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Current Donation Goals

NMB Upkeep, Expenses and Maintenance 2024

The Nihonto Message Board has been running under its current admin for over 18 years now.
It is considered the largest Japanese sword forum and resource online (in English) in the world. The goal is to encourage the preservation and study of all genuine Japanese swords, fittings, and related items. It has also fast become the largest resource on wartime military Japanese swords, where new info is being compiled daily thanks to the dedication of members.
Since the beginning, the NMB has always been, and will always be largely free to participate in. Although there are voluntary member upgrades, the basic resource remains free.

It is one of the few forums online that allows free image and document hosting with few limits.
But along with that freedom comes extra server costs such as hosting space, memory and resources. Things like domain names, hosting the Japanese Sword Index, and then just general expenses like internet access and email upgrades all cost money.

We run purely on donations. Paypal's refusal to allow raffles and other fundraisers have reduced the ways in which we can raise funds, so contributions remain our primary way of doing what we do.
Luckily, there are a small group of consistent members that keep us going.
This donation section exists to supplement our funds and try and appeal to members to donate anything that they can spare, for the good of the forum. Along with the subscription plans found here:
https://www.militaria.co.za/nmb/subscriptions/ that provide for extra features, we will hopefully continue long into the future.

We also host the Japanese Sword Index (
http://www.japaneses...ndex.com/nihonto.htm) to prevent this valuable source of info from disappearing. So donations and assistance is always welcome.
We always appreciate contributions and thank each and every one of you. The members here have always been incredible in their support, and I thank you sincerely for every contribution you make towards our future. We are not perfect. I know we have a long way to go to satisfy everyone, and to try and bring back valuable members. But I am committed to trying and with your help, we will strive to constantly improve. Thank you all.

Brian Robinson
- admin -


Raised $1,631.80

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