display contains Tsuba of the Halberstadt collection in the Design Museum in Copenhagen, Denmark https://designmuseum...n/press-room-wonder/ Best, Florian
    7 points
  3. Hi Dee, You may need to look into the history of the Goto a little more. They were indeed made for warriors, not the rank and file ashigaru and low-ranking bushi, admittedly, but for Daimyo (and higher), absolutely. Did you know that early generations of the Goto were of the Buke, and that Goto Joshin (3rd generation Goto) -- one of the most respected of the entire line of the Goto group -- actually died in battle in 1562? Killed by an arrow at the age of 50 or 51, I believe.
    7 points
  4. 6 points
  5. What is silly to some is not silly to others. What is a redundant question is not redundant to the person asking it. Surely the point of a Forum is to help and educate everyone especially those trying to make a start in this hobby. What is a horrible blade is also quite probably someones first sword bought with great excitement. The reaction he gets here and how that reaction is delivered could either encourage him or break his spirit. Going forwards this hobby needs all the new blood it can get…..they are the ones who will buy our collections when we leave the planet. …and of course it’s not compulsory to read or reply to topics that are below your pay grade. We all started somewhere.
    5 points
  6. There are a lot of silly, redundant questions and questions about horrible blades posted for discussion here on this forum every day. Jacques has been here to answer them in his unique and not very sociable style for a long time now. You can ignore him, if you want to, but his theoretical knowledge is worth listening to. I wish he could find a less confrontational language in his posts, but then, he is who he is. Better listen to an angry, honest voice than to the ignorants and the crooks everywhere. reinhard
    5 points
  7. Get well soon Jacques! I would have gone for Tsuda Sukehiro guess initially. I admit I am not at level where I could tell Ōsaka-shintō smiths apart from worksmanship, and most likely will never be as they don't intrest me that much. However as Jacques gave the extra hint I had to refresh my memory from encyclopedia to figure out what yahazu is. Seems like this detail is often seen on the 2nd generation Kanesada work, as well as his tōran hamon is slanting. Also it seems like the three gunome elements right below yokote are often seen in his work. I am often very puzzled by Japanese descriptive terminology, as katayama-midare elements in hamon are described being featured in his work. As there are many different styled mountains in the world I am trying to understand just what this "half-mountain" element means. If it is the very steep drop compared to more gradual slope? Things like bright nioiguchi, wide nioiguchi etc. I cannot really say Ōsaka-shinto smith differences from those extremely fine details. I do confess I am better with the picture and text kantei than I would be in real life kantei. They are quite different even though of course some same basics apply. My eye is just not trained for extremely small details, and most likely never will be.
    4 points
  8. Personally I think it is best to avoid Ebay, Catawiki, obscure auction houses and Gumtree/Craigslist, especially if you are new to collecting. I've seen FAR better blades recently, with papers, for a similar price on this forum. Ebay, Yahoo.jp/Jauce is a minefield and you'll only get burned... unless very lucky.
    4 points
  9. https://uk.pinterest.../800796377483681651/ https://collections.mfa.org/objects/13540 ebay and Yahoo auctions - modern
    4 points
  10. Technically you are right Jacques There is no known blade with the signature "Rai Kuniyuki", only "Kuniyuki" However, for mumei blades the designation "Rai Kuniyuki" is commonly used not only in NBTHK but also in other publications
    4 points
  11. Strangely enough I was talking to a friend about the same tsuba that he was interested in [he didn't get in quick enough!] I thought the guard might be Tempo/Tenpo/ Tembo [however you like to spell it ] Tempo tend to be more random with their hammer work though and the folding is anything but random on your piece. Another possibility is it could be Myochin like this pair. Myochin like thick bold designs https://www.ebay.com/itm/375810906638
    4 points
  12. Tensho and Mike, thanks for sharing your swords. I also acquired two type 8 kyu a few years ago, one dress sword and one with a traditionally forged combat blade. Alex
    4 points
  13. Wanted to share a swordsmith tsuba(Igo no kami Kinmichi) that was once covered with urushi. Luckily, we can still see some remnants of the old lacquer.
    3 points
  14. Dear Jacques, We are not talking about physics. We are talking about ART. And when it comes to a certain artist you use the name he is known for. And this is Rai Kuniyuki. Token Bijutsu and Meito Zukan use the name. Other publications too. In the end I just want to thank Brano for showing this magnificent sword. The rest is just white noise.
    3 points
  15. Exciting News! A second souvenir has showed up with PX cert.! A Hiratoshi blade with large circled-anchor, in standard souvenir fittings. Comes with 8th Army PX certificate and shipping box from 1950. At this Mileston Auction. Starting price is $1,000USD. I'd go for it, and would love to have it but I'm in some pretty deep debt already and would have to buy it on credit. I hope one of us could get it from the auction! Interesting note, that this is the first Hiratoshi we have in souvenir fittings. I have several of his blades on file, but none of them are souvenir. They are all kaigunto.
    3 points
  16. 2nd gen. General shape of the hamon and Toran midare (I was going back and forth between Terukane and Sukehiro)
    3 points
  17. This a good starter reference for nihonto flaws. https://www.Japanese...rdindex.com/kizu.htm
    3 points
  18. Hi Ivo, Not a hagire. It is a slight ware', a very minor flaw. Grey
    3 points
  19. I recall reading that the original lineage of Ohno smiths gave up making tsuba and became ship builders sometime around the mid-Edo period. So if that mokko tsuba is from that area and late Edo, then it has no connection to the original group, other than that it was made in the same area. It really does look remarkably different from all the other type of tsuba that have been labeled as "Ohno" so far. It's an interesting thing to dig into though... wonder if that smith's name comes in in a meikan? ...hopefully with a date and lineage
    3 points
  20. I thought this was already the site for "New Age Tsubaology"? Why do you think I wear the silly hat! Don't even ask about the tsuba - it is definitely cast!!!!
    3 points
  21. Hiromitsu dated 1943. A showato Seki arsenal blade, not traditionally made.
    3 points
  22. Exactly. Some people moan there is not enough "high class" swords, and when they do they have put up with this **** Explains why we don't see more.
    2 points
  23. Comparing the 2 certificates:
    2 points
  24. Typical nonsense. FFS It is what it is, stop making it about your opinion, as always. Attention seeking at its best. Grow up, Ps, if your a physicist I'm an Astro nought No one with such intelligence would argue over trivial BS the way you do
    2 points
  25. Full transcription of the relevant part of the paper: 雲龍図鐔 - unryū (no) zu tsuba 鉄地 撫角形 - tetsu-ji nadekaku-gata 銘 早乙女[家]則 - mei Saotome Ienori
    2 points
  26. Thanks for the video, Dee! They had me at "Samurai Swords" - looking at 13 gunto. Only 2 waki were likely old blades. In spite of the inaccuracies, I couldn't stop watching. Heck, there were 15 swords to drool over for 18 minutes! What's not to like!
    2 points
  27. Dog is fine kantei answer : ECHIGO NO KAMI KANESADA. For those who are right, can you say which generation and why ?
    2 points
  28. Reading old posts and came across this thread. Here is a fairly typical 16-petal chrysanthemum style tsuba from my collection. Happy New Year!
    2 points
  29. @Brano A beautiful, impressive work...even if it's just pictures. Thank you for showing it. It's been two years now since I had the opportunity to buy a Shinsakuto blade. It's a work by "Yasumune" in the Yamashiro style. I personally believe that he "tried" to make a blade in the style of Kuniyuki. With modern blades, you always have to have a certain tolerance when it comes to copies of old swords...but there is a certain similarity. Especially when you look at the Ochigata in CSM101's post.
    2 points
  30. Noshu ju Kanenobu Koki ni sen roku hiaku nen ki nen  濃州住兼延        皇紀二千六百年 紀念 2600 th year of empire (1940) "memorable year" or "commemorate" less common to see that examples in Slough p. 54 & 55
    2 points
  31. Thanks for the close-ups, as I've commented above, it's quite the beautiful (if mismatched) arrangement. If my limited knowledge serves correctly, the Kabuto should be no older than late 16th or 17th century, like most pieces of surviving armor. Hope you enjoy this Christmas present to the fullest!
    2 points
  32. Dear Jacques, the headline says Rai Kuniyuki. But maybe you should discuss this point with the author: Tanobe Michihiro.
    2 points
  33. We are going quite far back old boy so its doubtful. I forgot to mention the work is contemporary. I feel the need to chip in what I believe is a not commonly accepted piece of information / fact about China, a place I lived for approaching 15 years in total...that is...the country has a very large number of extremely skilled artists. Especially carvers and lacquer artists. It is the most common thing in our hobby circle to see a poorly made reproduction sword, and together with others remark in unison ''obvious China fake'', however, this approach leads many to believe that this level of 'work' is indicitave of the length and breadth of what China has to offer in terms of 'Japanese style swords' - which is a dangerously ignorant take. Sorry, Chris W above, I dont mean to pick on you, but when you comment 'Regardless of it being Chinese' you exemplify what I am referring to. Roughly 20 or so years ago when I was working for Sotheby's in London, there was a tachi in shirasaya which was left unsold after an auction and sat in a departmental store room for years. While doing a little tidying up I stumbled across the sword and had to take a look. Well, what I saw was what appeared to me to be a very nice shinshinto tachi with a wonderful tight hizen-like hada and suguha hamon. We had no experts left in London as the department had long since ceased samurai related sales, but I got in touch with the nearest guy who knew about the item and was located in our Paris office. He told me that the sword had been removed from an auction as it had been discovered to be a forgery made in China. He would not elaborate further on this... To caveat, I have owned both Chinese reproduction Japanese style swords and nihonto, and looked at quite a few recognised-as-high-quality nihonto on display. The sword I speak of was 'pristine' and there was absolutely nothing about it which would indicate that it was either a 'reproduction' or 'made in China'. Commissioned and bought, yes.
    2 points
  34. Malcolm Cox has released another monograph for gendaitō collectors and it is worthy of taking a close look at. It can be downloaded for free via the link below. Cox, Malcolm E. Yoshioka Yoshichika 吉岡 吉近, Shimada Yoshisuke 島田 義助, and the WARRIOR Stamp. 2024. A4 size, 47 pages. Yoshika Yoshichika, Shimada Yoshisuke and the Warrior stamp
    2 points
  35. Strange you mention that Brian. Shown below was actually my first choice of tsuba from the same seller - until I saw the one I bought. Dee
    2 points
  36. Takasaki Saburo Kaneshige
    2 points
  37. Wakizashi Nagasa = 54,5 cm Sori = 1,3 cm iori mune Jigane = very dense ko-itame with many ji nie and chikei. Hamon = as shown on oshigata. Nioiguchi is bright, wide and clear with much ko-nie. Isolated little tama on both side. Boshi as shown on oshigata. Answer next sunday
    1 point
  38. Yagyu from page 94 "Owari To Mikawa No Tanko."
    1 point
  39. It would certainly help us beginners to be able to follow the intellectual footprints of those who got it correct!
    1 point
  40. I understand the "2600" year, but the last 2 kanji mean something, right? On a Kanenobu blade with "NA HO" on the mune @mecox
    1 point
  41. Your and Jacques presence is limited to barging into discussions with zero knowledge, zero contribution. Only grand statements that people are "doing it wrong". Want to be taken seriously - contribute. Write a good article, a book, can't do that - at least put some nice blade of your own out, or learn basics about understanding blades - and demonstrate those with good, on the subject arguments. Its really not that difficult to begin, and it is really more interesting to do than chasing after people who "post wrong".
    1 point
  42. Hello everyone, I hope you had a good Christmas with your families. This is one of my Christmas gifts, bought at an auction. I'm quite satisfied, there are gaps, there are elements that are not from the same period but that's okay, I like it and that's the main thing as they say. Compared to the different Mon on the body or on the Kabuto, could there be a match? as a vassal? Thank you in advance for your comments. Sincerely Dimitri
    1 point
  43. Kuniyuki, not Rai Kuniyuki
    1 point
  44. It looks like the NBTHK has a presence here on the Token Message Board and that is a positive result. Sword appreciation is enhanced when collectors can communicate with one another and share information. Organizations like the NBTHK can support communication between collectors. Both collecting and communication technology have changed greatly over the past generation. It also turns out that collector interest is diverse. The NBTHK focuses on “bijutsu token”, or art swords and they proudly keep their focus on “art.” Taking that focus after the War, contributed to the survival and preservation of lots of swords. Individual collectors might not agree with or fulfill the high standards of the organization, but that’s the way it is. It is an elite organization, thank you. The Token Message Board provides the modern world with a wide range of sword interests and expertise.
    1 point
  45. Beautiful Papered Fuchi=Kashia Warabi-te Bracken Inome-eye openwork design Signed : Tankasai MOTOAKI koku 丹霞齋 元章刻 Shakudo ground, Ishime-ji stone surface, Inoe-eye Openwork Fuchi 39.0 x 21.1mm Kashira 33.2 x 15.5mm NBTHK Hozon Box included. Pics from the original listing on Sanmei which is where I got them from. $310 OBO plus shipping/insurance If sold via NMB a donation will be made to the platform
    1 point
  46. I've finally taken the plunge and blocked Jacques. I've long suspected that his contributions to NMB are fairly masturbatory so I'm sure he'll continue to have fun by himself.
    1 point
  47. I looked. I saw the issues……but I thought we were trying to encourage constructive learning especially for those less experienced? Please point out the FATAL FLAW. …..and don’t bother trying to tell me what to do.
    1 point
  48. if you cut jacques a break, and actually look with your eyes. you will find this blade is dead, there are more them 10 things that raise serious issues. stop judging the poster and start studying the sword
    1 point
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